Petaluma Bounty

May Newsletter

First planting of the 2018 spring season, by our flower grower volunteers
Farmer Field Notes: Spring Season   
From Bounty Farm Manager, Katherine Golfinopoulos

Although it's not an easy contest, spring may win as the busiest season here at the farm. It certainly feels the most dynamic and multifaceted. Not only is there a lot to do, there is a lot of different kinds of work and preparations that must be done for the upcoming season. Add to the matrix the variables of weather and mechanized equipment, and you're off to an exciting marathon start for the season!

This spring has also been a time when I have been very happy, relieved, and grateful to be able to rely on the help of so many dedicated farm interns, volunteers and community members, without whom, the farm simply would not run.
Want to dig in further? Get a glimpse into Katherine's thoughts as well as the seeding, mowing, and more that comes with spring on the farm. Visit our blog post HERE.
In This Issue
Get Ready for Summer with Bounty Farm Programs
Farm Stand, Bounty Bag CSA, and ALIVE Program beginning soon 

Bounty Farm is showing the first signs of summer produce. Potato s are being planted by stalwart volunteers and our strawberries and garlic continues to explode in th e  fields.  
As we progress into summer, we are excited to announce our. summer schedule of sales outlets and other programs.  Check out our blog post here for all of the details on schedule for our Bounty Bag CSA, Farm Stand, Farmacy, and more! 
To stay updated on exact opening days and times as we approach summer, like us on  Facebook, visit our website calendar, or email with questions.
CalFresh Awareness Month
May marks a time to increase awareness about CalFresh
For the month of May, Petaluma Bounty and Farmers' Market L.I.F.E. has increased the daily maximum match incentive to $20 for people making purchases with CalFresh at one of our 13 participating Farmers' Markets. For details on how the program works and a list of all markets involved, please go here. 
Bounty helped spearhead a collaborative effort in Sonoma County to get more organizations and people involved with CalFresh Awareness Month.  For more on the wellness events, tours, and photo contest during the past month, check out our blog post here. At these events, we offered free blood pressure screenings, market tours and food demos, free cookbooks and recipe cards. CalFresh enrollment and outreach specialists also attended the markets.  
Thank you to all our amazing partners to help spread the word and raise awareness of the benefits of CalFresh: Center for Well-Being, Sonoma County Human Services, Market Match Consortium, Berkeley Ecology Center, Sonoma County Health Services, Petaluma Health Center, Redwood Community Health Coalition, Redwood Empire Food Bank, Petaluma Health Care District, Catholic Charities of Santa Rosa, 211, and more! 
Announcing the Food Resource Guide for 2018
Sharing information on where to find free and low-cost food in Petaluma 
Each year, Petaluma Bounty publishes the Food Resource Guide, a comprehensive packet of information with resources on where to find free or reduced cost food for children, families, individuals and seniors. We do a comprehensive update each year and try to make changes throughout the year as we're notified and staffing capacity allows. If you have a change or suggestion, please email

To view our Food Resource Guide for 2018, in English and Spanish, please click here . 
Sign up for our Bounty Bag CSA Program
Support your community farm while buying your produce with us!
Would you like to pick up a bag of fresh produce each week, grown in the heart of your community? That's all part of a CSA - or Community Supported Agriculture - model, and you can sign up with us. Our Bounty Bag CSA program  is a partnership between the local community and Bounty Farm. By joining our Bounty Bag program, you not only receive a weekly bag of our high- quality, fresh produce, but you are directly supporting our farm with a steady income that helps us grow healthy, delicious food for all.
We are taking registrations for our Bounty Bag CSA program. Half-off for CalFresh customers, 30% off for low-income customers! We may have a few (full cost) retail spots as well, so sign up and we'll put you on our waitlist. We harvest the produce, you pick it up each Thursday at the farm, 3-6pm. 
Visit our website here for more information about Bounty Bags and click here to apply or contact Kaleigh with questions.
     Save the Date!
Brews & Bites set for Monday, August 27th
Petaluma Bounty's 7th annual  Brews and Bites  for Bounty will be here before we know it!  Get ready for delicious food, music & dancing, raffle, and opportunity to learn about our program successes of th e year. Please join us on Monday, August 27th at Lagunitas Beer Sanctuary. 
Stay tuned for our link to buy tickets, and, in the meantime, let us know you're coming through our event on Facebook