In this edition of ENews:
- St. John's, Roseville hosts Super Bowl Party with The Gathering Inn
- Episcopal Community Services 2024-2025 Grant Cycle Begins
- Racial Justice Audit Zoom Meeting Recording Available Now
- 2024 Stewardship Resources Available Now
- Online Lenten Group on Spiritual Practices begins February 22
- Disaster Preparedness Academy – Registration Now Open
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St. John's, Roseville Super Bowl Party with The Gathering Inn | |
Last Sunday St. John's in Roseville hosted a Super Bowl Party for 60+ guests from The Gathering Inn - an organization that provides shelter and services to people experiencing homelessness in Placer County. Our guests feasted on all sorts of snacks and food provided by the people of St. John's, as together we watched an exciting game and halftime show. Prizes were given out after each quarter, and one of the TGI teens correctly guessed the final score of the game. He was thrilled with his prize! It was a wonderful opportunity to continue to build our relationship with the guests and continue to support them on their journey toward sustainable housing. | |
Trinity Cathedral Hosts Thirty-Sixth Annual Diocesan Choir Festival | |
Nigel Groome rehearsing with the festival choir. | |
On January 27th, forty singers from around the Diocese gathered at Trinity Cathedral for a day of singing. Our guest conductor was Nigel Groome from St. Matthew's, Westminster, London, England. We welcomed singers from Faith, Cameron Park; St John's, Chico; St John's, Roseville; Incarnation, Santa Rosa; St Luke's, Auburn; along with singers from Trinity Cathedral. The day finished with a glorious service of Choral Evensong.
The Diocesan Choir Festival was founded by Canon David Link in 1987 as a way to bring musicians from around the Diocese to Trinity Cathedral, and to share great music under the leadership of distinguished guest conductors. A complete history of the festival can be found here:
Next year's festival will be held on Saturday, January 25, 2025. It will be David Link's final choir festival before his planned retirement at the end of the year, and hoped that many singers will join us. Watch the e-news for details as plans come together!
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The Fearless Faith Revival is just over two months away! Registration opens March 1!
Revival Website: In addition to the latest information, you'll find:
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Revival Survey
- Flyers, Posters
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Revival Worship Planning Team Seeks Video Testimony | |
As we prepare for our Revival, the Worship Planning team would like to hear where we are seeing love planted and hope harvested in our Diocese!
We are asking for short (2-3 minute) videos of how you have experienced God’s love and grace in daily life, in the church, or in serving others. We will review all the testimonies we receive for use at the Revival event or in other diocesan events and communications. Emails have gone out to the congregations with more details. Thank you!
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us:
The Very Rev. Tammy Smith-Firestone or The Rev. Daniel London
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Save the Date: Vestry Essentials
Saturday, March 16 | On Zoom | 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Workshops will cover the following topics:
- What Every Vestry/Mission Committee Member Should Know
- Pastoral and Spiritual Leadership
- HR basics, Property, and Financial Matters
Click the link to register:
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Episcopal Community Services | |
ECS 2024-2025 Annual Grant Cycle Begins
ECS is pleased to announce that the 2024-2025 Annual Grant Cycle has begun!
Episcopal congregations throughout the Diocese of Northern California can apply for a number of grants, including:
- The Ministry Development Fund (1 year)
- The Warren Dunning Memorial Social Justice Grant (3 years)
- The Barry L. Beisner Multi-Year Grant (up to 5 years)
- The Bishop Jerry and Jane Lamb Grant (1 year, youth and young adults)
- The Healing and Health Ministries Mini-Grants
- The Rev. David & Catherine Cavanaugh Memorial Grant (1 year, with option for 2 renewals)
Information about each of these grant opportunities can be found on the ECS website
Letters of Interest for these grants are recommended, but are not mandatory. Information about Letters of Interest are found on the ECS website. Letters of Interest are due to Steve Mershon, Grants Chair, by March 15, 2024 (
The actual request for funding (Request for Proposals, or RFP) is due to the Grants Chair by May 1, 2024. The RFP document can also be found on the ECS website.
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Solicitud del curso de predicación laica: cohorte de lengua española 2024
Las Diócesis Episcopales de El Camino Real, el Norte de California y San Diego están aceptando solicitudes para el grupo de lengua española de 2024 con el fin de preparar a las personas para solicitar una licencia de predicación laica. Buscamos estudiantes adultos de todas las edades y antecedentes educativos que participen activamente en el ministerio en sus congregaciones y demuestren dones en el liderazgo laico. Los participantes deben ser miembros de una congregación dentro de una de nuestras tres diócesis asociadas.
Las solicitudes deben presentarse antes del 15 de marzo de 2024.
Para obtener más información y aplicar haga clic aquí:
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Commission for Intercultural Ministries | |
The Racial Justice Audit Zoom Meeting Recording Now Available
If you were unable to attend the zoom meeting held on Thursday, February 1, click the link below to view the recording.
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I Will With God's Help Workshop – Registration Now Open
This workshop is rooted in our baptismal identity and the promises we make in baptism. It focuses on how we can more fully live into our promise to be loving toward our neighbors, to address racism in our communities and build the Beloved Community. During the workshop we follow the path of the Becoming Beloved Community labyrinth.
This workshop meets the requirement for licensing for Lay Eucharistic Ministers and Lay Eucharistic Visitors in the Diocese. Other lay licensed ministries need to take Sacred Ground to meet Diocesan licensing requirements.
