Need help creating partnerships and leveraging resources?
There are less than two weeks left to apply for the FY 2019/2020 Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program.
White House leaders participated in our first meeting led by HUD Secretary Fudge.
New Urban Institute data showcases the urgent need to raise ERA awareness to prevent evictions. We compiled the survey's top takeaways.
States and school districts can now apply for round two of the American Rescue Plan's Homeless Children and Youth Fund.
The Treasury Department released updated guidance on eviction prevention, outreach, reporting requirements, and more.
The grants went to more than 260 nonprofits to help people access the Supportive Services for Veteran Families program.
Even before the pandemic, roughly 580,000 people were experiencing homelessness in America -- and for the first time since data collection began, more of those people were unsheltered than sheltered.
We're looking for a Policy Director and a Communications Specialist to join our team.
NCHE will review important policy changes for homeless children and youth.
Got questions about the American Rescue Plan's emergency housing vouchers? HUD has answers. The next topic: IMS/PIC, VMS, and FDS reporting.
Homeless assistance providers can talk to the CDC, HUD, VA, and National Healthcare for the Homeless Council.
This three-part program will provide partnership opportunities and on-the-ground examples for PHAs, CoCs, and other housing stakeholders.
  • Race Is on to Get Rental Assistance Out to Avert Evictions (AP)

  • Sacramento Mulls a New Homelessness Strategy: Legally Mandating Housing (NYT)

  • Inside One City's Effort to Convert Motels Into Affordable Housing (CalMatters)

  • Four New Members Appointed to Utah Homelessness Council (UPR)

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