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Farm Tour Group 2022

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on November 9th, 2022!

Simply, click the button below. Then select tickets to the Food & Nutrition Forum,

and enter the discount code FFCO2022!

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2022 Taste Canada Awards Gala

It's the biggest night in Canadian cookbooks, and we want you to join in on the excitement! ⁠The Taste Canada Awards are back live and in person and this year, we're not only honouring and highlighting the best culinary writers in the country, we're also celebrating 25 years of doing so!⁠

When: Monday, November 7th, 2022 ⁠

Where: Fairmont Royal York in Toronto⁠

5:30 pm: Registration & Welcome Reception⁠

⁠7:00 pm: Taste Canada Awards Gala ⁠

⁠8:00 pm: Refreshments⁠

⁠This is your chance to celebrate and mingle with Canada’s top cookbook authors, food bloggers, publishers, farmers, chefs, restaurateurs, industry players, media, government and cookbook fans. Get inspired to get cooking, expand your taste buds, and discover delicious, new recipes in Canadian cookbooks. ⁠⁠

The winners of the Taste Canada Cooks the Books student cooking competition presented by Canadian Beef and the Taste Canada Hall of Fame, presented by the Culinary Historians of Canada will also be announced! ⁠

Purchase Your Tickets Today!

Are You Getting Enough of These Nutrients?

A significant number of Canadian adults may not be meeting recommendations for several essential nutrients. Registered Dietitian Rosie Schwartz shares a few of those nutrients, why they're important and where you can find them.

How To Get More Key Nutrients In Your Diet

How does your diet measure up? Are you falling short on key nutrients – those that can help you to keep you feeling good on a daily basis while defending against lifestyle-related diseases at the same time?

Registered Dietitian Rosie Schwartz

shares key nutrients you might need to pay more attention to and where you can find them.

What's in Season: November

Check out what's in season for November and learn more about each, including types, how to buy, how to prepare and even how they grow in Canada.


Learn to Cook with Lentils

#DYK that we grow some of the healthiest foods in the world in Canada? One of those foods is lentils. Nutritionally, they are a good source of fibre, potassium, folate, plant protein and help with blood sugar control. Plus they are easy to cook and taste great!

Learn to Cook

We are here to help!

We take pride in being a helpful resource on all things Canadian food and farming by providing balanced, factual, science-based information in a consumer-friendly way. Our goal is to help Canadians find answers to their questions and concerns about our food system.

Have a client question you don’t quite know how to answer? Writing a blog post and need more information? Looking to connect with Canadian farmers? Follow Canadian Food Focus or ASK US!

Ask Us!

Farm & Food Care is a not-for-profit organization, with offices in Ontario, Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Island, that represents farm families and food producers across Canada. We link thousands of livestock, crop and horticulture farmers, government, individuals and agribusinesses with a common goal to help Canadians feel confident in food and farming.

Canadian Food Focus is a gathering place to tell our Canadian food and farming stories. We explore how food is grown and raised, share recipes and provide useful advice from farm and food experts to help consumers make confident food choices. Our goal is to build consumer trust and food literacy from farm to plate by providing information about all the great food grown here.

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