Community UCC eNews
Feb. 18, 2021
Community UCC is an inclusive and progressive Christian Church doing social justice, environmental faithfulness, interfaith collaboration and spiritual formation to help ourselves and others grow in faith, hope and love.

COVID Status: Virtual worship. Limited office hours. See below.

SO MUCH GOOD NEWS! — If it says "[Message clipped]" at the bottom of your eNews, that means you're not seeing everything. Click the link next to that to view the entire newsletter.
Sunday worship — Zoom and YouTube

Join us for worship this Sunday, Feb. 21. Pastor Julia will deliver a sermon titled "Humanizing the Despised" inspired by Luke 10: 25-37 and Luke 18: 9-14.

Julia writes: "As part of our Lenten expression — reconnecting with God and the fullness of our own humanity — the good and the bad — we will pause this Sunday and honor our indigenous people, whom the colonizers of this country have subjugated and dehumanized." 

See below for how we "do church" now.
Sunday worship onYouTube begins at 10:30 a.m.
Instructions for Zoom worship

For now, we will continue to provide the Zoom worship live on our YouTube channel ( on Sundays at 10:35 a.m. Doors "open" around 10:15-10:20 for a few minutes of fellowship before worship begins.

Links to the Zoom worship services go out each Friday in a separate email just to church members. Look for "Zoom links" in that email subject line. If you would like to receive the Zoom links to participate in the Sunday service in a more interactive way, please contact the church office or let Lisa know.
Evening worship service
on Mondays

Join us for an alternative to our Sunday morning worship, via Zoom at 7 p.m. Mondays. If you have questions or would appreciate a Zoom link, contact Robin at
Week 4 update on our campaign progress!

Since launching our campaign last month, we have raised $6,555 44% of the way toward our goal! Thank you to all who have donated!

If you would like to donate, you can give to our capital campaign through Givelify or send a check to the church. In either case, please designate that it’s for the capital campaign in the memo field. We will continue to provide regular updates as we progress toward our goal.

You can read more about how this capital campaign will help our church grow on our church homepage.
Je Me Souviens
by Pastor Julia Penner-Zook
When we were very young, Rod and I lived in the predominantly French-speaking Canadian province of Quebec for five years. Just after we moved to the province, there was a change in the slogan on vehicle license plates from ​La belle province ​(used from 1963-1978, with the exception of 1967, the year Expo took place in Montreal) to ​Je me souviens ​from 1978 to the present day.

Loosely translated, “​Je me souviens,”​ means ​I remember. ​Because of Quebec’s complex history, there are multiple interpretations of just what is being remembered or why it’s important.

It is most commonly assumed that the motto reflects the French Canadian separatist sentiment that they will not overlook the wrongs inflicted upon them. Regardless of whether this or another interpretation is accurate, one thing is clear: Remembering is critical.

We, too, must remember our past experiences, how we perceive them to this day, and how these experiences have been interpreted for us. As years pass, we “remember” through the lenses of storytellers, historians, reporters, and analysts.

But for today, we must take the time to remember our roots, what we carry in our DNA, what gifts have been given or atrocities committed in our name.
Which of our ancestors’ sins have never been acknowledged or healed; which graces have never been duly recognized so they can be consciously embraced and developed?

We are forgetful people — or selectively-remembering people. We are masters at deflection, projection, and diversion. When we want to “move on,” we can easily bury significant and pivotal experience beneath all kinds of so-called “shiny objects” — those things that capture our attention because they are new, but that usually lead us in a harmful direction.

We need to stay focused; learn to ponder; understand the validity of lament, mourning, and confession; and resist moving on too quickly.

Je me souviens: ​I remember. Not only the French Canadians have had experiences which they urge themselves and each other not to forget.

We, too, hear repeated calls not to forget or paper over personal, national, or community experiences. What is yours — what is mine — to remember today?
Millennial/Xennial Happy Hour 
this Friday

Grab your drink of choice and join us on Zoom. Let’s chat, laugh and just have a good time, social distancing style! 6:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 19. Contact Felicia for more info:
Lenten Series on lament
begins next Wednesday

A four-part Lenten Series about the significance of lament begins next Wednesday, Feb. 24, and continues the following three Wednesdays: March 3, 10 and 17. We will meet via Zoom from 6 to 7:15 p.m.

