TCGIS Online Calendar
Upcoming Events
Feb. 14: Early Release Wednesday
Feb. 16: Professional Learning Day - NO SCHOOL
Feb. 19: Presidents' Day - NO SCHOOL
Mar. 5: Professional Learning Day - NO SCHOOL
Mar. 12-16: No After School Activities
Mar. 15-16: Parent Teacher Conferences
Mar. 16: Parent Teacher Conferences - NO SCHOOL
Mar. 21: Registration Opens for Session 3 of After School Activities
Mar. 28: School Board Meeting
Mar. 29: Winter After School Activities End
Mar. 30 - Mar. 6: Spring Break - No School
Administrative Information
2018-2019 Calendar Input: Feedback Requested!
We are working to get the calendar for next school year finalized. If you would like to have some input into this process, please take this survey.
Please note: the start date for the 2018-2019 school year will be Monday, August 27. |
Last Call: Sibling Applications Due February 7
We are currently accepting sibling applications for the 2018-19 school year! If you have a child that will be entering Kindergarten next year, please fill out this
application form
and return it to the school office at your earliest convenience.
The application deadline is February 7, 2018, at 4:00pm.
We cannot guarantee placement for any students whose applications are received after this date.
Please Review Attendance Procedures
With the start of our second semester, please consider revisiting our school attendance procedures. It is certainly clear that sick kids belong home in bed and that not all doctor and dentist can happen after school. Also, times certainly arise when family - whether for emergency reasons or for rest and relaxation - takes priority and kids miss school. But in general, our hope is that every child is in school every day. Following the procedures listed in the family handbook assures accurate record keeping and can save our office staff and teachers considerable time. We thank you in advance for your help.
Meet the Spring Interns!
What a wonderful first semester we had with our interns! We'd like to say Dankeschön for all of their hard work, and a special thanks to our host families! We would also like to take this opportunity to introduce our new group of interns. Read about them here. |
Listening Sessions Hosted by TCGIS Board & Admin
On 2/27 and 3/6 the School Board and the Administration will host listening sessions for the TCGIS Community regarding TCGIS Staff and Teachers (2/27) and TCGIS Facilities (3/6). Each session will include a presentation on the current status of the Board's and the Administration's efforts regarding the respective topic as well as time afterward reserved for engagement with the Board and Administration on that topic. Specific times and locations for these sessions will be communicated through future Elternbriefs. We encourage all interested community members to attend! |
The Middle School is Going Skifoan!!!
Information was sent home to parents yesterday. Please make sure to return permission slips, waivers, and rental slips as soon as possible.
If your student cannot attend the skiing day, please get in touch with Herrn Liesner (
) to talk about alternatives.
If you are interested in helping as a chaperone, please sign up
Let's create some unforgettable memories together!
We hope to see you on the slopes!
Herr Liesner and the Middle School staff
Join the TCGIS Volleyball Teams!
Volleyball Season is starting soon! We are looking for players for our co-ed 5th/6th and 7th/8th grade teams. Practices will be from 4:30-6:30pm - players will be able to stay with their coach in a classroom after school from 3:30-4:30pm.
Please click on
this link
for more information, including a link to the registration page. If you have questions, please contact Coach Kulhanek at
Our Goal for Next Year: 30 Host Families!
Now is the time to apply to become a host family for the next school year. Options are available for short-term hosting, Fall semester, Spring semester or for full-year arrangements. Hosting a TCGIS intern from Germany, Austria or Switzerland can be a valuable experience for your family and expand the horizons of your children forever! So far we have 7 host families!
Click here to find out more about our intern program! Have any questions? Contact
Tina Haarbusch. Already sold and excited to host?
Click here to sign up by
February 1, 2018!
Puzzlers Needed
Are you a puzzler? Do you enjoy creative word smithing? Do you have an acronym for remembering everything? Or do people laugh at your puns? Then we have a competition for you!
Currently our school has three behavior expectations:
Sicherheit (Safety),
Verantwortung (Responsibility),
Respekt (Respect). We want you to come up with a catchphrase using each first letter of our 3 behavior expectations: S, V, R. Please submit your catchphrase to by
February 4. The winner will be announced at the Carnival of Cultures on
February 22nd. The winner will receive a $25 gift card for Amazon.
The example below may bring some inspiration! This example is from Wyoming
Elementary School in Forest Lake, Minnesota, notice their use and prominence of the school mascot.
Feel free to bring any ideas forward!
Thank you for your time and support,
The PBIS Leadership Team
Save the Date! Family Ski Day at Trollhaugen
Monday, March 5
Mark your calendars! This year's TCGIS Family Ski Day will be
Monday, March 5 at
Trollhaugen. This is a great chance to hit the slopes with family and friends! Please check next week's Elternbrief for complete details and registration information.
Age 6 thru adult -- $15 lift ticket
Age 5 & under -- FREE lift ticket
Equipment rental -- $15 (includes helmet)
Special packages available:
Grades 5 & 6 -- $18 lift ticket/rental/lesson
Grades K-4 -- $28 lift ticket/rental/lesson
Governance News:
The Board's Governance Committee invites anyone interested to join us for the review and updating of school policies. Monthly attendance is not required to participate in this important work. If you are available and interested, though, we are always recruiting new members!
February's meeting is scheduled for Monday the 12th, at 6:30 in Room 99. Policies up for a first reading include #404 on background checks and #502 on searches of student lockers, desks, possessions and person. If you would like to preview the policies, they can be found on the TCGIS webpage. We look forward to seeing you there! Contact with questions.
Fundraising & Development News:
The Fundraising & Development Committee typically meets the first Friday of every month. This month's meeting is on February 2 at 8:15 am in Room 99. All meetings are open to the community.
This month's agenda will be devoted to discussing details related to the end-of-year all school picnic fundraiser. Questions? Contact Dianne Bell, Chair of the Fundraising and Development Committee.
PTO Meeting- Feb 13
6:45-7:00 social meet & greet
7:00-8:00 PTO Business Meeting
8:00-8:30 Subcommittee meetings. Join the conversation with the Staff Appreciation Committee, Fundraising Committee, Community Development Committee or Finance as we work out specific needs and details of upcoming events. We meet in the cafeteria. Childc
are in the Aula.
RSVP here
German Movie Night - Febreuary 2
KinoKneipe Movie Night at GAI this Friday - come watch a movie and enjoy a couple of drinks. We are screening 'Ein Geschenk der Götter', a drama-comedy in which an unemployed actress, and 8 long term unemployed men and women come together in a training measure. The actress has to form a group out of a bunch of frustrated lone wolves and starts rehearing the classic play 'Antigone' with them. This gives new impetus to the participants own private dramas. (Movie is rated PG - some explicit language)
Registration now open for Spring classes starting next week. Click HERE for information about classes & schedules.
Kaffeestube European Breakfast Café returns again this Saturday! Grab your friends and family and head to the GAI for a delicious German breakfast.