February 2023



02/02 Mike Dillon

02/10 Grace Boyle

02/23 Donna Hall

02/24 Joe Fisher

02/26 Kevin Mooney

02/27 Dalis Gruger


Somebody plan a vow renewal ! I don't have any February anniversaries to report

Please Welcome the New Breeze Editor!

Please join us in a warm welcome to our new Editor in Chief of the Breeze, Heather Jager! The Jagers have been members of PCC for about 10 years, and have been involved in various board positions and projects. Menno is currently our Membership Chair as well as the chaos coordinator of the Dock License Holders.

Input to our monthly newsletter is encouraged and greatly appreciated! Please email articles and photos to Heather at jager6@zoominternet.net or text photos to 814-795-7135 by the 25th of each month.

Spring 2023 Merchandise Sale!

We are excited to offer 3 new pieces of Merchandise this spring! Please note these are all cotton, and not the quick dry. Please print the Order Form and email or text to Lidia per the instructions on the bottom of the page. Orders will be accepted between now and March 30th, 2023. Any questions, email Lidia. All orders will be distributed during the SPRING WORK PARTY!

Long Sleeve T-shirt


$27 ea

1/4 Zip Sweatshirt


$35 ea



$35 ea

Sip & Paint!

March 4, 2023 2pm - 4pm

We'll be sipping (please bring beverage of your choice) and painting (all supplies provided) - spring flowers on driftwood! Price range $10-$20 depending on the size of driftwood you select. All members, friends and family are welcome. RSVP's are required to assure we have enough materials.

This event takes place right before the March hors d'oeuvre party - so plan on making a day of it! RSVP to Lidia via email or txt: 724-967-1910 no later than Saturday, February 25. Hope to see you there!

Sailing School Updates

2023 will mark our 5th year of teaching sailing since opening our doors in 2019. Every year has brought on challenges, successes, and lessons learned; and we can't wait to see what next year has in store for us!

To assure best possible experience for our students and instructors, we have made some adjustments in our teaching structure. Please visit our website for more information and to download an application!

Life Saving Device Donated to the Club!

A "LifeVac" Home Kit has been donated to the club. This device is an alternative method to the Heimlich maneuver to save someone that's chocking on something. The kit comes with 1 adult and 1 child mask.

Please take a few minutes to visit the LifeVac website to learn more about it, especially how to use it!

The device will be stored near the AED. If it's ever used, please contact Ron Gallagher so the mask used can be replaced.

Boat for sale!

1985 Shark 24 in excellent condition

Price: $3500

LOA: 24'

Beam: 6'10"

Draft: 3'2"

Displacement 2100 lbs.

Includes: main, storm jib, 150% genoa, asymmetrical spinnaker, battery, motor (4-stroke, 9.8hp), trailer, cushions, anchor, radio, life jackets, dock lines, bumpers and more. It has been well maintained and has been kept at the Century Club for 36 years.

Please contact Kathylynn Feld: cell 724-234-7580 home 724-667-8943

Dues and Fees Reminder

The Club By-Laws state that all dues and fees must be paid by March 1st of each year. Please make every effort to get it done on time.

Also remember to get a State Mooring Decal as this will be strictly enforced by the club this year.

The link for the Dues and Fees Statement is below.

Dues and Fees Statement

NEW: PCC Blog!

We have talked about this long enough, it's finally time to make it happen. We have created a new section on our website, a PCC Blog! Topics for our posts will include recipes from our members that we all enjoy during our parties and get togethers, as well as any boat projects you'd like to share. Check out our Blog page here!

To submit a recipe or a boat project you'd like published, please email Lidia. Please include at least one photo of your recipe/project!

February Hors d'oeuvre Party

Saturday, February 4th @ 5pm

Join us on Saturday, February 4 at 5:00 PM for our monthly hors d'oeuvre party! 

Come and enjoy the camaraderie of the evening. Bring your favorite dish to share. It's BYOB or donate to the fridge. Friends and new or potential members are welcome. This is a great opportunity to show off our facilities to any folks interested in membership. No RSVP's necessary, just show up. See you all there!

Board of Directors

Bill Gray

Sue Porter

VP/Social Chair



Michelle Bish




Menno Jager




Ron Gallagher

Harbor Master



Dale Lewis

Buildings & Grounds



Ross Cummings

Racing Liaison



Ex-Officio Board Members

Kathy Soriano




Ron Gallagher
Assistant Caretaker

Lidia Gray

PR/Sailing School



Visit our website!