August 2022

The Farm to School and Early Childhood Education Program is committed to providing equitable and just programming, resources, funding, and technical assistance to schools, farmers, and partners in the local food system. 

USDA Farm to School Grant Winners Announced

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that it is awarding more than $10 million in Farm to School grants to 123 farm to school projects across the country. These grants increase the amount of locally produced foods served through child nutrition programs, while also educating children about how their foods are harvested and made.

Arkansas was the third-highest awarded state with a total of $796,593, coming only behind New York at $1.2 million and California at $813,978. The Arkansas grantees are:


  • Apple Seeds in Fayetteville plans to improve student access to locally grown produce and agricultural education by scaling the "Growing My Plate" program to reach students in 60 schools across Arkansas.
  • Carrol County Resource Council in Green Forest will collaborate with Jeremiah Recovery House and local volunteers to implement the Farm to School project envisioned by their 2020 Planning grant, serving low-income youth from diverse cultures in the Green Forest, Arkansas, school district as well as the nearby Berryville, Eureka Springs, and Alpena school districts.
  • Communities Unlimited, Inc., in collaboration with Healthy Flavors and Eat Real, will develop a blueprint and a stakeholder/collaboration map for strengthening farm to school programs in the Mid-South. The project will focus on rural districts in low-income communities in the Mississippi Delta Region of Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee.
  • Dan-Harton Farms in Conway will evolve the perception, mindsets, and motivations of high school juniors and seniors regarding work in agriculture by involving them in the production of greens, from seed to sale.
Read Press Release Here

Harvest of the Season Summer Resources Now Available

Summer seasonal materials are now available through the Harvest of the Season promotional program developed by the Arkansas Department of Agriculture. Put these new posters into action at your school, early childhood education center, or alternative learning environment!

Resources Available Here

Farm to School Opportunities

Grant Funding Webinar Series

August 11 and 18, 2022

3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Central Time

Grants can be a great way to fund school gardens, but applying for grants isn’t always easy! Join KidsGardening for their upcoming Grant Funding Webinar Series to learn the ins and outs of securing grant funding:

  • August 11: Crafting your Narrative for Grant Applications
  • August 18: Meet the Grantmakers: Funding Youth Garden Programs
Learn More and Register Here

Farmers' Market Field Trip

August 18, 2022

1:00 p.m. or 7 p.m. Central Time

Shopping from bountiful displays of produce will not only help your friendly farmer but can also help you meet Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) meal patterns. Learn how to identify, purchase, and serve farmers' market finds so that the children and adults you serve can enjoy fresh flavors of the season. You can earn .5 Continuing Education Credits for attending this free webinar brought to you by the National CACFP Sponsors Association.

Register for Afternoon Session 
Register for Evening Session

Racial Equity in Farm to School Webinar Series

August 30, September 20, October 25, and November 8, 2022

2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Central Time

The Farm to School Coalition of North Carolina and the Center for Environmental Farming's Farm to School Initiative are hosting a free virtual five-session training series on Racial Equity in Farm to School. These free, 2-hour workshops will be led by a team from we are. Register for one or all sessions: 

  • August 30: Language Analysis & Speak Up
  • September 20: History and Policy
  • October 25: Curriculum and School Meals
  • November 8: Community Praxis Sharing in Farm to School
Learn More and Register Here

Turnip the Beet Award Nominations

Amount: Up to $50,000

Deadline: September 16, 2022

The 2022 Turnip the Beet Award from the USDA's Food and Nutrition Service recognizes outstanding summer meal program sponsors across the nation who work hard to offer high quality meals to children that are appetizing, appealing, and nutritious during the summer months. All Summer Meal Programs sponsors in good standing, including Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) sponsors and National School Lunch Program Seamless Summer Option (SSO) sponsors, may be eligible for a Turnip the Beet Award. Sponsors may self-nominate or be nominated by another party. The Turnip the Beet nomination form must be complete and submitted along with a detailed one-month menu. 

Learn More Here
Grants and Funding

Giving Tree Grants

Amount: Range from $300 - $12,000 depending on county

Deadline: August 15, 2022

Arkansas Community Foundation has 29 affiliates throughout the state that offer Giving Tree grants through a competitive process aimed at supporting a wide variety of causes. Giving Tree grants are place-based, and committees of local leaders in each community determine the best use of their funds. Some affiliate offices have initiatives specifically focused on food security and early childhood literacy. Any nonprofit organization, school, hospital, or government agency serving the counties where grants are available is eligible to apply. Check out current funding opportunities and focuses for your area here

Learn More Here

The Power of Food in Schools

Amount: Up to $50,000

Deadline: August 15, 2022

Newman’s Own Foundation, with support from FoodCorps, is launching The Power of Food in Schools grant program. Grants ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 will be offered to state and district-reaching organizations working to increase access to food education and nourishing meals in schools. Any nonprofit organization operating within one of these states: AR, CA, CT, DC, GA, IA, ME, MA, MI, MS, NJ, NM, NY, or OR is eligible to apply. Priority will be given to black, indigenous, multiracial, and people of color (BIMPOC)-led organizations and those that honor the grassroots wisdom and expertise of local communities. 

Learn More Here

The CHS Foundation Classroom Grant

Amount: $500

Deadline: September 15, 2022

Annually, the CHS Foundation provides grants to pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade teachers who have classroom projects that use agricultural concepts to teach reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and more. Eligible projects include classroom and schoolyard gardens, embryology projects, aquaculture projects, and agricultural literacy reading programs to name a few. State-certified classroom teachers employed by a school district or private school teachers are eligible to apply.

Learn More Here

Get Schools Cooking Grant

Deadline: September 30, 2022

Get Schools Cooking is an intensive 3-year assessment and strategic planning program that provides schools with the operational knowledge to transition from processed foods to scratch-cooked meals. The program provides access to technical assistance, workshops, School Food Institute courses, an on-site assessment, an assessment report and strategic planning, along with peer-to-peer collaboration and a System Assistance Grant.

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