Montgomery County Democratic Headquarters
704 N. Thompson St. #195
Conroe, Texas 77301

February 15, 2024


Please note: our newsletters contain a lot of links to make viewing the source easier - just click on images or linked text to explore


  • Go Texas Parade - Feb 17
  • TDP Talking Points - Thanks Rep. Green, Voter Protection Team, and State Convention
  • Project 2025 - Be Afraid!
  • Check Voting Location and Sample Ballot
  • Ballot by Mail - must be received by Feb 23
  • Primary Election - Key Dates
  • Final Friday - Feb 23
  • Be a Sign Shifter!
  • Resolutions - Can't Anybody Hear Me?
  • Road Trip to State Convention
  • Fundraiser for Laura Jones hosted by WoMCDP
  • Bridge Issues - Voting
  • Christian Outreach - Weekly Prayer Call
  • What Has Biden Done?
  • Joe and Kamala's Corner (click on an image to open)
  • Tweets (click on an image to open)
  • Texas Blue Store
  • Democratic Party Calendar of Upcoming Events
  • Other Groups and Community Events

This newsletter is published on or about the 1st and the 15th of every month.

Email content for consideration to

no later than 3 days before publication.

February is Black History Month

The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the generations of African Americans who struggled with adversity to achieve full citizenship in American society. Read More

Texas Democrats Thank Rep. Al Green for Casting Deciding Vote Against Sham Impeachment of Sec. Mayorkas

  • In a wheelchair and hospital gown, Houston Democrat Rep. Al Green cast the deciding vote against the impeachment of Sec. Mayorkas on Tuesday, Feb. 6th.
  • Recovering from abdominal surgery, the Houston Democrat's unexpected presence at the vote thwarted the MAGA Republicans’ impeachment proceedings.
  • The impeachment motion was defeated with a vote of 216-214, as four Republicans sided with all Democrats against it. This marks the first time in almost 150 years that the House has failed to impeach a member of a president's cabinet.
  • This failed impeachment sham is just another example of MAGA Republican chaos. The House GOP is committed to creating more problems than solving them, as we saw earlier this week when Speaker Johnson declared the national security funding bill that includes border spending “dead on arrival”.
  • It’s clear that Texas is at the forefront of many issues, and Texas Democrats are fighting tooth and nail against MAGA extremism and corruption.
  • We extend our gratitude to Rep. Al Green for his determination and steadfast commitment to placing people above party politics, and wish him a speedy recovery.

You do NOT want to miss your County/Congressional District Convention on Saturday, March 23rd.

It’s a fantastic opportunity to meet other Democrats and strategize the roadmap to victory in November. 

Pre-register TODAY for your County/CD Convention! 👉

VOPRO UPDATES: Intro To VoPro Week Feb 12-16 & The Voting Record Sign-Up

Celebrate Introduction to Voter Protection Week with us!


The Voter Protection Team is offering VoPro 101 trainings on volunteering for the Voter Assistance Hotline and our Poll Watching program for those wanting to learn more. Also next week, VoPro will be hosting Ballot Board and Signature Verification Committee Trainings as well as a Training of the Trainers (How to Train Your Election Workers.) Visit to find a training or to sign up for a volunteer shift!

A Glimpse Into Our Possible Future

Project 2025 is a Republican doctrine, authored and funded by the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation, consisting of 920 pages outlining how the Trump administration, or any other Republican president, if elected, will run our country. This doctrine is based on the Unitary Executive Theory, a belief that the President of the United States has absolute power over the Executive Branch and that the president will quickly takeover the entire executive branch upon inauguration.

The doctrine is going to have major impacts on how we as Americans will live in this country.  In my opinion it is a must read! Knowing what is in this doctrine will give you power to act. This is a five alarm fire and we need everyone to help. Here is a partial list of the changes proposed by Project 2025 (to be enacted by the president upon inauguration) that will revamp and dismantle our democracy as we know it:

  • The individuals known as civil servants will be replaced by vetted loyalists who take an oath to the President rather than the Constitution. By doing this, the President will be granted powers to control every aspect of our lives; the Constitution will no longer apply. The agencies will not be permitted to operate independently without the President’s authority. Just imagine if the president can fill agencies like the Department of Justice (DOJ), from top to bottom, with loyalists.

