Paradise Baptistery Dome, Saint Anthony Church in Padua, Italy
By Giusto de’ Menabuoi, 1378

Dear Friends in Christ,

Imagine that you lived during the Renaissance period in Italy. Imagine also that you were an adult convert to the Catholic faith and you were preparing to be baptized at the Easter Vigil. You and others were gathered in a special building outside of the Church of Saint Anthony, called the baptistery. As the vigil went along, the time came for your baptism. You were led to the font and as the water was poured over your head, you looked up and saw Menabuoi’s masterpiece, Paradise, looming over you from the ceiling of the high dome. Imagine the beauty and grandeur of what you saw: The figure of Christ the teacher blessing you; your spiritual mother Mary watching over you, and around them both, a cloud of heavenly witnesses, representing all the saints; all the holy men and women of all times and places! Each saint individually and all together, welcoming you into the family of God!

Friends, on this Feast of All Saints, we celebrate what is visually represented in this beautiful work of art, and our place in this reality. We celebrate our incorporation into the great family of God, made up of our officially canonized saints and all the other people who were just as saintly but known only to God. Each one representing a life lived with faith that gave way to eternal life with God our Father in heaven. That, of course, is our hope as well. This feast day is an invitation to hope that we too one day, after a life of faithfulness, will join this great heavenly family.

Do you want to become a saint? I sure hope so. I hope you can see yourself among that cloud of witnesses and aspire to remain close to the Lord Jesus so it may become a reality. On this Feast of All Saints, we truly do pray with the whole Church from our collect at Mass:

Almighty ever-living God,
by whose gift we venerate in one celebration
the merits of all the Saints,
bestow on us, we pray,
through the prayers of so many intercessors,
an abundance of the reconciliation with you
for which we earnestly long.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. 

Blessings to you all in the week ahead,
Fr. David Mulholland

P.S. Pray for our country this election week!
Feast of All Souls
Join us on Monday, November 2, All Souls Day, as we pray for all of our beloved dead and commend them to God’s mercy— 9 am at Holy Cross Church and 7 pm at St. Patrick Church.
Book of the Dead
As we preapre for the Feast of All Souls Day, we invite you to add the names of dearly departed friends and family to the Book of the Dead by writing the names of dearly departed friends and family on a piece of paper, on an envelope provided at Mass and place it in the offertory basket or send us an email us. Names will be written into the book for you. Names added in the past three years are in the book. The Book of the Dead will be in the sanctuary in November.
Stewardship of Treasure 2021 is underway!
Dear Friends,

I just got through signing over 1,500 letters to all parishioners requesting that you fill out and return your 2021 Stewardship of Treasure commitment card, as well as sign up for Online Giving.

Please take a moment to read my letter. It's not a form letter! I enjoyed signing these letters and I prayed for you all as I did so. I also blessed the cards, so one could consider them sacramentals… don't recycle them… turn them in instead!

Many thanks for your generous support of our parishes and school!

God bless,
Fr. David
Ready to make your 2021 pledge?
After prayerful discernment, go to
The dispensation for Mass is still in effect.
How to come to Mass
Mass Reservations & Contact Tracing Update
  1. The archdiocese is no longer requiring parishes to keep a record of Mass attendees for contact tracing. Please continue to be vigilant regarding our health and stay home if you are feeling unwell.
  2. You will no longer need to make a reservation for a daily Mass at any of our parishes.
  3. We will continue to require reservations for our weekend liturgies so as not to exceed our maximum building occupancy set by the State of Washington but these records will be destroyed following each Mass.
  4. Register for weekend liturgy and arrive 10 minutes before mass begins.

Mass Schedule Updates
  • At St. Rita of Cascia, the Sunday Mass is moving from 8 am to 8:30 am
  • At St. Patrick, the 7 pm Mass on Sundays resumes, except for the 4th Sunday of the month, which is reserved for Youth Group and Confirmation students.

Looking ahead , mark your calendar
Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary | December 8
9 am & 7 pm at St. Patrick Church
mass will also be livestreamed on our YouTube Channel

VIEW new Mass schedule
October 31 | 11 am
November 1 | 9 am
November 2 | 7 pm
November 6 | 11 am
November 7 | 11 am
November 8 | 9 am
Livestreaming Mass
Mass is livestreamed from St. Patrick Church on Sundays at 9 am. The all-school Mass at 9 AM a few Fridays each month and Mass on the first Friday of each month at 11 AM are also livestreamed and holy days too.

Subscribing to our YouTube Channel is not necessary to watch the Mass, however it allows you to set reminders to tune in and provides us with the option of livestreaming from a mobile device when we reach 1000 subscribers. We are so close!

