Fast Facts

an e-update on life at

First Presbyterian Church

April 27, 2023

Worship - April 30, 2023

9:00 am & 11:00 am

4th Sunday of Easter

"Breaking Bread Together"

Psalm 100 & Acts 2:42-47

 This week's lectionary texts:

Acts 2:42-47

Psalms 23

Ezekiel 34:7-15

Psalms 100

1 Peter 2:19-25

John 10:1-10

Join us for worship this Sunday, April 30 at 10:55 am on Facebook Live. You do not have to have an account to join us. The video will go live on the church's public Facebook group. Click here to access the live video. If you do not have a Facebook account, a message will pop up asking if you wish to join. Simply click, "not now" at the bottom of that message and it will go away. You may then enjoy the video as it plays live. 


Online Worship

Online worshipers may find the weekly bulletin on the church's website under the Online Worship page. Click here for the Online Worship page, then click the link titled "Weekly Bulletin." The online bulletin will available the Friday after Fast Facts is sent out each week.

A printable version of this week's calendar is available here!

Adult Faith Formation

Fundraiser for InterFaith Compassion

InterFaith Compassion is selling $5 tickets for the Belk Charity sale going on May 5-7. Buy a ticket and you will get $5 off your item plus 25% off. Tickets are available for purchase at the church office.


Please be ready for good food and good fellowship on Thursday, May 18.

We will have lunch in the Fellowship Hall at 11:30. Please call the church office to sign up. Hope all will attend.

Grief Support Group

A Grief Support Group meets the 4th Tuesday of each month from 10:00am - 11:00am at 200 Price St and welcomes all who are in grief.

Books and materials are available and information on the grief process is shared. For more information, please call

Ann O'Dell, 662.234.2907.

Children & Youth Faith Formation

Sign Up Here!

We can't wait to see you this summer! Be on the look out for weekly get togethers and mission opportunities in your

emails and on our Instagram.

A hearty thank you do these people who provided Tuesday dinners for UKirk this Spring! 

  • Lula Gregory Circle
  • Greg Patton
  • Marty & Steve Mauldin
  • Maribel Sullivan-Gonzalez
  • Robert Hall & Lindsay Fournier 
  • Cherri & Bill Mayo
  • Matt & Christy Neilson
  • Lele & Grace Gillespie
  • Greg & Stephanie Goodwiller
  • Julie & Billy Chadwick

Even as UKirk wraps up one school year, we are already getting ready for the next! If you know an incoming Ole Miss student, we'd love to meet them. Use this form to tell us about a student you know, or to introduce yourself if you are one! And as always, contact Campus Minister Allison Wehrung with any questions.  

Join us! The Mission Team meets the first Monday of each month at 5:00. We seek creative and effective means to serve “the least of these.” If you would like more information, call the church office or contact David Shaw,

Cents-Ability is a PCUSA initiative to combat hunger in our local communities. 

FPC's first Cents-Ability Collection Sunday was a success! $431.72 in loose change was collected. 

Collection Sundays will be scheduled every two months so keep those containers on the kitchen table and fill 'em up. Thank you!

Lovepacks is an in-school pantry provides food for 250 children in the Oxford and Lafayette county schools that experience hunger in their homes.

Find a list of suggested donations here.

For more information contact Carmille Hovious at 662-380-1471 or read more here.

FPC members continue to host the Step 2 Dinner the second Tuesday of each month. Another host is needed for May 9 as well as for the months of July and August. For more information or to volunteer, click here.

The Oxford Community Market is more than just a farmer’s market. A half dozen programs are in place to make fresh produce and nutritious food available to those who otherwise are not able to afford it.  Read more here.

In its many programs, a variety of volunteer options are available. If you would like to join in the fun, download the Group Me app and enter "OXCM Flower of Life Volunteer." Calls for volunteers are posted regularly. For more information call the director, Betsy Chapman at 662-816-7413.  

Need a helping hand? In Good Order is a group of FPC volunteers available to assist members who may need a little extra help with a yard project or light home repairs.

If you would like assistance or know of someone who does, please contact the church office at 662-234-1757.

Remember in Prayer


FPC Members: Family of William "Wylie" Coleman; Family of Trenia Reynolds; Family of Mary Kay McDowell; Family of Martha Walcott, Family of Nancy Rogers; Family of Alisa Reed Elliott; Sarah, Cliff, and Sterlin Smith; Keith & Cheryl Hayward; Scottye Boone: Jean Blackston; Leon McCullouch; Family of John Edge; Family of Joe Murphey; Jane Henderson; Family of Dr. Bobby Kennedy; Doug & Margaret Fancher; Family of Jeffrey Butler; Thomas Wade Simpson; Family of Nolan Waller, Family of Helen Scruggs, Family of Janet Barnes; Family of Ann Caroline McIntosh; Marianna Ochs; Family of Lynton Dilley; Max Williams; Lydia Moak; Michele Howie; Family of Betty Mullen White



Family and Friends: Family of Don Howie; Family of Richard Flautt; Mike Flautt; Family of George Caffey; Family of Pat Ewing; Family of Dr. and Mrs. Gerry Foret; Family of Shirley Bragg Donnelly; Kathy Bremer; Susan Treas-Ewing; Family of Nancy McPhail; Charlyn Wilson; Family of Thomas Mayo; Family of George Walker; Valentina Iepuri and Ukraine family; Charissa Johnson; Sarah Luchin and Family; Sigrid Morrison Long; Connie Whelan; Lenoir Stanley; Doors of Hope Families; Bob Flautt; Lafayette County Detention Center inmates; Parchman Prison inmates; Haven House residents; Our Haiti partners; Oxford & Lafayette County First Responders; Community leaders  



U. S. Military: SSgt Jason Freeland, USAF 17th Special Tactics Sqaudron


Please pray, too, for those with unspecified needs.


If you wish to have a name removed or added to this list, please contact the church office.

The FPC prayer chain is ready if you or someone you know is in need. This is a confidential list that is independent from the names listed above. Please contact Carlisle Wood at or

662-832-8606. All requests are held in strict confidence.  

Sanctuary Floral Arrangement dates are available May 21, June 4, July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30.To provide flowers in honor or in memory of a loved one, contact Margaret Fancher at or call

234-1359. Contributions to the Flower Fund are greatly appreciated.

If you want a particular date to provide flowers on Sunday morning, please reserve the date early.

Do you feel called to bring communion to the

farthest pew? 

If you’ve been ordained as a Deacon or Elder, you are qualified. Just sign up here, and stop by the church office to get a home communion kit

before you go.  

Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries

This Week's Birthdays:


27 Henry Mauldin

28 Laura Lovelady

29 Harry Alexander, Doug Atkinson

30 Kay Tyler, Shands Orrell


2 Olivia Williams, Tucker Milner

This Week's Anniversaries:


30 - Kathleen and Bradley Mayo


3 - Amanda and Brian Hyneman

3 - Ramey and Brent Hardin

If we've overlooked your birthday or anniversary and you wish to have it included in Fast Facts, please contact the church office.

These announcements are sent weekly from the church. If you don't want to receive them, or if your email address has changed, please send a message to the church office at
