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Farewell to our Executive Director

Dear Friends, Colleagues, and Head Start California partners,


It is with both sadness and gratitude that we announce that Christopher Maricle will be stepping down as the Executive Director of Head Start California. His last day will be Friday, January 27, 2023.


Christopher joined our association in summer 2016. In the last six years, he has guided the organization through a re-branding, name change, and new website. He led the association through the COVID-19 pandemic, effectively pivoting to virtual conferences and leading the staff to work effectively under remote conditions. Under his leadership, our financial reserves have grown significantly—by over 200%. He also shepherded the Board of Directors through a major revision and simplification of our bylaws in Oct 2019.


Christopher played a key role in elevating with the NHSA and OHS the proposal by our members to identify SNAP as ‘public assistance” — leading to the April 2022 ruling by OHS that increased the number of families who qualify for Head Start by thousands.

Christopher leaves Head Start California well-positioned for continued growth, and we sincerely thank him for his leadership and dedication for the last six+ years. The Board wishes him the best of luck on the road ahead.


The HSC Executive Committee has contracted with a search firm to place a new Executive Director.


In the meantime, we are happy to welcome our new Interim Executive Director, Lorcan Barnes, who will lead our association during this transition. We are confident in a smooth transition for the staff, board, and new executive director.


Jodie Keller

Board President

Head Start California

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