Pastor Julia writes: "We rarely take time to reflect, acknowledge loss and pain, and tell stories of how we came through difficult experiences. These four evenings will include stories of people within our church family who have experienced difficult situations. There also may be poetry, music, art, Scripture, and times for quiet reflection and journaling. This is an opportunity to allow this Lenten journey to impact us in a new way."

Links will be sent out along with other weekly links.
Adult Education meets Mondays

Adult Education meets on Mondays from 9-10 a.m. The group is discussing Richard Rohr’s daily meditations.
To get them, please register at the Center for Action and Contemplation: A Zoom link will be made available. Contact Robin at if you're interested.
Men's Book Discussion Group

The Men's Book Study – meeting virtually via Zoom from 7-8 p.m. Tuesday – will meet Feb. 23 with a discussion of Pages 141-164 in "Inspired" by Rachel Held Evans.

Please contact Rod Zook at if you're interested. A Zoom link will be sent out on Monday, Feb. 22. 
 Women's Book Discussion Group
resumes in March

The Women's Book Discussion Group will start a new book "There There" by Tommy Orange at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 16.

Contact Robin at if you'd like to join the discussion.
Last Sunday, EJ delivered a guest sermon inspired by Matthew 26: 47-56. It focused on the arrest of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, the response of one disciple, and Jesus' words: "Put down your sword." Click here to watch the sermon.
You can help CUCC become a WISE congregation

CUCC wants to become a WISE congregation that is Welcoming, Inclusive, Supportive and Engaged with all persons who experience mental health challenges. WISE is an initiative of the United Church of Christ.

The Missions and Social Justice Team is looking for folks interested in joining a WISE committee at CUCC. If you want to join others and make a difference in our church, please contact Elizabeth Davis-Russell, chair of the Missions and Social Justice Team, at
Marilyn's office hours at church

Marilyn is in the office from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday. Please be sure to call ahead (559.435.2690) and remember to wear a mask if you need to come to the office.
Contacting Pastor Julia at church

Pastor Julia will be in the office Thursday morning and can be reached by phone, text, e-mail or Facetime other days of the week as well. E-mail her at
If you have a prayer (of joy, for healing, gratitude, love) for someone or someplace that you would like lifted up during worship on Sunday mornings, please send them to Pastor Julia at You can also submit prayer requests via our web page at
In each week's eNews, we include a news article from our larger denomination, the United Church of Christ, to show the faithful work being done in other places.
UCC extends relief to pandemic-stressed Latinx
in Northern California

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Laura and her husband were doing okay. They especially were excited about their baby’s approaching due date. 

But then the pandemic took his job. With the baby due any day, Laura also was unable to work. Their self-sufficient family suddenly was left struggling financially. 
This family is part of the pandemic-stressed and underserved Latinx community in
Northern California’s Placer County.

It’s one of the many communities of color across the United States suffering a disproportionately high toll from COVID-19. Continue reading at
Happy Birthday to all who are celebrating this month!

February Birthdays

2 Rod Zook
4 Arthur Kilburn, Diana Kloos, Dwayne Ruffin
7 Michelle Williams
10 Bonita Earl, John Comegys, Beryl Weinschenk
12 Alexandra FitzGibbon
14 Cathie Moseley
15 Christian Fazio
16 Ruben Fernandez, Bob Garcia
17 Rose Rowe
19 Charlene Toews
22 Vhuso Sukuta
26 Cheryl Jones
27 Anne Simone

Did we overlook someone's birthday or anniversary for this month? Please let Marilyn ( and Lisa ( know so we can get you in next week. We never intend to leave anyone out.
eNews deadline is 10 a.m. Wednesdays

CUCC eNews is a weekly publication distributed every Thursday. Deadline for submitting announcements is 10 a.m. Wednesdays (and earlier is appreciated). Send your announcements to both Lisa Boyles Bell and Doug Hoagland. Doug is now the primary newsletter designer, but Doug and Lisa collaborate on its production. Emails: and
Our Joyful Giving page reflects the many ways members can help support our Church's missions and operations, especially needed in these critical and uncertain times.

Due to COVID-19, worship will remain virtual for now. Limited office hours have resumed.

Phone: 559.435.2690