  • One of the many agencies slated for elimination is the Department of Education. Project 2025 wants to return your tax dollars to each state and let the states decide how to fund the schools, including the elimination of grants to nonprofits and institutions. We would have no national minimum standard for education. Florida is the blueprint for dumbing down the educational system and this would take it nationwide.

  • Project 2025 removes language that they deem “woke.” Examples of woke topics are climate change, gender identities, racial history, etc.

  • The Department of Agriculture will have its authority controlled by loyalists, as well. This includes removing safeguards for our food sources and allows any agribusiness to sell contaminated meat and produce without recourse. 

  • The Environmental Protection Agency will be headed by loyalists. They will reduce restrictions that protect our water and air quality.  

  • How and where we get our news will also be affected. The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) will be under the direct control of the president and he will be able to shut down any news organization that doesn’t agree with him and support his agenda.

  • The government will no longer acknowledge the Separation of Church and State. Their idea of a perfect union is a Christian Nation. We know that will not be good for the Muslims and the Jews, but I also wonder about the Catholics.

  • In the doctrine, the authors talk about the removal of military generals, stating that there are just too many of them. They too will be replaced with vetted loyalists.

  • Project 2025 stresses the return to the nuclear family, defined as a man, woman and child. The right to love who you love outside of this nuclear family is defined as “depraved.”

As we know knowledge is power. Voting is your “power” and has never been more important! If the Republicans win, life as we know it will cease to exist. And, these individuals who have written and planned for immediate implementation of this doctrine will not care what either your political ideology or your walk of life may be; we will all be affected equally. 

Again, we implore you to read this doctrine so it will empower you to fight for our country. If you want to read a summary of Project 2025, go to Wikipedia where you will find a well-documented summary with all sources cited at the bottom of the page. The links below are where you will find this doctrine and the Wikipedia page.

Check Your Voter Registration, Voting Location, and Get a Sample Ballot!

It is important before each election to check your voter registration to determine where to vote and to be sure your registration is current. Note that Precinct lines have changed for many precincts because of the growth in our county. You may now be in a different precinct than you were in when you last voted in November 2023.

Also be sure to check where you can vote for early voting and for Election Day Voting. It will probably be different! Only a few voting locations are open for early voting and you may vote at any of them. However, on election day you must go to your precinct or the one open for your precinct.

You may also download a copy of your ballot for the March 5th Primary on this page.

Always Check!!

Check Your Registration and Location

Ballot by Mail Information

Texas GOP legislators love to be creative in getting things done… making it harder to vote. The law now requires eligible, registered voters to reapply every year to receive mail-in ballots for elections in that year.


Application forms are available from your local elections office or the Secretary of State, or may be downloaded, printed, completed and submitted by mail or in person. 


Important note: when filling out the application, it asks for your SSN or your driver license number, which you used when you registered to vote. We recommend putting down both if you don’t remember. If you put down the wrong one, your application will be rejected. 


Applications must be received by 2/23/2024 for the

March 5, 2024 Primary Elections. 

Click here for the application and more information


In a recent publication on Community Impact:


“Texas law requires eligible registered voters to submit an application to vote by mail starting Jan. 1 each year. Voters can mark "annual" on the application and receive a mail-in ballot for the pertinent 2024 elections in their jurisdiction, according to the release.”


For the full article click here

For comprehensive voting information check out Vote411

Final Friday

February 23, 2024

Mary Hamm Chris Powell Bill Duncan

Join our Panel of Speakers to learn about the March 5th Primary

 and the Congressional District/County Convention


Don’t look now, but you are about to be given the gift of an extra day this year, and we are here to help you plan for it! Our Final Friday event for February is devoted to guiding you through all the things that you can do on your 2024 Leap Day that will make it a day well spent.


Our panel of speakers will:


  • Take you through your sample Democratic ballot for the primary election, guide you through the Primary process, and debunk the urge to vote for the “lease worst” opponents on the other side.

  • Show you how you, yourself, can impact your local voting site by becoming a secret “Sign Shifter” in your neighborhood.

  • Explain how to register to become a delegate to our local Democratic Convention on March 23, 2024 in Montgomery, Texas.

