The Regional Synod of Albany is scheduled to meet on Monday, May 2, 2022 at the Trinity Reformed Church in the Classis of Rochester. The meeting will begin at 9:30am and will conclude by 3:30pm.
Overnight accommodations on Sunday evening, May 1, will be provided for those delegates who will be traveling more than 2 ½ hours to the synod meeting.
Please contact Rev. Bob Hoffman, Synod Clerk, to make your overnight lodging request.
The agenda and workbook for the meeting will be sent to delegates on April 18. The agenda includes a number of reports about the synod’s programs and ministries as well as a number of recommendations that will guide the regional synod into 2023.
Please be sure to pray for the delegates, officers
and staff as they prepare for this important meeting.
Thank You! And God Bless you all.
Rev. Bob Hoffman