Farm Tour Update #2
Hi again everyone, 

As promised, we have more details about the tour for you!
Check out our Farm & Food Tour Saskatchewan Webpage. This webpage has all sorts of information you will find helpful for the tour including… 
  • Detailed agenda
  • Information about each of our tour stops
  • Host bios 
  • Participant bios
  • What to do in Saskatoon during your free time
  • Social media links
Social Media: The webpage also has social media links to hosts, participants and our tour stops. We will be using #FarmTourSK and #loveCDNfarms.

If you are posting please use these hashtags and also tag us at @farmfoodcaresk and @CDNfoodfocus. We will be creating a FarmTourSK story on our Facebook and Instagram accounts. 
On July 21st we are also doing an Instagram takeover of the @fooddaycanada account and will also be sharing moments from the tour there! 
Please join our Farm Food Focus Group on Facebook. This group has been a great way to share information and stay connected. The list includes dietitians, teachers, chefs, and food media. We share stories from the Farm & Food Care groups, as well as Canadian Food Focus. We also use it to share about events and speakers you might be interested in. 
Follow Us
Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan
Canadian Food Focus
Thank You to our Partners
We will be sending out a short pre-tour survey, so watch for that. Let us know if you have any questions.

The Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan Team

Dorothy: 306.821.6639
Penny: 306.281.9499
Clinton: 306.341.4750
Angela: 306.821.6674