International Feng Shui Guild
Feng Shui Enhancements
There are so many Feng Shui enhancements, cures, and remedies - no one fix-all for everyone or every situation. That diversity, flexibility and seemingly endless possibilities is one of the things we absolutely love about what we do! Get a great sampling of ideas from our experts from many perspectives. Try one - or build on their ideas - and love your space through your own Feng Shui.
"Healthy plants and trees yield abundant flowers and fruits. Similarly, a healthy person's smiles and happiness shine forth like the sun's rays." ~~Unknown

Plants emotionally and physically lift vibes in any space. They allow one to connect with nature. If your plants are thriving, you likely are (they are a good mirror, reflecting how we care for ourselves)!!
If they are not thriving, it's a good indicator to assess your living conditions:
🌿 are you nourishing yourself?
🌿 are you getting enough light?
🌿 are you being watered?

One of the best places to use a feng shui crystal is in your entry way. Placing a crystal here can welcome more opportunities into your life and more clarity within in your own mind and in how to represent yourself to the world. Feng shui crystals expand space and light, making them a great addition to small, cramped and dark entries. Because your entrance represents the face you show the world, using a feng shui crystal for adjustment here can also improve how others see you and help you present your best side to the universe. 

OVER A STOVE. Your stove is the biggest generator of health and finances and its placement is crucial. Ideally your stove is situated so that you can see who is coming and going into your space. Having your back face the door creates anxiety whether you feel it or not.

IN THE DINING ROOM. A dining room symbolizes wealth in finances and friendship. Adding a mirror amplifies food (which equals wealth in this case) and ensures a life full of friends to share it with.

IN A DARK ROOM. Adding a mirror so that it reflects light will increase the chi in that room. For example, ff you have a dark wealth area, romantic relationship area, or career areas add a mirror to add lightness and more opportunity of those areas into your life.

Good Vibes

If there is only one place in your daily life that is filled with good vibes, that is uplifting for you, it should be your home. Home should be your safe place, your sanctuary, your nest. You should love it and everything in it. Your home should look and feel beautiful to you. Feng Shui is about enhancing that beauty, that comfort, that feeling of safety and love. It's about filling your home with good vibes.

We can bring joy into our everyday lives through places, experiences, and practices, but also through objects that remind us of those things. Artwork, recorded ocean sounds, and even items of clothing can carry this energy. They can reawaken memories and help us revisit good vibes. When decluttering, asking ourselves if we love the things we have accumulated, this is what is meant by objects that bring us joy. They please our eyes and minds for some reason, not always a conscious or obvious one. We make associations and give physical objects meaning. That meaning can bring the good vibes energy into the present moment.

Feng Shui Enhancements

Hundreds of tips and ideas on our Pinterest Feng Shui Enhancements Board. From wall paper and decor to specifically Feng Shui elements, this board has it all. Pins are added all the time, so follow us now and keep building your library of ideas you can use at home and at work.

Auspicious Dates

Auspicious Date Selection looks at the most suitable or ideal date with the strongest Qi (or energy), to enhance a specific action. Dates that have a positive alignment with personal BaZi charts, tend to add potency to results. There are specific formulas for all aspects of life decisions to select from.

GOOD DATES Are used to:
  • Move into a property or office, signing contracts, important meetings, starting a new position, grand openings/celebrations.
  • Launch a new business, project or product
  • Implement strategic and financial decisions
  • Magnify successful outcome of actions taken
  • Help solve personal, professional and business issues
  • Listing property for sale, marriage date, proposal date, medical procedures
  • Starting renovations projects

Spotlight Feng Shui School Interview

About Inner Harmony Feng Shui school from director and founder, LuAnn Cibik…

Q: Please describe your very first coming into awareness about Feng Shui.
A: I have always been interested in color, interior design, mystical things ( like tarot and palmistry), as well as symbolic art. I can remember as a kid, loving to create Barbie’s house and the city she lived in more than anything else. I loved to rake leaves as a young kid, because I would rake them into floorplan designs, that could be as elaborate as I wanted. Then one day, in a Barnes and Nobles, perusing the ‘New Age’ section, I came across a book called Feng Shui for the Soul, and I realized it combine all those things I loved into one cool ‘thing’. I was hooked.
Final Thoughts...what should I use and where should I put it...
We often get questions about a specific enhancement or a need to boost a life area, say wealth or love. What should I do and where should I put it? These questions are sometimes tricky because every situation is different. What resonates with you may be vastly different than what might resonate with your best friend or neighbor. Your styles are different, your tastes are different, your goals are different, your history is different.

A great rule of thumb is to surround yourself with things you love - things that inspire you, feed your soul, guide your dreams, and push you to be more.

A second great rule of thumb is to hire a professional. We can't stress this enough. Professional Feng Shui consultants have the training, experience, and know-how to help you make the most of your Feng Shui. Whether home, office, storefront, garden or more. Yes, you can learn the basics in a book or a lecture. But you may miss the true nuances or deeper meanings that a qualified consultant can give you.

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The International Feng Shui Guild does not represent or endorse the views or beliefs of its individual members as expressed herein, nor does it represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the recommendations, advertisements, quality of any products, information, or other materials displayed, purchased or obtained as a result of any information in this publication. We serve as a reference and source for our members and the public.

Copyright © 2019 International Feng Shui Guild.