Twice-monthly News Roundup from

the Kentucky Department of Agriculture


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Vol. 16 | No. 18

Friday, September 22, 2023

Farmer Appreciation Day

honors farmers, their occupation

Commissioner of Agriculture Dr. Ryan Quarles, flanked by Kentucky FFA students, honored Kentucky’s farmers and proclaimed Sept.17-23 as Farm Safety and Health Week in Kentucky on the State Capitol lawn in Frankfort. For more pictures of the event, click here.

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Awards honor those who helped start safety program

Former Agriculture Commissioner Billy Ray Smith, left, was honored as a Farmer of the Year along with two other recipients.

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Retired Lexington teacher

wins Bill Best Food Award

Bill Best, right, presents Sharon Stone with the award for supporting her community and promoting sustainable food systems.

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KDA secures funding to buy

freezers and refrigerators

Cold storage will "help pantries preserve donations of perishable items, such as eggs, meat, and milk," Quarles said.

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More agriculture-related headlines in the news

(click on links below)

Ky. League of Cities partners with Quarles to aid KDA's Hunger Initiative

Quarles remembers former Gov. Brereton Jones, who died at 84

KDA chief of staff receives NASDA award for outstanding service

Ky. Agricultural Development Board approves over $1.1 million in grants

Ky. Agricultural Finance Corp. approves more than $2.4 million in loans

Paducah winery, LaRue County agritourism attraction named Best in Ky.

Union County students eating local Ky. Proud produce for lunch

Vertical produce farm debuts in 200,000-square-foot facility in Florence

EU Sustainability Farm Tour stops at Shelby County farm/orchard

Luke Bryan Farm Tour a success in Shelby County

Longest serving KFB president to step down in December after 15 years

Two Kentucky soybean farmers selected for young leaders program

Award-winning podcast educates ag producers and consumers

Safety on roads and in grain bins is critical during harvest season

Nonprofit farm rescue in Calloway County heals animals and people

Mountaintop sheep farm: A new concept for a historic tradition

UPIKE students study growing mushrooms in abandoned coal mines

Making the case for crop insurance as deadline to pass Farm Bill looms

2023 Farm Bill decision likely delayed to the end of the year

Alpaca farms to celebrate National Alpaca Farm Days Sept. 23-24

USDA renews decade-long parnership with Coca-Cola

Ky. Fall Grazing Conference to be Oct. 31 in E-town, Nov. 1 in Lexington

Maple syrup production workshop coming up Oct. 16 in Boone County

25th annual Kentucky Poultry Festival will be held Oct. 6-7 in Lexington

Quarles to speak at SOAR Summit Oct. 2-4 in Whitley County

Final DFAP workshop coming up Sept. 28 in Winchester

Ky. Signature Industries Career Fair to be Sept. 28 at UK Student Center

UK ag college's 50th annual Roundup will be Sept. 27-30 in Lexington

And in case you missed it ...

Suburban woman finds live frog in package of organic spinach

Kentucky farm fact

The Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center reported that 17 Kentuckians engaged in agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting died on the job last year. Of those fatalities, nine involved agricultural machinery, making it the second leading cause of occupational fatalities in Kentucky.

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