Saturday, April 20 | Ascension, Vallejo |9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Register here:
Saturday, May 11 | St. Michael's, Carmichael | 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Register here:
Saturday, June 8 | Zoom | 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Register here:
For Questions contact Jo Ann Williams:
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Missioner for Church Life | |
2024 Stewardship Resources Available Now
TENS (The Episcopal Network for Stewardship) just released their 2024 stewardship materials. The theme for the year is Walk in Love, a celebration of the joy and gratitude we have for God and our community that lead us to share our stories, our journeys, and our gifts.
You can learn more at:
The 2024 campaign materials are password protected, clergy and stewardship committee members can email me to get the password
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Online Lent Group on Spiritual Practices begins February 22
Co-led by four diocesan clergy, this series will focus on five different areas of spiritual practice: meditation, ministry, media, mind, and movement. We'll be using the book, Strength for the Journey: A guide to spiritual practice, by Renee Miller.
Leaders will be the Rev. Beth Gaines (Deacon in Benicia), Rev. Carol Luther (Priest in Kenwood), Rev. Mack Olson, and Rev. Julie Wakelee in the Office of the Bishop.
Thursdays – 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
February 22 - March 21
On Zoom
Register now at:
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2024 Ash Wednesday & Lent Resources Available Now
Ash Wednesday will be here before you know it, so be sure to begin your planning for Lent! Our diocesan website now has a page with various resources for use as individuals, families, or congregations.
Visit our lent resources page for more information:
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Resources for Black History Month | |
February is Black History Month!
The diocesan website now has a page with resources for use as individuals, families, or congregations.
Be sure to check the page frequently, as more resources will be added in the coming weeks.
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Missioner for Disaster Resilience | |
Disaster Preparedness Academy Registration is Now Open | |
Across the Diocese of Northern California, many congregations have expressed interest in training for disaster preparedness.
The Disaster Preparedness Academy, sponsored by Blue Lake Rancheria, is being hosted by Christ Church, Eureka, on Saturday, May 11, 2024. This event is a follow-up to last September's Be Disaster Ready Expo, held at St. John's, Roseville.
An added benefit? If you attend, not only will you receive valuable training and lots of giveaways, but lunch will be provided! Better yet: it’s all FREE!
Reserve your seat today!
Send an email to
I look forward to seeing you there.
– Rev. Mark Dibelka, Missioner for Disaster Resilience
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Upcoming Events around the Diocese | |
St. Timothy's, Gridley Community Garden Events
Saturday, February 24 | 2:00 pm
Composting 101 with Amy Roseman of BCLFN, Janel Luke of California Alliance for Community Composting (CACC), and Grace Mahannah - an informative and hands-on introduction to composting.
All events are free and everyone is welcome! Events will take place in the community garden or the church fellowship hall, depending on the weather.
For more information email:
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Holy Trinity Compline Choirs will chant Compline during Lent on five consecutive Sunday evenings
Holy Trinity, Nevada City | 7:00 pm
February 18 | Renaissance Man | men’s quartet
February 25 | Illuminare | family quartet
March 3 | Voces Angelorum | women
March 10 | The Compline Choir | men
March 17 | Unitas | combined choirs
Read More
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Diocesan Lenten Civil Discourse Group
Thursdays, February 22 through March 21 | Zoom | 10:00 am
Back in November, Alan Yarborough from the Office of Government Relations came to our Diocese and led an evening workshop on how to have difficult political conversations - civil discourse. Participants found the workshop so helpful that a group wanted to go deeper with the full Office of Government Relations 5-week online class on civil discourse.
We would like to invite everyone in the Diocese to join us this Lent and this Election Year in reflecting on how we can listen to differing political opinions with grace and compassion. And how we can speak about our own values with truth and love.
Contact Rev. Alex Leach, Director of Formation at Trinity Cathedral, to sign up for this class.
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Trinity Cathedral’s Sobriety Support Ministry Offers Spirituality and the Twelve Steps Zoom Book Group
February 22 - May 23 | Trinity Cathedral | 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Kenny Pierce and the Rev. Anne Dryden McKeever of Trinity Cathedral’s Sobriety Support Ministry will facilitate a thirteen-week discussion group of Richard Rohr’s book, Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps, meeting Thursday evenings via Zoom, 7:00 pm -8:30 pm, from February 22 through May 23, except for March 28, Maundy Thursday.
Read more
To register for the group and to receive your free books and the Zoom link, please email your postal address to the Rev. Anne Dryden McKeever at
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When was the last time someone stopped everything to listened to you? They put down their phones, turned off the T.V., turned their bodies towards you, and listened intently to you? Listening is world altering gift. If you have the gift of listening I am asking you to join a Regional Discernment Group (RDG). We especially need people in the Russian River Deanery and Capital Deanery to join RDGs. We need people who are willing to listen and discern people’s calling. Deep listening acts as a mirror to help people see themselves and one of the greatest gifts you can give.
Please sign up here for the training on March 2nd.
Please contact The Rev. Anny Genato,, if you have any questions.
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A Pilgrimage to England and Scotland
Examining our Anglican and Celtic Roots
June 5 -18, 2024
Pilgrimage Host: The Rev. Dr. William Stomski
Space is limited.
For more information, contact Fr. William at
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Clergy Openings in The Diocese | |
Job Opportunities in The Diocese | |
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral | Sacramento is seeking a new Director of Cathedral Choristers (Children’s choir). Read the Job Announcement Here. | |
The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
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The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California
Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ
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