  • Help you directly impact the Democratic Party Platform by giving you the tools to write a Resolution to be read and voted on at our local convention so your voice on your important issues can be heard.

  • Make sure that you are well connected with the other Democrats in you neighborhood so that you too can be part of the State Democratic Party Blueprint for Success in 2024. We will be United, Focused, and Ready to turn our County Blue.


As usual, our Final Friday Social and Speaker Program is held the last Friday of the month at Montgomery County Democratic Headquarters, 704 N. Thompson St, Suite 195, Conroe, Texas, 77301. You may also watch it on Zoom.

The link to watch virtually is highlighted in blue below. You may also watch on Facebook Live.

Topic: Making Plans for Leap Day 2024

Time: February 23, 2024, 6:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 858 7409 0628

Passcode: 412438


One tap mobile

+13462487799,,85874090628#,,,,*412438# US (Houston)

+16694449171,,85874090628#,,,,*412438# US


Dial by your location

• +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)


Find your local number:

Be a “Sign Shifter”

Help us “Dress our Polling Places”


Most of the time when we go to our local precinct polling places on Election Day, we are met by a single sign that says, “Vote Here” and 10 or 15 signs promoting Republican Candidates.

It turns out that that is accomplished by some good planning and hard cash on the part of the Republican Party. When hard cash is not available, Democrats can achieve the same thing with some superior planning and some good old “magic.” 

We need some secret “sign shifters.” 

If you have a political sign in your yard for any of our candidates, please, in the quiet of the evening on the day before the general election, pull up the signs from your yard and shift them over to your local election location and put them in the ground next to the Republican signs that will already be there. 

It will be a happy and welcome surprise for all the Democratic voters who come to the polls on voting day and you will have accomplished some amazing magic by simply shifting your signs from your yard to your precinct polling place.     

Be sure to return at the end of the day to pick up the signs you shifted!!

Call if you need more information. 936-703-5841.  

No wizard’s robes or wands are needed. 

Become a “sign shifter” on March 5th!


Do you feel alone? Are you crying out in the wilderness? Does it seem like nobody is listening to you and you have plenty to say?


Come to our County Convention on March 23rd, write a resolution to explain your position on a particular topic and become part of the change! Yes, we want to know what you feel strongly about and we want to help your views be heard.


Writing a Resolution for consideration at our County Convention is the first step in making changes to our Party Platform. It lets our legislators and party leaders know what is on our minds at the grassroots level and as each County and Congressional District submits its package of resolutions to the State Conventions, the snowball for change grows and grows and cannot be ignored.


Is climate change important to you? Social justice reform? Women’s rights? Gaza? Immigration? Start by writing a resolution. Any individual delegate to the County Convention may submit resolutions to the Resolutions Committee at the County Convention. The resolutions are accumulated by the Resolutions Committee, the Committee combines similar resolutions, standardizes the format and wording, and sends the accumulated resolutions to the Convention floor for debate and a vote. The resolutions that are adopted are passed on from the County to the State Party Secretary.


A resolution usually is written in four parts: a succinct title, a preamble, a resolving clause (or clauses), and a submission statement. And it looks something like this

Forms for writing your own resolution will be available at the Convention.

You may join the Resolutions Committee or volunteer for many other activities at the County Convention and we welcome your participation. 

To register for the County Convention go to this link

To volunteer at the County Convention send an email to 

Bridge Issues

Each month in 2024 we will focus on a different Bridge Issue

February's Issue is Voting!

One of the best sources for understanding a party's position on any issue is their platform. To that end we are providing links here to the national and state parties' platforms. We suggest bookmarking these pages and referring to them throughout this election cycle to see where the parties stand. It's informative! (these links are to the most current platforms available online). (NOTE: we have added a link to Project 2025 which is essentially the Republican Party's plan for our country should they win in 2024.)

Texas Democratic Party Platform

Texas Republican Party Platform

National Democratic Platform

National Republican Platform

Project 2025

We do not believe the majority of Texans supports the position of the majority party in Austin.

Harmony at the Polls: A 2022 Election Day Story

In the still warm autumn of 2022 in Texas, I eagerly took on the role

of an Alt-Judge at a local Montgomery County Texas polling place.

Unlike the tumultuous events of 2020, this election day carried a

different energy, one of reflection and collective determination to

build on the lessons learned.

