Dear Friends and Art Patrons,
In the blink of an eye we went from setting a Thanksgiving table, to Christmas decorations, to saying Happy New Year, to Valentine’s kisses!
Time seems to move quickly along whether I’m ready or not (like Lucy in the chocolate factory, when someone is always yelling, “Speed it up!”), reminding me once again what a tiny speck I am in this glorious world. But thankfully my part of the world is filled with colors and paintings and artists and joy.
And now restauranteurs are inviting me into their kitchens to paint what I see there for an upcoming show called RESTAURANTS+ART. This year-long project will showcase spots from diners to white tablecloth places, celebrating the growth and renewal that is the Wilmington Restaurant Industry. A percentage of the sales of these paintings will go to local food banks and charities.
In the meantime, I am happily teaching my in person and Zoom classes, and on most days you can find me in front of my easel, somewhere, grateful for everything in my little world.