Assistant Director - Administrative Services
SBOP Administrator
Your Small Biz Update
From Clark County Purchasing
August 1, 2020

It is with mixed emotions that after 25 years of service to the Clark County Purchasing and Contracts division I am retiring on August 6, 2020. While I am happy and excited to enter the next phase of my life, I will deeply miss working with amazing small business owners like you on behalf of the County. 

I am proud that over the last decade, through our small business training programs, we have steadily increased the County’s pool of available qualified small suppliers, while also introducing those suppliers to other government agencies and large corporations that can buy their goods and services. It has been an honor to help so many of you learn the ins and outs of doing business with the County, watch you put best practices into action, and celebrate your victories as you win new business with the County and other agencies. 

Given the challenges southern Nevada faces to recover from the COVID crisis, it may be necessary to make some logistical changes with regard to SBOP sessions in the coming months. The County will keep you posted. Please be sure to watch your email inbox for announcements of any changes and, of course, you will also find important program information in future issues of the SBOP Small Biz Update newsletter.

While I am moving on, please know that Clark County remains committed to the economic growth and development of our community, which depends heavily on the success of small businesses like yours. If ever you have questions related to doing business with the County, please do not hesitate to contact our team by sending an email to [email protected]

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your business journey and for providing so much inspiration along the way. You have truly enriched my life.

In recent SBOP sessions we have coined the phrase, "If you had fun, you won!" Remember to truly enjoy the journey as you work to grow your business. May you be blessed with success in all your endeavors.

In deep gratitude,

Adleen B. Stidhum

Adleen B. Stidhum
Assistant Director - Administrative Services
Purchasing & Contracts Division
SBOP Administrator
Adleen B. Stidhum
SBOP Administrator
Contract Connections

This August 20th workshop is just the beginning of a
three-part series that includes opportunities to
meet one-on-one with potential corporate clients.

Contract Connections is a joint event facilitated by the
Urban Chamber of Commerce, Nevada Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), and the Western Regional Minority Supplier Development Council (WRMSDC) since 2015.
Grant Application Deadline Nears
Just a Few Days Left to Apply for Two Clark County Small Business Grants
The deadline is rapidly approaching to submit applications for Clark County’s Small Business Rental Assistance and Small Business Protective Retrofit grants. Applications must be submitted online by 11:59 p.m. tomorrow, August 4th.

Opportunity Knocks
Specialized Foster Care Services

Clark County is seeking companies to provide specialized foster care services to children and youth requiring foster care interventions. This will be accomplished through the development of specialized foster family-based in-home care, resources and the implementation of best-practice treatment interventions.  The intent of this formal Request for Qualifications is to receive responses from qualified respondents.

Bids for this project will be accepted at Clark County Government Center, fourth floor, 500 South Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89106, on or before August 31, 2020 at 3:00:00 p.m. based on the time clock at the Purchasing and Contracts front desk.

To review the specifications for this project, including how to participate in the pre-bid conference, visit the Nevada Gov eMarketplace (NGEM) and click on Bid #605662.
Want training on how to do business with Clark County?
Selling to government?
Simplify the process.
The Nevada Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) and Procurement Outreach Program (POP) provide free services to simplify the process of selling goods and services to government. These programs from the Nevada Governor's Office of Economic Development provide services free of charge.

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