Check-in on Facebook and invite your friends and family to watch and make your weekly offertory gift via Online Giving. [Scroll to the bottom to find your parish link.]
Sunday Evening Contemplative Mass
Join us as we welcome back our Sunday evening contemplative chant Mass at 7 pm at St. Patrick Church. The lights are low and the candles are lit for a reflective and prayerful celebration of Sunday Mass.
mass intentions
November 3 | 9 am
for the repose of the soul of J
ames Petrich

November 4 | 9 am
for the intentions of
John Calder

November 5| 9 am
for the intentions of
RJ Ryder

November 6 | 9 am
for the repose of the soul of
Patrick Lee

November 7 | 5 pm
November 8 | 9 am & 11 am
for the people of the parish
November 2 | 9 am 
for the repose of the soul of
Remedios Kintanar 

November 4 | 5 pm
for the repose of the soul of
Ned Vukovich  

November 5 | 9 am
for the repose of the soul of
Kathy Naughton 

November 6 | 9 am
for the Intentions of
Tricia Sweet

November 7 | 5 pm
November 8| 10 am
for the people of the parish
pastoral care
What a year this has been. I have not encountered anyone who has not in some way been affected by this global pandemic. Some have been merely inconvenienced but many have suffered greatly; losing jobs, becoming ill, losing loved ones. When the original “lockdown” was implemented we all thought it would be over in a few weeks, and life would get back to normal. But here we are almost 8 months into it. 

All of this has a clear impact on our overall health and feelings of wellness. According to a June report from the CDC, people of all demographics reported an increase in their level of anxiety. Everyone is affected. We cannot visit family or friends let alone reach out and touch or hug them. That’s what I hear most from our parishioners. They miss hugs and human contact. So we take refuge in our God and find comfort in our brothers and sisters in Christ. Here at St. Patrick, Holy Cross, and St. Rita of Cascia, we are blessed to have a strong and active Stephen Ministry team sitting next to us in our pews.

Our Stephen Ministers are dedicated Catholic caregivers who have completed many hours of training to learn how to support any of us who might need a compassionate ear and help us through a tough time, whether that be the loss of a loved one, a stressful job change, a difficult relationship, or just a sense of needing someone to listen. We’ve all been there. Stephen Ministers are not counselors, and they can’t “fix” your problem. But they can listen. They can pray with you. They can help you set goals. And they can remind you that you are loved, by your God and your community. 

If you are struggling with this pandemic, with the isolation, the loss of income, or anything else, I encourage you to prayerfully discern whether you might benefit from a Stephen Minister. 

Meet Our Newest Stephen Ministers
Simona Gardani joined our parish in 2017 after moving up from California. After many years dedicated to working in children’s ministry, she felt a call to help adults who might be suffering. Simona says, “If I was going through a difficult time, I would need someone with whom I could share my pain and concerns. Someone neutral, not a family member, not a friend, not a colleague. Someone that doesn’t judge or can feel hurt from my words. Someone that believes in God and His miracles. Someone that can pray with me. Someone that has the proper knowledge to walk the path along my side, and eventually offer guidance, completely respecting my boundaries.”

Rhonda Scott felt called to listen to others going through difficult times. “I want to walk beside the person in a Godly loving manner. I know that difficult times pass best with the sharing of Christ based love. I have needed the same at times.” Stephen Ministry “doesn't judge, doesn't preach, it is truly there as an act of loving Christian principles. The ministry provides community for the hurting person.”

Barbara Hepfer became a Stephen Minister because as a visiting nurse for 20 years she “loves meeting people where they are in their journey, for whatever length of time they need.” She feels Stephen Ministers listen without judgment and provide insight to those they serve.
Cheryl Hoffman joined our Stephen Ministry team because of a promise she made when she was still working. “I said that since I had been so blessed when I retired I would give back in some way. It is a place where there is no judgment and strict confidentiality so you are free to confide in someone any and all concerns.”
For Theresa Wheaton, her inspiration to train as a Stephen Minister was Father David's homily on Stewardship. “I was drawn by the mission of the Stephen Ministry as Christ-centered compassionate caring to walk the journey with one who is experiencing a difficult time by listening and offering spiritual healing. Through compassionate caring, the Stephen Minister can provide hope, patience, and understanding while knowing God is in charge of the receiver's situation.”
Laura Dougherty

Pastoral Assistant for Liturgy & Pastoral Care | 253.383.2783 ext. 4109
National Vocation Awareness Week is celebrated November 1-7, 2020. Ask Our Lord for more dedicated, holy priests, deacons and consecrated men and women. May they be inspired by Jesus Christ, supported by our faith community, and respond generously to God’s gift of a vocation.

