TEXTILE and ART courses offering unique learning opportunities for all
In beautiful South Shropshire an area of outstanding natural beauty

'Drawing' many of your cringe at that word or say you cannot draw. Well then get along to one of my classes where I can build your confidence and make you realise that in fact you can draw. It is no good just saying you can't, as I can show you tricks and techniques to improve your skills. And as with everything, it just requires a bit of practise. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT YOUR LEVEL OF ABILITY IS as everyone is different and everyone learns from everyone else. It is not competitive or threatening in any way......just lots of fun.

Further down I shall explain what we will be doing next term, but first let me tell you about Matthew Harris and the course he is offering 30 Sept 1/2Oct, which has an element of drawing to it as well.
 ‘Upside Down and Back to Front’
30 September 1/2 October 2022

A face to face course
How many of you out there have done a course or two with Matthew Harris and felt really inspired. I have done several of his courses now and each time I learn something new. Matthew manages to see so much in something quite mundane, maybe a 'simple mark, shape or line' and is able to show you ways that you had not thought of to develop the ideas and push forward.

This is what Matthew has to say about this course.
"The aim of this workshop is to explore playful ways in which images and visual information can be generated and developed through drawing. By working with individual imagery gathered in sketch books, photographs etc, we will be trying to exploit the potential of sometimes the most simple and mundane scraps of image, mark and shape."
You will be working from a series of sketchbook images, drawings, photographs etc and explore a number of exercises and processes that will allow you to generate and develop visual information from an apparently simple starting point. By the end of the day you should have a series of images that will form the starting point for the work on day 2

An example of what you could be ending up with after the first days session, plus lots of further paper based exercises.

Couldn't this be a fantastic design for textiles?

Left: Working Drawing by Matthew Harris

Days two and three are about development and interpretation. The images that were created on day one now become a starting point or template for the development of further images that distill and evolve the original imagery, moving it away from the original starting point in an attempt to create new and unexpected visual material.
The interpretation of these images into textile materials is the final stage of the project, though you may decide at this stage that paper is enough. Whether you decide to continue with paper or move into textile materials the emphasis is always on how you might sensitively interpret anything you have done on paper. 
Three works by Matthew Harris
This is definitely a course to keep you thinking and making and as John Cage said:

“Nothing is a mistake. There is no win and no fail. There is only make.” 


'Activating the Surface'
6/13/20 September and then two weeks later on 4 October at 4-6pm.

The aim of this workshop is to build up vibrant, detailed surfaces with depth, using a variety of techniques, building up effects gradually and responding to whatever works best. We shall use the most expressive and unexpected ideas to develop into stitched pieces.


For details and booking click HERE

'Chasing Shadows and Reflections'
5 dates 8/15/22 September, 13/27 October at 4.00 to 6.00

Working with a range of opaque and semi-transparent papers and fabrics we will use mono-type printing to explore positive and negative prints, after- images and layering. We will investigate stitch both as a printing surface and in experimental shadow work using hand or machine stitch.


For details and booking click HERE

'Between the Lines'
An introductory session on Monday 19th September at 5.00pm. Two full days 26th/27th September 10.00 to 4.00

During this busy two-day you will investigate ‘Line’ through a series of design and stitch exercises, and develop ways of working with papers, paints, fabrics and threads to explore this essential element. Experiment with ink, collage paper and cloth backgrounds, and then embellish these with linear marks in print, hand embroidery and/or machine stitch. 
The emphasis will be placed on making lots of small samples to fill a sketchbook which can be used as an aide memoire for future work, but there will also be scope to make a larger composition if preferred.


For details and booking HERE
The new term starts in September with two options available to students. Moor Art 1 come on alternate Wednesdays and Moor Art 2 come monthly at the weekends.

This term we will be using the work of Mexican artist RUFINO TAMAYO as inspiration. I was introduced to Tamayo by the late Cecily Sash and he is a strong favourite of mine and was known for painting the melon in various forms and colour ways.

I am interested in his 'strange figures and animals' and in how these are presented.
All the above 4 works are by Rufino Tamayo
I am most fortunate to have a vast collection of artefacts, some from the collection of Cecily Sash who as a South African bought back many interesting things, from her native country, for her students to draw. Others come from my own travels to Uganda and all are inspirational source material for students.
Left: From collection of Cecily Sash
Above: Rufino Tamayo

Can you see a strong similarity in these two images?
Here is a simple charcoal drawing of one of the artefacts above. We will start with drawing before moving into colour, using paint and pastels. We will of course be also considering the all important composition.

Without giving too much else away, why not join me on one of the courses as listed here.

7 and 21 September
5 and 19 October
2 and 16 November
6 sessions for £210

10/11 September
8/9 October
5/6 November
6 sessions for £210

Come along for one session to see if you would like it.

BOOK HERE for Moor Art 1 (Weds)
BOOK HERE for Moor Art 2 (Weekends)
Drawing by Bobby Britnell
Please also look at my WEBSITE for ALL short courses, on-line courses and self-study opportunities.
I look forward to welcoming you to
Moor Hall this year.

01547 510664

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