February 2023 Newsletter
Save 10% on any summer course
when you enroll early!
The early enrollment deadline for summer courses is March 1st. By enrolling early, you can automatically save 10% and up to 20% total on your course fees and make sure you get to choose the best fit for your summer!

Our summer courses include:

This is your sign that it's time to take your classroom into the backcountry. Apply for a WRFI course today!
WRFI is Hiring!
Field Education Coordinator - Seasonal
We're looking for a Field Education Coordinator to assist with field operations, academic curriculum development, permitting, staffing, and logistics this summer. The ideal candidate will have excellent communication and computer skills, with the ability to work with students, instructors, and office staff alike. This seasonal role begins in March and runs through November 17th, 2023. Learn more and apply here.
West Coast WRFI Tour! - Oregon and Washington
We're on the West Coast for two more weeks and we want to see YOU on campus!

Featured Course: Southwest Climate Studio Art
Earn credit while creating art and building relationships in New Mexico! In this course, students will get to know local citizens, artists, and scientists throughout the region. Relationships with these community members and the land itself will be examined through personal visual art projects as the course travels and camps through the southern reaches of the Rocky Mountains, the Rio Grande rift, and the Southern Colorado Plateau.
WRFI Job Board
Ecology Project InternationalMultiple positions

Yellowstone ForeverSeasonal Field Educator

Avid4 AdventureMultiple summer positions

Good Trip AdventuresNational Park Guide

Council on Environmental Quality - White House Intern

Glacier Institue - Multiple positions
Wild Rockies Field Institute is a 501(c)3 organization. Your gift is fully tax deductible. Our Federal Identification Number is 81-0487425.