Fashion and Personal Feng Shui
How many of you have heard the saying loosely paraphrased, 'show up to the interview dressed for the job you want?' The same can be said for our homes and offices and other spaces we spend time. We want to show up in those spaces for the life we want, for the relationship we want, for the health and career we want. So, while this issue will be talking a lot about clothing and personal Feng Shui - any one of these tips can be applied in your space. Make physical and intentional changes for your personal and physical chi - work with energy, directions, placement - whatever works best for you - and step proudly into the last few months of the year. We want success for you as much as you want it for you. :-)

Read on and enjoy...from the International Feng Shui Guild
Act As if...

As you stand before the mirror, take a deep breath and imagine a surge of vibrant energy flowing through your body...Here are some simple steps to practice the « Act As If » technique:

1. Set your intention: Decide on the specific quality, mindset, or outcome you want to embody. It could be confidence, success, joy, or any other positive attribute you want to cultivate.
2. Visualize: Close your eyes and imagine yourself already possessing that quality or experiencing that desired outcome. Make it vivid and real in your mind.

3. Adopt the physicality: Stand tall, adjust your posture, and mimic the body language of someone who already embodies the desired quality. Act as if you already possess the confidence, success, or joy you desire.

4. Adjust your mindset: Consciously shift your thoughts and beliefs to align with the quality you want to embody. Replace self-doubt or negative thoughts with positive affirmations and empowering statements.

5. Embody the emotion: Feel the joy, the confidence, or the sense of accomplishment as if it’s already present in your life. Let the emotion permeate your being.

6. Take inspired action: Act as if you already possess the desired quality and take actions consistent with that mindset. Make decisions, engage in activities, and interact with others from a place of confidence, success, or joy.

Remember, the « Act As If » technique is a powerful tool to shift your energy and mindset. By consciously embodying the qualities you desire, you open yourself up to new possibilities and create a positive impact on your life.

Try it and feel the energy shift.

Act As if...
You've already achieved your goals. As if you are living your best life.
Allow that vision to fill your being and bring a genuine smile to your face.
As you witness this transformation, know that you have the power to uplift your energy and create a ripple effect of positivity in your day.

“What you wear, who and what you surround yourself with impacts every aspect of your life.

"The premise is that you live a happier, healthier, more prosperous existence when you're wardrobe, your working and living environments are balanced and harmonious."

Use Feng Shui to Make the Most of Fashion Choices
From Sally Painter, Love to Know

"The use of color and elements can be incorporated into your fashion choices to help you take advantage of personal Feng Shui. The same Feng Shui principles governing the exterior and interior of your home can be applied to fashion selections. By aligning your clothing and accessories with the element and properties of your kua number, you increase your success and good luck."
We love this piece because the author considers so many factors - there truly is something for everyone! Using your kua Number, corresponding "best personal growth compass direction," and element, Sally walks you through recommended color palettes, colors to avoid, styles for everyone and every occasion, types of fabrics and patterns. Phew. It's a great read!

Reinventing yourself through your Style with Annie Francesca

Podcast highlights...listen now

  • An introduction of self and why Annie became known as “The Reinvention Stylist?
  • How did Annie’s fashion style evolve? (…Has she been into style ever since?)
  • When did Annie Francesca start helping women with fashion?
  • What is this superhero cape idea with clothes?
  • What are Annie’s insights on second-hand stores, consignment stores, and thrift shops?
  • The right question to ask yourself – What clothes can I put on, can I wear that will change my energy? What clothes can I put on that will help me to step into a million-dollar woman?
  • What are Annie’s favorite consignment stores in Ireland?
  • Annie’s great tip regarding style.
  • The book that Annie recommends.
If you want to dive into this topic even more, check out this brilliant book from long-time IFSG member, Evana Maggiore, founder of Fashion Feng Shui
Clothing, your body’s most intimate environment, influences your life as much as the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui teaches that your home and business decors do. Evana Maggiore’s fascinating book introduces you to this transformational dressing technique that combines ancient wisdom and solid fashion and image advice. The 2014 edition includes a new foreword by world-renowned image professional and Fashion Feng Shui® Master Trainer Sue Donnelly and a never-before-seen article and cutting-edge quiz by Evana Maggiore herself.

“Clothes as text, clothes as narration, clothes as a story. Clothes as the story of our lives. And if you were to gather all the clothes you have ever owned in all your life, each baby shoe and winter coat and wedding dress, you would have your autobiography.”
― Linda Grant, The Thoughtful Dresser
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  • Advance the practice, teaching and use of Feng Shui worldwide
  • Promote and serve our membership with resources, networking opportunities, publications and a content-rich website
  • Unify the Feng Shui community by establishing and upholding universal standards in professional practice and education
  • Inspire public confidence in the professionalism of our members as demonstrated in our by-laws, Code of Ethics and the Feng Shui Universal Topics.

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Proudly celebrating more than 25 years