Men in the Archdiocese of Seattle age 13-40 are invited to join a presentation on November 8 at 2 PM by Associate Director of Vocations Fr. Justin Ryan to learn about the priesthood, steps for discernment, seminary life, and more! Register in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the meeting.

If you have questions about your vocation, contact Fr. Justin Ryan in the Office of Vocations, or 206-507-4476. To learn more go to or on social media @seattlevocations.
October is the Month of the Rosary
Join us as we pray the rosary at 4:30 pm on October 31. Bring your rosary. If you don't have one, we'll provide.

Please wear a mask, sign in when you arrive and practice social distancing in the pews.
Archbishop Etienne began Year of the Eucharist on the Feast of Corpus Christi for the Archdiocese of Seattle and asked us to spend this time pondering the true presence of Jesus's Sacred Body and Blood in the Eucharist. Read his pastoral letter, "The Work of Redemption." Join us for Adoration. Click the parish links below to view adoration schedule and sign up to keep watch for an hour.
faith formation
The Good Shepherd and the Child

Where we explore the spirituality of Christian children through the method of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd...

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Available on your phone, tablet, laptop or TV for FREE as our gift!
To sign up:
  1. Click HERE to get started, then...
  2. Enter zip code 98403 or parish St. Patrick [regardless of your parish affliation]
  3. Enter your email and your in!
Youth Group #253

For middle schoolers, due to Covid precautions, their weekly youth ministry is all online! Each grade level has its own small group to grow, learn, and talk with every week.

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Weekly Offertory
An offertory collection basket is located at the back of the sanctuary during Mass for contactless giving. If you are unable to attend Mass in person, please mail in your gift or consider Online Giving, — Fr. David gives this way! It is safe and easy.
Time to Vote!
The deadline to vote in the General Election is 8 pm on November 3, 2020. You can vote and return your ballot early by mail or to a ballot dropbox. Plan ahead to avoid lines. If you are returning your ballot in the mail, no stamp is needed, but your ballot must be postmarked by Election Day. Find USPS locations.

Pierce County Elections is available to voters who need assistance completing their ballot. Trained staff and specialized equipment are available to help voters with disabilities cast a private, independent ballot. 
Election Guidance
The Catholic Church does not endorse any candidates or political parties,
but the Church does advocate for public policies that serve the common good
and are aligned with Church teachings. When considering political candidates' views on public policies, we recommend reading Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, published by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). For more information on public policy issues and guidance from the bishops, visit the Washington State Catholic Conference website []
Reject R-90
The Washington State Catholic Conference (WSCC), comprised of the bishops of Washington state, recommends you check "reject" on Referendum 90 (R-90) on the fall ballot. R-90 gives us the opportunity to reject the Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) law that was passed in March. Also called the Comprehensive Sexual Health Education (CSHE) law, Senate Bill 5395 mandates that all schools provide CSHE from kindergarten through 12th grade. Curriculum guidelines are not aligned with Church teachings, and the CSHE law prevents local communities and school boards from fully protecting their own values and determining local policy.  Click here for more information about what Catholics should know about R-90.
St. Vincent de Paul Collection
Your gift to our St. Vincent de Paul Conference supports our brothers and sisters in Christ with food, gas and other basic needs. Thank you for your support of this ministry. Make your gift online or at mass this weekend.
st. patrick school
Wreath & Cross Fundraiser
We're make getting ready for the holidays easy! Our 24" adorned Noble Fir wreaths and crosses are perfect for your front door at home or your business. They make great gifts for friends and family, especially the homebound.

Place your order online or drop off your completed paper form along with cash or check at the school office or in the collection basket at mass by November 18.

Did you know that orders of 10 or more qualify for free local delivery. Credit a St. Patrick School student with your order and help them earn a chance to win an Amazon gift card!
community news
Job Opportunities
St. Nicholas Catholic Church, Gig Harbor is looking for a driven faith-filled individual to join their team of parish staff as a Pastoral Assistant for Communications.

This person will help drive forward St. Nicholas’ mission to evangelize, though helping create and maintain a cohesive marketing and communication strategy. In addition to organizing the parish bulletin, updating the parish web page, and maintaining St Nicholas’ social media, this person will help promote parish ministries internally and externally.

They are looking for a creative individual who can help them get their message out. If this sounds like you or someone you know email for more information.
St. James Cathedral Immigrant Assistance is hiring!

1. Online Community Builder— to create social media content & develop online direct service opportunities. 2. Tutoring Assistant— to assist with client outreach, tutor recruitment, on-boarding, special projects, & immigrant liaisons.

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Be social, while physically distancing!
Get connected. Stay connected.