All Americans Love a Fight..

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Dear Friends of Riley's Farm:

U-Pick: We still have a lot of Granny Smith and Newton Pippin apples on the trees for picking, and the coveted ARKANSAS BLACK variety in the store, along with Rome Beauties, Red Astrachans, and Northern Spies. We also have lots of u-pick flowers and Cinderella (Rouge Vif D'etampes) pumpkins in the fields. For you Thanksgiving chefs, the Rouge Vif D’etampes has a marvelous creamy texture perfect for pumpkin soup and pie.  Study our harvest map and activity schedule for all the Saturday options (live music, tomahawks, archery, u-pick, barbecue, and more.)

The Harvest Feast: This served 18th century tavern meal and show begins TONIGHT, November 1st.  Join us!   If you have relatives in town, you can pull a Southern California surprise on them. “Hey, it just so happens we have an 18th century tavern close by--with redcoats, minutemen, hard cider, and live music. Bet you don’t have one of THOSE down the street, in Rochester, hey? We take 18th century history seriously here in sunny SoCal..”

Civil War Reenactment: In the immortal words of General George Patton: “Americans love to fight.. All real Americans love the sting and clash of battle.” Of course we’re talking about battles that count*, that must be fought, and the American fight over slavery certainly qualifies. It’s a fitting occasion for the beginning of the Veteran’s Day weekend. Be there!  Details ♦ Tickets 

Emerald City: I’ve never understood having to explain this to employees, and fortunately, I haven’t had to do it very much, but sometimes you just have to make it clear: “See those people over there? Those are our customers. I love them. They put the food on our table. You should love them too. Hint, hint.” I think most of you know how much I love talking to you. I could sit and jabber all night long. BUT, there are some people you simply cannot please.  There are certain high-maintenance neurotics and social justice weirdos that don’t even love their own mothers. I began thinking, years ago, the farm would be a much nicer place WITHOUT them, and when they get all needy and butt-hurt, I let them know. In response to a recent blog, one of them concluded my extremely intelligent, witty, well-documented lament was simply the ranting of an old man. We got into it on Instagram. There’s a weird expectation in small business. People actually believe they can call you names, lie about you, call you a racist, and – as a small business person – you are supposed to INDULGE this nonsense. Loving your enemies sometimes means telling them the truth.

So what does this mean for Emerald City? My brother Scott and I are in agreement. Over the next few years, the farm will move to more of an admission/membership model. Right now, almost everyone who visits pays for an admission of some sort. (Dinner theater, field trips, special events.) We will likely be introducing some “member only days” and special harvest passes, along with deep discounts for people who pay ahead for dinner theater. We want to remain affordable, but we also want to make sure our guests enjoy both the place and the behavior of the other guests. (It’s difficult for me to believe I have to explain this, but if you are the kind of person who believes a confused boy can join a girls basketball team and injure three female opponents, you are not worthy of Riley’s Farm.) 

Some folks think I’m “garbage” for saying so. Oh, well. You can’t please everyone.

See you soon,

James Riley

Riley's Farm

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Do you see what I see?

*unlike that silly, expensive Ukrainian conflict so dearly loved by Liz Cheney, Kamala, and low-information Hollywood types.