The day dawned with a sense of purpose and community. Our polling

place had evolved since the last election, incorporating the lessons

from the pandemic. There was also new technology that used paper

ballots we all had to learn how to use.

What struck me most was the sense of harmony among the diverse group

of poll workers, both Republican and Democrat. We were a mix of

seasoned veterans and eager first-timers, representing different ages,

backgrounds, and political affiliations. Despite our differences, a

shared commitment to fostering a fair and accessible voting

environment united us.

Technological advancements further streamlined the process. Updated

voting machines were now set to issue paper ballots.

The voters, too, carried a sense of purpose. They arrived informed and

engaged, reflecting a commitment to shaping the future of their

community. I witnessed firsthand the power of individuals exercising

their right to vote, understanding that their choices contributed to

the collective tapestry of democracy.

As the day unfolded, we navigated occasional challenges with ease. A

spirit of collaboration prevailed, turning potential obstacles into

opportunities to improve and innovate. The collective effort of poll

workers and voters alike created an atmosphere of civic pride and


Working the 2022 election at the local polling place was a testament

to the ongoing evolution of our democratic process. It showcased the

adaptability of our electoral system and the enduring commitment of

individuals to ensure that every voice is heard, making it a day to

remember for the strength and harmony found at the heart of our


Christopher Powell

Chair, Precinct 108

Read More about Voting - February's Bridge Issue

Why Should I Vote in the Primary Election? by Michelle H. Davis, LoneStar Left

National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - A way to end the Electoral College

Key Facts About Black Eligible Voters in 2024 by Jens Manuel Krogstad and Mohamad Moslimani, Pew Research Center

Read More about Immigration - January's Bridge Issue

A Democrat's Guide To Discussing The Border by Michelle H. Davis, LoneStar Left

Montgomery County Backs Operation LoneStar by Anna-Catherine Brigida, Houston Landing

Houston is experiencing a serious lack of immigration lawyers, a trend seen nationwide by Anna-Catherine Brigida, Houston Landing

What Has Biden Done?

@Just Saying

My son gets too much non-information from youtube videos, including repeated claims that Biden “hasn’t really done anything”. I promised I would provide him a list of Biden’s accomplishments so far. Using and DailyKos’s Good News Roundup — ”Boosting Biden” series, I made a bullet list of achievements. I also wanted something I could cut and paste if I read the same claim on social media. (You’re free to use, as well.) Let me know if I got anything wrong, or if I missed anything:

Read More!



Blue Texas Store

Visit headquarters or Facebook to shop and check out what's available. Thanks to Judy Trosvig for the creation of the Blue Texas Store and of many of the beautiful items available in it!

Other Groups & Community Events

Democrats & Progressives of Montgomery County Area Meetup


Attend a Wednesday Evening Meetup - Dinner with Friends

Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM CST

Cafe Express Woodlands

3091 College Park Dr Ste 290 · The Woodlands, TX



OR Attend a Morning Coffee/Breakfast

Second Saturday of the month -

Saturday, Feb. 10, 2023, at 8:30 am

Start the new year right - with friends

The Whistle Stop Cafe

11133 Interstate 45 S · Conroe, TX

Hosted by Karen Cavanagh.


Recurring meetings, and related events

SAT FEB 17 - VILLAGE & RDRC ELECTIONS, 8:00am -6:oopm, 2801 Technology Forest Bl.


TUE FEB 20 - MOCO COMMISSIONERS COURT, 9:30am, 501 N. Thompson 77301

WED FEB 22 - WOODLANDS TOWNSHIP BOARD, 6:00pm, 2801 Technology Forest Bl. 77381



TUE MAR 5 - PRIMARY ELECTION DAY, 7:00am to 7:00pm

SAT MAR 23 - LWV: TOGETHER!, 1:00pm, SHSU The Woodlands Center

Chair: Ginger Blair

Deputy Chair: Kimberly Valdez

Secretary: Carmen McZeal

Treasurer: Michele Lightfield

Sergeant At Arms: Marc Meyer

Email us:
Friend us: Facebook@MCDPTX
Follow us: Twitter@MCDP-TX
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Paid for by the Montgomery County Texas Democratic Party, This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.