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Elder and Deacon

Training Event

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Join us for a one-evening training zoom event, an opportunity for elders and deacons to worship, learn and reflect together on how to better serve Christ and the church through their offices.

Monday, March 28, 2022 5-8 PM

On zoom – link will be sent to all registrants 24 hours before the event.

Register Here

Healthy Communication


Why is communication in congregations sometimes so challenging? How can we actually “speak the truth in love”?

Church leaders, pastors, and church members are invited to attend this workshop for helpful and thought-provoking information and discussion about dealing with differences of opinion and conflict.

Saturday, March 26, 2022 9 AM - 2 PM [on zoom] Register Today!

New Testament

Introduction and History

Rev. Dr. Lynn Japinga

Tuesday evenings 7-10 PM,

April 5 through May 31

Each class session will focus on one major book, or multiple shorter books, of the New Testament.

Assigned readings will provide the basis for in-depth analysis and discussion.

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This distance learning video-conferencing course is required for those seeking to become a preaching elder or commissioned pastor. 

It is also open to all who wish to deepen their knowledge

and understanding of the New Testament.

Addition information will be provided when registration is completed.

Sign up for this Class Here
Register to Participate in This Conversation

NBTS Lecture:

“What We Still Owe

Erik Routley.”

"Erik Routley (1917-1982) a minister of the United Reformed Church of England and Wales who was considered one of the great hymnologists of the twentieth century. Late in his life, he immigrated to the United States to teach at Westminster Choir College in Princeton, New Jersey, where he met Howard Hageman and became involved with the RCA hymnal project that would be Rejoice in the Lord."


Nancy L. Graham is a hymnologist, author, musician, and teacher, with a Ph.D. from the Graduate Theological Foundation, Foundation House in Oxford, United Kingdom, and a Doctor of Sacred Music from The Graduate Theological Foundation, as well as a Master of Music from Westminster Choir College.

Join NBTS on Thursday, March 10, at 11:00 am

Regional Synod of Albany Meeting



The Regional Synod of Albany is scheduled to meet on Monday, May 2, 2022 at the Trinity Reformed Church in the Classis of Rochester. The meeting will begin at 9:30am and will conclude by 3:30pm.

Overnight accommodations on Sunday evening, May 1, will be provided for those delegates who will be traveling more than 2 ½ hours to the synod meeting. 

Please contact Rev. Bob Hoffman, Synod Clerk, to make your overnight lodging request.

 The agenda and workbook for the meeting will be sent to delegates on April 18. The agenda includes a number of reports about the synod’s programs and ministries as well as a number of recommendations that will guide the regional synod into 2023.


Please be sure to pray for the delegates, officers

and staff as they prepare for this important meeting.


Thank You! And God Bless you all.

Rev. Bob Hoffman

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