A 60 Second Conversation Starter
Continuing the Conversation with an Older Teen

While most DHS & HPHS students perceive that their parents think it's wrong for them to smoke marijuana, a lower percentage of parents are talking to their teens about staying drug-free.

  • 85% of 9th-12th graders think their parents believe it is wrong for them to smoke marijuana, but only 65% of those students said their parents have talked to them about it in the last year (2018 Illinois Youth Survey)

  • 98% of freshmen/sophomore parents feel it is wrong for their kids to use marijuana as compared to 86% of senior parents (2018 parent survey)
Even when your child is a high school junior or senior, it's important for parents/guardians to continue the conversation about making healthy choices and staying drug free. Talk to them about how marijuana use impacts their brain development -- which isn't complete until their mid-twenties. Remind them of their future goals and how drug use can affect whether or not they reach them.