Fast Facts
an e-update on life at
First Presbyterian Church
July 27, 2023
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Worship - July 30, 2023
10:00 am
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Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
"A Listening Heart"
1 Kings 3:5-12
This week's lectionary texts:
Genesis 29:15-28
Psalm 105:1-11, 45b
Psalm 128
1 Kings 3:5-12
Psalm 119:129-136
Romans 8:26-29
Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
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Join us for worship this Sunday, July 30 at 9:55 am on Facebook Live. You do not have to have an account to join us. The video will go live on the church's public Facebook group. Click here to access the live video. If you do not have a Facebook account, a message will pop up asking if you wish to join. Simply click, "not now" at the bottom of that message and it will go away. You may then enjoy the video as it plays live. | |
Online Worship
Online worshipers may find the weekly bulletin on the church's website under the Online Worship page. Click here for the Online Worship page, then click the link titled "Weekly Bulletin." The online bulletin will available the Friday after Fast Facts is sent out each week.
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Join us! The Mission Team meets the first Monday of each month at 5:00. We seek creative and effective means to serve “the least of these.” If you would like more information, call the church office or contact David Shaw, | |
Cents-Ability is a PCUSA initiative to combat hunger in local communities. Last year through this program St. Andrew Presbytery awarded $8,000 to hunger assistance programs in north Mississippi. FPC members participate by collecting change and making their donations on our Cents-Ability Collection Sundays. Containers for the collection are available in the church office and Narthex in the Sanctuary. At our last collection Sunday, you raised $493.50 in loose change. Our next collection Sunday will be August 20, so keep saving those coins! | |
FPC members host the Doors of Hope Step Dinner
( the second Tuesday of each month. DOH families attend the meal to support one another in their efforts to become self-sufficient and financially independent. Successful alumni of DOH participate as well to encourage current clients with their success stories. FPC members pick up the prepared meal from Larson's and serve it in the fellowship hall. If you are interested, click here.
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Let's stock the shelves!
Lovepacks is an in-school pantry that provides food for 250 children in the Oxford and Lafayette county schools who experience hunger in their homes. As a new school year is starting, stocks are low, and food donations are needed. On August 6th, FPC members are asked to bring nonperishable food items to church to restock Lovepacks' shelves. Questions? Contact
Carmille Hovious at
Click here for a list of needed items.
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The Oxford Community Market is more than just a farmer’s market. A half dozen programs are in place to make fresh produce and nutritious food available to those who otherwise are not able to afford it. Read more here.
In its many programs, a variety of volunteer options are available. Among other activities, volunteers are currently needed to deliver leftover produce to those who do not have access to fresh vegetables. If you would like to join in the fun, download the Group Me app and enter "OXCM Flower of Life Volunteer." Calls for volunteers are posted regularly. For more information call the director, Betsy Chapman at 662-816-7413.
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Need a helping hand?
In Good Order is a group of FPC volunteers available to assist members who may need a little extra help with a yard project or light home repairs. FPC volunteers are available to change light bulbs, replace air filters, repair a dripping faucet, haul off a large limb in the yard, etc.
If you would like assistance or know of someone who does,
please contact the church office at 662-234-1757.
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Remember in Prayer
FPC Members: Mrs. Pat Atkinson; Ben Pettis; The Family of Charles Montgomery; Family of William "Wylie" Coleman; Family of Trenia Reynolds; Family of Mary Kay McDowell; Family of Martha Walcott, Family of Nancy Rogers; Family of Alisa Reed Elliott; Sarah, Cliff, and Sterlin Smith; Keith & Cheryl Hayward; Scottye Boone: Jean Blackston; Leon McCullouch
Family and Friends: Susan Treas-Ewing; Margaret Burnett; Family of Dr. Macklyn Ward Hubbell; Doors of Hope Families; Lafayette County Detention Center inmates; Parchman Prison inmates; Haven House residents
U. S. Military: SSgt Jason Freeland, USAF 17th Special Tactics Sqaudron
Please pray, too, for those with unspecified needs.
If you wish to have a name removed or added to this list, please contact the church office.
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The FPC prayer chain is ready if you or someone you know is in need. This is a confidential list that is independent from the names listed above. Please contact Carlisle Wood at or
662-832-8606. All requests are held in strict confidence.
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Sanctuary Floral Arrangement dates are available August 6, 13, 27, September 3, 10, 17, 24, and October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29. To provide flowers in honor or in memory of a loved one, contact Margaret Fancher at or call
234-1359. Contributions to the Flower Fund are greatly appreciated.
If you want a particular date to provide flowers on Sunday morning, please reserve the date early.
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Do you feel called to bring communion to the
farthest pew?
If you’ve been ordained as a Deacon or Elder, you are qualified. Just sign up here, and stop by the church office to get a home communion kit
before you go.
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Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries | |
This Week's Birthdays:
27 - Robert Cooper, Rob Williams
28 - Ed Field
29 - Patty Atkinson, Weldon Wilkinson
31 - Richard Atkinson, Vance Byars, Chloe Lloyd, Tina Montgomery
1 - Russell & Walker Coon, Diane Scruggs
2 - Ellie DeVoe, John Schuesselin
This Week's Anniversaries:
28 - Allen & Kathryn Elliott
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If we've overlooked your birthday or anniversary and you wish to have it included in Fast Facts, please contact the church office.
These announcements are sent weekly from the church. If you don't want to receive them, or if your email address has changed, please send a message to the church office at
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