Touring the Green Mountain State Since 1986!
In this Issue:
Farewell to Carl Wulfestieg
Au Revoir from Carl
President's Message
Photos from last Saturday's Tour
Welcome New Members
Club Tour Dates for the Season
What a great tour yesterday from Sharon to Brandon and lunch at French restaurant Provence! The route was devised by Carl Wulfestieg, our immediate past president and events chair, aka "the indefatigable." Since driving into Woodstock in 2008, in his 1971 911E with wife Sue, Carl has made enormous contributions to our Green Mountain Region, and is a key reason so many of our tours have been so much fun over the last more than ten years.
Carl's efforts on behalf of the club were barely affected by the many months he dealt with serious heart complications, culminating in open heart surgery and a heart pump. Soon after treatments, anesthesia etc, Carl would be right back on his iPhone gregariously dealing with GMR business. As Sue said once when asked how he was doing after a serious procedure, "With Carl, you can't tell. He's always so damn upbeat!"
Now he and Sue are returning to their roots in Seattle to be near family, leaving Vermont in two weeks. Carl plans to immediately rejoin the PCA region there where he was previously active -- this time not with the 911E, but his new 2016 bright red Spyder.
We thank him immensely and wish him and Sue all the best and fun times on the road!
Carl has sent the following farewell address and as usual, it's all about the people in the club, not just the cars.
Sandy Gilmour
Editor, Mountaineer
Au Revoir
Carl Wulfestieg
Immediate Past President, GMR
I’ve written this letter in my mind more times than I can count. It is very hard to express my feelings about the Green Mountain Region family, as we move to our new home in the Pacific Northwest. Good-bye is too final, a bientot or a demain too soon, and so long is good, if it’s understood in the true meaning. I think that I’ll stay with au revoir, as it’s open ended and hopeful for the future.
When I first notified PCA in 2008 that I would be moving to Vermont in 2009, I received two phone calls before I even arrived in the state. I believe that the first call was from Charlie Booher, GMR club president, and the second was from David Smith. It was this warm welcome that encouraged me to meet as many members as possible and to become increasing involved with club activities. After attending a few tours, David invited me to attend a few board meetings, and also to help by taking over the responsibility of obtaining insurance for each event. As my experience with the club grew, my responsibilities increased.
In the past 10 years, I have planned tours and rallies, and helped with even larger events, culminating with Treffen Vermont in 2019. I had risen up the ranks, until I finally reached the ultimate position, that of immediate past president. Working with our dedicated board, and with many of you who volunteered to plan tours and other events, has been very rewarding. I can’t thank you all enough for your friendship and support. I encourage any/all of you GMRPCA members to strongly consider volunteering to join a committee, to plan an event, a tour, or any activity in which you have an interest. Your greater involvement will make the club experience more enjoyable and fulfilling.
Susan and I plan to remain active in PCA in the Pacific Northwest region, attending tours, rallies and other events on the very busy PNW calendar. We also hope to attend future Porsche Parades and Treffen events, but we will forever miss the rolling hills, the twisting roads, the ever changing colors and vistas of the Green Mountain State.
I’ll end by quoting from a song some of you may remember.
“Some trails are happy ones, Others are blue. It's the way you ride the trail that counts, here's a happy one for you. Happy trails to you, until we meet again.”
President’s Message
Saturday, May 15th dawned with a brightening sky and warm temperatures as the Green Mountain Region (GMR) kicked off its summer series of events. We had a wonderful turnout with over thirty Porsches and 52 PCA members gathered at the Sharon Trading Post. The GMR was the beneficiary of Vermont’s effort to get “shots in the arm” when for the first time in almost 18 months GMR members freely socialized before and after the tour. The tour route, prepared by Carl Wulfestieg, provided the participants with a wonderful ride that took us on a double gap tour over the Bethel and Middlebury Gaps. We eventually wound our way to Brandon where members enjoyed a delightful lunch at Café Provence and more socializing.
In every volunteer organization there are always a few members who really make a difference and contribute to its success. The GMR has been fortunate that over its 35 year history to have had several who fall into this category. However, at this time I would like to take the opportunity to recognize our Immediate Past President, Carl Wulfestieg. As you probably know by now Carl and his wife Susan are in the process of relocating back to the Pacific Northwest. Over his GMR tenure Carl has filled official roles and responded to many requests for assistance. He has also been a tremendous help to me as I transitioned into the GMR Presidency. Carl and Susan will be missed but he assures me that we are all welcome to come visit them in the Seattle area.
