Farm Tour Follow Up #2
Thank you for joining us in Saskatchewan for our farm tour July 19-21, 2022! We so appreciate you taking the time to visit and hopefully share a bit of the passion we have for agriculture and food in this country. 
Information about the tour and contact information for all the participants is still available on the tour website:

Tour Photos
Check out our photo collection from the tour: 
Although FFC SK has photo releases for everyone, we would ask you to seek permission from other guests before publicly sharing photos in which guests are identifiable. 
Farm Tour Group 2022
Resource Links
We are here to help!
We take pride in being a helpful resource on all things Canadian food and farming by providing balanced, factual, science-based information in a consumer-friendly way. Our goal is to help Canadians find answers to their questions and concerns about our food system.

Have a client question you don’t quite know how to answer? Writing a blog post and need more information? Looking to connect with Canadian farmers? Follow Canadian Food Focus or ASK US!
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Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan
Canadian Food Focus
Farm & Food Focus