Hours of Operation

9 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Admission to the Upper Gardens sold until 7 p.m.

Daily Mass

12 noon

Chapel of Mary

Your Sanctuary of Peace

We hope you enjoy the photographs of our beautiful sanctuary, which we will share throughout the month of May, as we celebrate 100 years of The Grotto.

Today: Twilight at The Grotto

Summer Hours Begin Today

Now through Labor Day, The Grotto's grounds and gift shop will be open until 8 p.m. Admission to the Upper Gardens will be sold until one hour before closing.

Visitors who stroll the grounds in that last hour can be treated to some wonderful lighting, especially in the late summer.

A Twilight Prayer

Almighty and ever-living God,

I know it is you who rule the day and the night. I seek you here in the twilight, as the radiance of the sunset colors soften into grey tones along the skyline.

As the day transitions into night, I lift up my heart in gratitude for this day. Thank you for the many ways you reminded me of your faithfulness and mercy.

As I move toward my bedtime allow me to rest in the assurance of your guidance and inspiration. Please bless and multiply my efforts to love, serve and care for those around me.

I ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

We hope you enjoy this tour of The Grotto at dusk.

Gift Shop Hours: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.

The Grotto Gift Shop has a wide variety of books, Rosaries, cards, medals, jewelry, home accessories, yummy treats, and much more.

We invite you to come and explore the store.

Online Shop