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League Calendar

Observer Reports

RF Park District

RF Elem. Dist. 90

Triton College Finance Comm.

February 2016
From the President
Dear Members,
Even as we continue to work on events for this year, our League must also start planning for next year.  The Nominating Committee needs your help. Even as we gain new members to make us the biggest League in the state, we still are working on more members stepping into leadership positions.  In the next couple of months we may be approaching you about becoming a Board member, a committee chair or a committee member. We are an active League with many opportunities for member involvement.  When called on to participate, instead of declining, please tell us what you can do.  "I can't be a Committee Chair, but I can register voters or be a greeter at an event".  With close to 200 members, if we all do just one thing, then a few of us will not be doing many things. 

Peggy Kell

Monthly Programs
Second Tuesday
On Tuesday, February 9, from 9:30-11:00am, Martha Conrad will be the resource person to lead the discussion on "Current Reproductive Health Care Rights" at The Nineteenth Century Club, located at 178 Forest Ave., Oak Park.  Please join us for this free presentation. Bring a friend to share in the discussion!

Drinks & Dialogue
On Wednesday, February 17, at Doc Ryan's, Forest Park,  this month's D & D will be devoted to discussing the proposed LWV US program proposals for the 2016-2018 biennium. Our objective is to give input to LWV US before March 1. Join us from 5:30-7:00 pm, at Doc Ryan's, located at 7432 W. Madison, Forest Park.  You can read about the proposals here.   LWV US ProgramPlanning Guide  
What better way to discuss important League issues than with drinks and food! 
Member Coffee
Many thanks to Marilyn Cantisano and Donalda Ellek for putting together an informative and well atte nded Member Coffee.  Thirty-three current, new, and
prospective members attended and learned
more about our Triton College Study and Advocacy Committee. Two of the attendees subsequently joined our League! The Membership Committee is planning another one of these events for this year.  It will be on Thursday  evening, April 7, at Brian Boru's in Forest Park.  The April event will concentrate on our Voter Service and Observer Corps.  Start thinking of people to  invite now.
Jean Peterman talks about our Great Decisions

Pauline Koch reviews the Triton College Study

LWVIL Phonathon
Every year, our local League participates in the LWV IL Phonathon. A group of members spend one day calling our local members and members from some neighboring locals to solicit donations for LWV IL. Participating in this event not only garners money for the state, but we then also receive a percentage of the moneys donated.  
All members will receive a letter about the Phonation from LWVIL the first week of February. If we are to participate again this year, we need a member to coordinate our efforts.  Yes, we need a chairperson!  If you are interested in chairing this one time, one day event, please email Peggy Kell or call 708-524-0483.

Upcoming Meetings
The Environmental Committee will be meeting on Thursday, February 18 at 7:00 pm at the Oak Park Library, conference room G.  Topics for future study will be explored.  Please contact  Marsha Borders for more information.

Great Decisions will be discussing the Middle East the first two weeks in February and the Rise of ISIS the last two weeks in February.  Check out the complete schedule for times and dates.  Great Decisions 2016 Schedule
LWVIL Issues Briefing
Mark your calendars now for the 2016 LWVIL Issues Briefing.  On Saturday, February 26, the tentative agenda will include plenaries on Gun Violence Prevention and the Outlook for Criminal Justice Reform.  There will also be workshops on Redistricting, Illinois Clean Jobs Bill, Illinois Vision 20/20, America's Watershed Initiative, Mental Health in Prisons, and What to do about 6900 Units of Government. The briefing will once again be held at University Center, 525 South State Street, Chicago, starting at 10:00 am.  Registration forms can be found on the LWVIL website  lwvil.org
We have budgeted money to pay for six members registration fee($60 full day).  If you would like to take advantage of this, please contact  Peggy Kell.
News to Use
Green Guides Network launch February 2. 

The Oak Park Art League will sponsor a "Big Wig" lip sync battle between the three villages leaders on February 27. Check out the flyer Oak Park Art League

LWV Chicago  February Newsletter

League of Women Voters of Oak Park & River Forest | | (708) 342-0803
  lwvoprf@sbcglobal.net | http://lwvoprf.org
P.O. Box 3301
Oak Park, IL 60303-3301