February 29, 2024

Dear Friends,

Grace and peace to you in our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.

On Sunday, February 25, 2024, of this Lenten season, our faith-to-life application homework asked us to list the times God’s faithfulness has been apparent in our lives. This listing represents our God stories. Let’s prayerfully trust God to give us the words and situations to share them with others.

Feel free to join Calvary’s Lenten Bible Study for even one week. It’s offered twice weekly-- on Mondays 6:30 PM in the parlor and Wednesdays at 10 AM in Room 114. Proceeds from the accompanying devotional guide (given to each attendee) are donated to “She Is Safe.” “She Is Safe” offers many God stories of new life through their work in restoring women and girls from abuse and exploitation.

During last night’s (Wednesday evening) of Soup & Sharing in the Fellowship Hall, everyone enjoyed delicious soup (prepared by the Calvary Choir) as we heard about Claudette Cozad’s amazing life. Next Wednesday evening (March 6) at 5:30 PM, we’ll learn more about Walt, Johannah & Reed Weldon’s life stories. On March 13, we’ll learn about Jeremy & Keri McCumber, and on March 20, Renee Nosko. All 45 persons who attended were blessed!

This Sunday, we’ll celebrate in Holy Communion as we continue with our worship series Sharing Our God Stories. I look forward to worshiping with you!

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Linda

Parents/Grandparents - this is your friendly reminder that there will be no Children's Sunday School OR Middle/High School Sunday School the first Sunday of every month so that families can receive Communion together. There are kids activity bags available to be used during worship for those who need it. Contact Nancy Mills at [email protected] for more information.

Grief Support Group

The Grief Support Group will meet this Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 7:00PM in the Parlor. If you know a friend or relative that has experienced a loss, please suggest they consider joining the support group. If you have any questions, please contact Suzanne Drury at [email protected] or Bill Thompson at [email protected].

Easter Candy needed!

We are preparing for the Easter Egg Hunt and we need your help by providing individually wrapped candy. There will be a collection bin in the Narthex through Palm Sunday, March 24th.

The Easter Egg Hunt will be Easter morning, March 31st at 8:45AM. Families can meet in the Fellowship Hall for a light kid friendly breakfast, Easter activity, and then egg hunt before heading up for worship at 10:00. For more information, contact Melissa Flaherty at [email protected].

Have you included Calvary United Methodist Church in your will?

  1. Where there is a will there is a way - to be an angel for our church. It can be as simple as including one specific sentence in your will – including a bequest to Calvary United Methodist Church.

Lenten Study

Join us for a Lenten Book and Bible Study called Sharing Our God Stories. The

studies will be available Monday evenings at 6:30PM with Pastor Linda and Wednesday Mornings at 10:00AM with Nancy Mills. For more information, contact Pastor Linda at [email protected] or Nancy Mills at [email protected].

Lenten Wednesday Dinners

Come for fellowship and soup every Wednesday in Lent (Mar 6th, 13th, and 20th) from 5:30PM - 6:45PM and listen to a Calvary friend share their life story. For more information, contact the church office at [email protected]. Childcare provided for Lenten Dinners.

Way of the Cross

Way of the Cross at Manresa, a beautiful and reflective Good Friday event hosted by Calvary and 11 other churches, will return this year: Good Friday (March 29th) at noon. Interested in helping by reading, beautifying Calvary’s station, or planning? Contact Julie Taylor: [email protected] or


Calvary Spring Retreat - ALL ARE INVITED!!

The Calvary UMC Spring Retreat is coming up and all are invited! The retreat, led by Pastor Rick Gray, will be held on Saturday, April 6, 2024. Location this year will be the West River Conference Center with lunch provided.

Details to follow. For more information, contact Wes Motter at 301-448-2109.

Save the Date

May 4th, 9:00AM - 12:00PM 

Calvary UMC will be helping to prepare 20,000 meals for people in impoverished countries who may not know when or if they will have another meal. More information to come. Contact Bill Lovelace at [email protected] with questions.

Even though the temperature outside has warmed up a little bit, it isn't summer quite yet. That hasn't stopped us from planning for the fun that this summer will hold - Vacation Bible School this July 8th - 12th!! Make sure to mark your calendar so you and/or the kids in your family won't miss out on the fun!

Contact Melissa Flaherty at [email protected] for more info.

Altar Flower Dedications Sign-up - new list!

The 2024 list is ready for you to sign up to dedicate flowers in honor of your loved one! Use the link below.


The dedication cost is $65 for a large floral arrangement. The flowers can go home with you after the Sunday service or can be used in our Flower ministry that sends smaller bouquets to friends/family of Calvary who could use a floral pick-me-up. For questions please contact Tracy Leahy at [email protected].

For Everyone Born: Songs of Justice and Joy will take place at Calvary on Sunday March 10 at 3:00 pm.  This is a hymn festival sponsored by the Annapolis Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Come join us as we celebrate congregational singing with a mix of hymns old and new. Singers from eight area church choirs will combine forces to form the Festival Choir, under the direction of Daniel Aune. Dr. Aune is Professor of Organ at Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University and Director of Music at Christ Lutheran Church in Baltimore. A free-will offering will be accepted for the benefit of the Light House of Annapolis and the Annapolis Chapter of the AGO. A reception will follow.

In His Grip Ministries

Every Sunday from 12:00PM - 2:00PM at The Crab Shack in Edgewater, IHG band and guests will be performing. All are invited to come get a bite to eat and listen to awesome music. Parents, there is an awesome KIDS MENU at The Crab Shack that you won’t want to miss. Contact Nelson Gardner at

[email protected] for more information.

Thank you to Melissa Flaherty (Director), Betsy Lord (Pianist), and the amazing Children's Choir who sing and share their gifts in worship.

To access the monthly bulletin board at BWC, click here.

Visit us at calumc.org