Farm & Food Tour Update #1
Hello Everyone,
Our Farm & Food Care Tour is right around the corner and we are so excited to have you join us. 
On the tour, we will be visiting a cattle ranch, a grain farm, an egg processing plant and a dairy, as well as hearing from several interesting speakers! Our menus will feature the great food grown and raised here in Saskatchewan and Canada. And, of course, we are looking forward to enjoying some great conversations too. 
Before reading on - can we ask that you please respond to let us know that you received this email? It is a good double-check for us to know that you have all the information you need to make the most of the tour! 😀

This is the first of a few emails about the tour so watch for more information coming soon. As you start to get ready for the tour here are a few items we are sure you are starting to wonder about...
1. What to Wear
Several of you have asked what to wear on a farm tour. We are a casual bunch, so jeans, shorts... are just fine. Some people may choose to dress up a bit in the evening but again, these are casual gatherings meant for visiting and getting to know each other better so be comfortable. On the second day of the tour, please wear closed-toed shoes during the day for the tour of the egg processing facility and the dairy. The summer has been cool so far but you never know when the switch will flip to hot. Layers are the best way to go! With all the flight issues you may want to pack light and carry your bag on but leave a little room to bring home some items we have for you.

2. Hotel 
We are staying at the Alt Hotel, located right along the river at 480 2 Ave South in Saskatoon. If you are staying the night, we have booked your room under your name in the Farm & Food Care SK block. If you are flying in someone will be at the airport to pick you up. If you are driving we will send you your confirmation number.
3. Parking
If you require parking and are staying at the hotel, please ask for a pass when you check-in and have the cost added to your room. If you are not staying at the hotel, we can organize a parking pass for you or keep your receipts and we will reimburse you.
4. Opening Event
Our first event is welcome reception Tuesday, July 19th at 6:30 pm at the Alt Hotel. 
Farm & Food Tour Agenda
We will send out the final agenda, guest and host bios, social media contacts and a few more last-minute instructions and updates later this week. Please let one of us know (contacts below) if you have any questions or concerns. More soon!

The Farm & Food Care SK Team

Dorothy: 306.821.6639 |
Penny: 306.281.9499 |
Clinton: 306.341.4750 |
Angela: 306.821.6674 |