Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 11, 2024

 The ‘I Will’ Formula of Jesus’ Healing”

We are forgiven, and our souls are cleansed, from the spiritual leprosy of sin when we repent of our sins. This is because God is a God of love Who waits patiently for us. No matter how many sins we have committed or how badly we have behaved, we know God forgives us. The only condition required of us is that we ask for forgiveness with a repentant heart. We need only kneel before him and ask him, “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean” We are sure to hear his words of absolution, “Very well– your sins are forgiven, and you are clean” echoed in the Sacrament of Reconciliation


Jesus calls every one of us to demolish the walls that separate us from each other and to welcome the outcasts and the untouchables of society. These include homosexuals, AIDS victims, alcoholics, the imprisoned, drug-addicts, and marginalized groups such as the divorced, the unmarried, single mothers, migrant workers, and the mentally ill. God’s loving hand must reach out to them through us. Jesus wants us to touch their lives.


Many of us are sick of both self contracted sickness and the sickness imposed on us. Mark tells us today that whatever we are suffering from does not really matter for our God. What He requires from us is to come out of our hiding places. He needs us to break away from the glue of incredulity and be optimistic that He is a life changing God. His response to the leper is, “I will; be healed!” That is the language that every ugly situation in our lives should hear. Jesus’ hands are outstretched waiting for who to touch. Friends and family members may not be willing to associate with you simply because your life is no longer as it used to be. But listen to Jesus who says today, “I will.” I will simply means, “I accept you. I don’t care about the type of story that is associated with you. You mean everything for me. You may be a “leper” in the eyes of the world, but for me you are a beloved. How can I say I won’t? It is for your sake that I came. I have loved you so much to reject you at this point. I cannot possibly pass you by. I cannot resist your condition anymore. You have suffered so much bondage. It is now time for you to be free like the rest of the world. You cannot continue to hide. Therefore I say to you, “I will; be healed!”


Father Lawrence Obilor

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February 10 - 16, 2024

To schedule a Mass intention, please stop by the parish office.

Saturday 5:00 PM

James Steffens†

Jessie Quirimit†


Sunday 8:30 AM

All Souls


Sunday 10:00 AM

All Souls


Sunday 11:30 AM

Edward Enos†

In Thanksgiving to God & Madonna for Healing


Monday 8:30 AM

Rosino Duran, Jr.†


Tuesday 8:00 AM

Rosino Duran, Jr.†


Wednesday 8:00 AM


Thursday 9:00 AM

Rosino Duran, Jr.†


Friday 8:00 AM

Rosino Duran, Jr.†


Brandon Biala, Rogelio (Roy) de Jesus



Jerry Enos, Spike Standifer, Louise Vento, Egualberto Abaya, Katie Hernandez, Amy Gastelum, Greg Rhodes, Paul Krill, Megan Favoli, Bekah Dominguez, Emma Firpo, Jimmy Verna, Kathleen Lupo, Roberta Williams, Connor Vierra, Frances Pizzo, Tom Rodenfils, Marie Flemate, Rodger “OB” O’Brien, Sr. 

Please pray with us for our parishioners, family and friends.


ADA 2024

Supporting Our Mission Together

Our Parish Goal: $150,560


               We are brought together from all walks of life through various ministries and services to do God's work of justice, mercy, outreach, and formation.  Supporting Our Mission Together, the Annual Diocesan Appeal for the Diocese of San Jose, provides the financial support of these ministries and services for all Catholics in our community.


               Please prayerfully consider pledging your support to our Diocese. Once our Parish reaches its goal, the additional funds will be returned to the Parish.  Donations can be made by completing the pledge card mailed to your home, using the QR code provided here, or online at Additional pledge cards are located in the back of the Church and in the Parish Office. Thank you, St. Martin of Tours Parishioners, for your great generosity. 

To make your pledge, please scan the QR code or click on the ADA link to help us reach our Parish goal as we all participate in 

Supporting Our Mission Together.

ADA Link


Sunday Offering 1/28/2024 Fiscal Year to Date










If you would like to donate online, please use the

QR Code provided.

Thank you for your generosity!


St. Martin of Tours Lenten Calendar


Click Here


Today, we celebrate the Rite of Sending for 10 catechumens who concluded the period of the catechumenate. Rite of Sending offers parish community the opportunity to express its support and care to send them to the celebration of the Rite of Election that will be celebrated next Sunday in the Basilica of St. Joseph Cathedral. Please keep praying for these catechumens:


       Janey Chan                         Zoey Park

       Olive Park                            Hannah Park

       Isabella Stipe                       Bennett Stipe

       Kevin Madej                         Trenton Madej

Novembre De Bernardo Gianna Verna


May the Lord continue to bless them as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist during the Easter Vigil on March 30, 2024.


Dear parents and children, kindly click on the link below to download and print out catechetical activity for children for this weekend. This link is updated every week with activities that corresponds to the readings and Sunday celebrations.



Find out if God is calling you to consecrated life. Meet other nuns and religious of San Jose. Experience their life and get your questions, doubts, concerns answered. Meet other women like you who are discerning.

To find more details and to register CLICK HERE

Couples celebrating their Wedding Anniversaries (1st – 5th, 25th, 40th, 50th, and greater) this year are invited to attend the celebration mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph in downtown San Jose.

The couples will renew their wedding vow and receive a blessing at the celebration by the Bishop. Wedding Anniversary certificates will be mailed. If you and your spouse wish to attend and receive a certificate, REGISTER HERE

Diocese of San Jose 2023 Pastoral Plan 

The Diocesan Pastoral Plan was unveiled on December 6. It is based on four pillars. The detailed action plan and the phases of implementation are included in the published version. A link to the published version in given below. I encourage you all to look at it as we move toward the implementation phase. Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide us in every step of its implementation.


Diocese of San Jose Impact Report 2022-2023

Learn about the impact of the Diocese of San José ministries over the past year that serve more than 528,000 Catholics in Santa Clara County, including 54 parishes, missions and pastoral centers, and 34 Catholic schools. Click here to read the full report. 

Stay up to date with Diocesan wide news, events, and stories as well as news from the USCCB and the Vatican. Read the Bishop’s messages, see what our children are doing in school, and learn about upcoming community events. Follow the Diocese of San Jose on FacebookInstagramTwitter, and Vimeo. Social Media Posts: Facebook Instagram
The Valley Catholic
Health & Safety
Behavioral Health Services, Santa Clara County - Flyer
Youth & Young Adult Wellness Online
Food & Rental Assistance
Free Meals for Kids - Second Harvest
Rental Assistance in the Community

Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County Food Distribution

Women, Infant & Children (WIC) Food & Nutrition Support

St. Vincent de Paul


Please email the Parish Office.

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