Getting to Know: Carla Munoz

RYDf Athlete Carla Munoz is fresh off her Gold Medal performance at the 2016 National Intercollegate Championships in Tempe, AZ. We decided to take this time to get to know a bit more about Carla on and off the court.

How did you get started playing racquetball?  I started because of my dad, he used to play with friends and one day he signed up for a local tournament and he asked me to go with him, I always did a lot of different physical activities so I was really interested on what racquetball was. The same day I got inside of the court and I completely loved everything about it. After that day, my dad would take me to play and train twice a week and since then racquetball is my passion and my favorite thing to do by far.
When and why did you come to CA?  After I had the opportunity to represent my country in Pan-American Games in 2011 I realize that I really wanted to become a professional player, however, I knew that I would need to move to USA because racquetball isn't a big competitive sport in my country. I spent two years coming for short periods of time until 2014 when I decided to settle in the bay area to continue my education and to be able to travel to more tournaments. 
Now that you won the US National Intercollegiate Championships what is next on your list of racquetball goals to accomplish?  My next goal is to get the top 10 LPRT ranking, and I'm also working hard to get a medal representing my country (Chile) in international competition, which is my biggest motivation. 
Click HERE to read the full Q&A about Carla.

Thank you to everyone that attended our Spring Fun-Raiser! We appreciate your support.

Congratulations to all our Winners!

Open/Elite Doubles: Matthew Barserian/Jim Durham

A Doubles: Jose Perez/Krish Thakur

B Doubles:Richard Lozado/Octavio Farfan

Mixed Elite: Maily Sithixay/Ivan Salas

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Ambassador  Contest!

Become an Ambassador today and be entered into a drawing where the winner will receive FREE accommodations at a glorious resort in Mexico for a week.

The contest begins today and will run until the end of May.  The first week of June all entries will be entered into a drawing and we will announce the winner.

You can donate  HERE

Dare 2 Dream

We are proud to announce that the Reaching Your Dream Foundation is co-sponsoring the Dare 2 Dream Tier 1 LPRT Event in Stockton, CA May 12th thru 15th. 

We will be hosting the Pro-Am Doubles and if you are interested in playing the Pro-Am Doubles at this event please contact please contact Kim Randolph at

You can sign up for the event  HERE

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Our Partners

RYDF promotes health, fitness and sportsmanship by sponsoring the long term viability of racquetball, providing economically challenged players the ability to compete and succeed in the sport.
RYDF supports young athletes from around the world with the needed resources to achieve success both on and off court. The foundation provides funding and mentoring to develop their successful careers in sports and life.

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