ASHES: Ash Wednesday is February 22. Drive-thru ashes will be offered in the Tempe parking lot from 11:00am-12:30pm. Ashes will be offered from 11:00am-1:00pm in Arcadia. You are invited to receive ashes and stay awhile afterward to reflect on the beautiful stained-glass windows; a self-guided meditation will be provided.
LABYRINTH WALKS: Walk the Tempe labyrinth on Ash Wednesday, anytime between 5:00 and 7:30pm. Laura Hudson and Rev. Rosemary will light up the labyrinth with candles and be there to answer questions, walk the labyrinth with you, and assist however you need! A portable labyrinth will be available in the Arcadia sanctuary during Lent and may be walked before and after Sunday services as well as on Ash Wednesday.
ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE: An Ash Wednesday Taizé Service with ashes will be held in the Tempe Sanctuary at 6:00pm.