In this edition of ENews:
- Church Pension Group host workshop on Investing Strategies
- Recap of Recent Board of Trustees Retreat
- FaithX Church Vitality Assessment Applications Now Open
- Pathways Applications to Episcopal Youth Event Available Now
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February 7, 2023 Board of Trustees Retreat Recap
– Margie Harrison-Smith | Vice-President, Board of Trustees
On behalf of the Board of Trustees for the Diocese of Northern California, I am happy to present a “Trinity” of work from the February Board Meeting—a trio of facts, if you will, that show the interconnectedness and love at work in our Diocese.
The Board of Trustees is with you and we are here for you – no matter where you are in the Diocese. This board has the energy, talent and willingness to serve the people of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California.
At the first regular meeting of 2023, your Board of Trustees hit the ground running!
Click here to Read More
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Bishop Visits
St. Andrews, Antelope
On Sunday, February 12, Bishop Megan visited and worshipped with the congregation of St. Andrew's, Antelope (Sacramento County). The Bishop was assisted by priest-in-charge, The Rev. Peter Rodgers.
The congregation currently worships at Bethel Lutheran Church, while repairs are being done to their sanctuary, following a fire in 2022.
Many thanks to Father Peter and the people of St. Andrew's for a warm welcome.
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Bishop Megan with The Rev. Peter Rodgers, Priest-in-Charge | |
Canon Julie Visits
All Saint's, Sacramento
Last Sunday, Canon to the Ordinary Julie Wakelee preached and worshipped with the congregation of All Saints, Sacramento.
Following worship, Canon Julie led a lively workshop with parishioners on telling their story. A big thanks to the folks of All Saint's for their hospitality and vitality.
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Canon Julie takes a selfie while parishioners work on storytelling exercise. | |
Looking for something for your older kids to do this Spring Break & Quarter Break?
Celebrating the Joy of Easter in Ceramic Stepping Stones: Sign them up for the Ceramics Class to make stepping stones at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Galt. All are welcome ages 10+ (parents may sign up with their kids,too!)
This will be a two week class on Mon,Tues,and Thursdays, during the Galt school breaks.
March 6, 7 & 9 | 12:30 to 2:30 pm
April 3, 4 & 6 | 12:30 to 2:30 pm
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Welcome to Tonya Napoli!
If you call or visit the Office of the Bishop, please welcome Tonya Napoli to the diocesan family!
She is the Reception/Administrative Assistant for the Office of the Bishop.
A native of Sacramento, Tonya brings a wide variety of experience in legal, medical, and institutional systems. When not at work, she spends her time crafting, reading books and hanging out with her husband and six dogs.
Tonya may be reached at
Welcome, Tonya!
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Be careful opening emails…
Phishing Season is Open!
They're at it again. Last week there were a couple different emails making the rounds in the Diocese, allegedly from Bishop Megan or a clergy member.
If you are uncertain if the email is legitimate, call the Office of the Bishop. Don't automatically reply to the email.
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Missioner for Church Life | |
Lenten Book Study with Canon Julie and Missioner Mack…
Lent will be here soon, so be sure to get yourself a copy of Amy-Jill Levine’s Entering the Passion of Jesus and join Julie and Mack for a diocesan-wide Lent 2023 book study. We’ll gather each of the Five Wednesdays in March from 7-8pm on Zoom. Click HERE to register.
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Pathways Applications
Now Available!
This year, Pathways will journey July 4 – 8 to the University of Maryland, College Park for the Episcopal Youth Event. The Episcopal Youth Event is a gathering of youth ages 15-19 from around the world who assemble on a college campus to learn, laugh, and worship together. It is the second largest event the Episcopal Church does.
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Church Pension Group Hosts Conversation On 2023 Sustainable Investing Landscape and Strategies
The Church Pension Group (CPG), a financial services organization that serves The Episcopal Church, announced that it will host a virtual conversation with industry experts to discuss the current sustainable investing landscape and strategies investors are using to align their values and their finances.
Individuals will also gain valuable insights around CPG’s approach to socially responsible investing (SRI), including impact investing, Environmental, Social, & Governance (ESG) incorporation, and its ability to affect change through active shareholder engagement.
The event is part of CPG’s ongoing Insights & Ideas series of discussions on SRI. Individuals interested in attending the event, which will take place on Thursday, February 16, 2023, from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET, can register at
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Stations of the Cross Art Residency and shared “Studio Time”
Dean Matthew Woodward is inviting you to join a community of art practice during the season of Lent at Trinity Cathedral.
We are working on creating a set of original Stations of the Cross for Good Friday. Dean Matthew will be inviting different artists in the community to create pieces for this project. Each Thursday night during Lent we are going to get together to talk about the form of Stations of the Cross and artistic responses to them.
So on each Thursday night during Lent (2/23, 3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30) you are invited to join us in the Cathedral at 6:00 pm to participate in stations of the cross meditations, then head to the Assembly Area to share a brown bag supper, and from 7:00 to 8:00 pm participate in “studio time” with Dean Matthew.
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Celebrating the life of Absalom Jones (1746-1818)
A special Holy Eucharist
at Trinity Cathedral
Thursday, February 16 at 6:00 pm
Absalom Jones was the first Black priest in the Episcopal Church. He was born into slavery in Delaware, released from slavery by his master in 1784.
The Rev. James Richardson, priest associate, will celebrate the Holy Eucharist and offer a homily at this special Thursday Cathedral service.
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Mary Magdalene Lecture
and Workshop
Thursday, February 16
5:00 – 8:00 pm | on Zoom
Trinity Cathedral is excited to offer a three-hour lecture/workshop on Mary Magdalene by Magdalene scholar, Dr. Kayleen Asbo.
Suggested donation is $20. To register, follow this link to the Realm payment portal.
Email Susan Hotchkiss for zoom link.
Click here to watch a video from Dr. Asbo about her studies of Mary Magdalene.
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Kayleen Asbo, Ph.D is a cultural historian, musician, writer and teacher who passionately weaves together myth, psychology, history, and the arts with experiential learning. To learn more about Kayleen, click here | |
Commission on the Environment | |
Carbon Neutral 2030: Take the First Step and Join the Green Team at your Church
At the 2022 Diocesan Convention we agreed to determine our churches' carbon footprints and develop plans to be carbon neutral by 2030. I am happy to share that the Commission on the Environment found a resource to help us get started–Interfaith Power and Light.
Step one is to form Green Teams (at least two individuals) at each church. Team members will attend two training webinars provided by Sarah Paulos of Interfaith Power and Light. These webinars will teach us what we need to know to get started.
- On March 18 at 1 pm we will learn how to be an effective Green Team.
- On April 29 at 1 pm we will learn how to determine the carbon footprint at our churches.
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Commission for Intercultural Ministries | |
I Will, With God's Help: Journey Toward Racial Healing and Justice Upcoming Workshop
These one-day in-person Workshops were specially developed for the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California by the Commission for Intercultural Ministries. Renew your Baptismal Covenant as we learn about forms of historic and contemporary racism and how to engage in ministry with sensitivity and respect for all.
Please note that due to the nature of the program, attendance is limited to 30 participants.
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Job Opportunities Around The Diocese | |
Saint Luke’s | Auburn is seeking a part-time Parish Mission Coordinator to assist the Clergy, Vestry and parishioners in the mission and management of the church. Read the Position Description Here. | |
Grace Church | Fairfield is seeking a part-time bilingual Children's Outreach Worker to assist the Rector in planning and implementing outreach activities for children in the community. Read the position description here. | |
Diocesan Commissions | Committees | Ministries | |
The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
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The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California
Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ
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