Spirit Fruit
A Prayer
Loving God, ripen me…
 Grant me grace to love
   That Your pulse may enliven me.
 Grant me your joining joy,
  Answering the fear of the world
  With your radiant Spirit.
 Grant me Your peace to share
   In a world aching to rest
   From fractious fighting.
 Grant me Your patience
   Grounding my soul in grace
   That I may offer the same to others.
 Grant me Your kindness
   For every rough edge revealed
   In myself and all your beloved.
 Grant me a generous Spirit
  Trusting Your resource is enough
  For the gift of this day You give.
Grant me a flood of faithfulness 
  Filling my heart with resolve 
  To trust Your power in all things.
 Grant me Your gentleness
  For every hard thing 
  Daring to evoke anger or fear.
 Grant me self-control
  Freeing me from the prison
  I so easily construct 
  With perpetual distractions
  Covering over the gifts
  You yearn to give.
Yes, Love, 
 Grant me grace to swim
 In this sustaining Spirit
 That is You in all things
 Seen and unseen.
And let it be 
 More than enough 
 For today.

-DMLH, June 2022
Still looking for a summer mission opportunity?

We have added weeks to the schedule 
and need your hands in Dayton, OH!
Our collaboration in Dayton 
continues to evolve. 

In response to multiple inquiries about site availability through the summer, we have decided to extend the project site through the end of July.
Many have asked if there is a way in addition to our prayers that we may be of aid to those who are suffering in Ukraine. The answer to that question is “yes”! The Heartland Conference S.A.R.A. partnership will serve as a conduit for aid to partners in Ukraine who are suffering as a result of the war. Daily, our partners are bringing food and water relief to displaced Ukrainians in Transcarpathia. Those wishing to make a donation via this channel may do so by clicking below. Please know that your gifts of any size make a difference in this critical time.
The work continues! We deeply appreciate your generous donations and will continue to accept funds to help support the folks in Ukraine. 

To date we have received $90,098.67! 

Your generous donations have helped us provide the following:

  • Food for refugees, poor families, soup kitchens, overwhelmed hospitals, and orphanages.
  • Medications and medical supplies, ie glasses, walkers
  • Medical treatment 
  • Housing
  • Bedding
  • Gas for heating and for transportation