As a reminder - keep an eye on our website and the Mountaineer for updates on our summer events. In June, we will be hosting our New Member Meeting in the Burlington area. We’ll be focused on the southern half of Vermont during July and August. In July our V.P. Dave Whittal is planning a driving tour and in August, Bob Rubin is planning an overnight event. For September, we are headed to NY’s Adirondack State Park for a driving tour and luncheon at Livingoods Restaurant in Peru, New York. In October we will be holding our Annual Meeting and Fall Foliage Tour and finally, in December it will be time for our 35th anniversary themed holiday party. While these events are locked into the GMR schedule we are not limited to these events, if you have an idea for an event or tour (statewide or regional) please let the Board know.
In closing, I’d like to paraphrase Carl’s remarks at the Café Provence - “GMR is a volunteer organization and the more volunteers the more successful the club will be, please give serious to offering your services, no matter how small or large. You will have more fun and get back much more than you might expect”.
Best Regards,
Alessandro Iuppa
President, Green Mountain Region PCA
Here are a few photos from last Saturday's (May 15) tour, Sharon to Brandon. Thanks to Dave Kynor for the nice car shots! More on our website soon!
Carl's last GMR tour briefing May 15, 2021
"We hear you loud and clear!"
2021 Season
Save These Dates!
Saturday, June 12. Join your fellow GMR members as we welcome our newest members and their cars. Rather than organizing one or more tours to drive to the meeting, the Board has decided to forgo the organized tours so that you can travel to the meeting at your leisure on a route of your choosing. We'll meet at the Doubletree Hotel in South Burlington.
Friday/Saturday, August 13/14. Bob Rubin has once again offered to put together an overnight event in southern Vermont.
Saturday, July 10. Our Vice President, Dave Whittall, will be leading a tour in south central Vermont. The route is expected to commence in Grafton and conclude with a luncheon in the Manchester area.
Friday/Saturday August 13/14. Bob Rubin is planning an overnight tour in southern Vermont.
Saturday,September 25. Stu Friedman is putting together another ( his 4th for GMR) drive through Adirondack Park in upstate New York.
October. GMR Annual meeting and Fall Foliage Tour
December. Holiday Party -- GMR's 35th Anniversary Gala
Welcome New PCA Members!
Info Updated May 17, 2021
Please say hello to the following new Green Mountain Region Porsche Club members who have joined PCA here, or moved and changed regions recently, according to monthly data supplied us by national PCA. Note: if a member lets his or her membership lapse and then signs up again, they will appear as a "new member." In which case, welcome back!
Tim Engelbert, Essex Junction, 2003 Boxster S (Color not listed)
James Williams, Northfield, 2010 Cayman (Color not listed)
Richard Kessler, Penn Valley, PA (dual membership with GMR), 1998 911 Carrera
Name Tags: We recommend that new members and their spouses or partners purchase "official" Green Mountain Club name tags for wearing at all GMR events. Please email to request them for you and your spouse or partner, and our treasurer, Christina McCaffrey, will try to get them for you in time for the next event. The cost is $15.00 per name tag.
Member Feature:
Send us your photos!
We have started a feature highlighting a different member in the GMR Mountaineer with his or her Porsche. If you would like to be featured in future newsletter please submit some photos of you and your car along with a paragraph or two explaining why you joined the GMR, your favorite drives or whatever!
Please reply to this email with your photo and information.
Sandy Gilmour
Check out our GMR website and Facebook page for event updates and club news.
Your Green Mountain Region Club Officers
Alessandro Iuppa
Dave Whittall
Vice President
Christina McCaffrey
Susan Eastman
Sandy Gilmour
Communications Chair
Carl Wulfestieg
Past President
Don Jones
Brad Kennison
Membership Chair
Peggy Larson
Albert "Duffy" Miller
Ann Pettyjohn
About These Email Communications:
Replies to these newsletters come to me (Sandy Gilmour), not the entire membership; however, I can forward to our president and other board members if needed or you may email the president, Alessandro Iuppa, directly at We welcome any comments on ways we can improve communications.
Join Green Mountain PCA -- If you are receiving this email as a "friend of Green Mountain Porsche Club," please consider joining PCA. You get a great magazine, Panorama, and membership in Green Mountain Region is included in the annual dues of $46 a year. Go online at, or simply call headquarters in Maryland at (410) 381-0911.
We welcome any submissions to this newsletter and to our website by members who have some fun experiences, photos, tech stuff and other adventures to share! Email me at
Remember also, it's a volunteer organization. Any help you can provide -- especially with event planning -- is most appreciated by all!
"It's not just the cars; it's the people."
Sandy Gilmour ('99 Boxster)
Communications Manager
Green Mountain Region
Porsche Club of America