Edition 44 | February 18th, 2020
Honor. Empower. Connect.
Black History Month
The U.S. Army Women's Foundation is in full support of celebrating Black History Month. We invite you to take a moment to recognize and remember those who have made a change for our future.

To read more about these amazing women select their nam e
First Black Chief Nurse Commissioned as a lieutenant in the Army Nurse Corp.
First black woman Army nurse
First black chief of the Army Corps and first black female brigadier general
The Army's first black female reserve officer to obtain the rank of major general
A national women’s veterans’ organization is entering 2020 with a new leader, and she’s no stranger to being the face of a brand.
The Military Sisterhood Initiative is a free social platform that connects women Veterans to a national peer support community. Create, Connect, and Engage with your fellow sisters.
Three consecutive generations of veterans.
Three branches: Air Force, Army and Marines. Donna Sayer (left), with her daughter Sharon Ripley and granddaughter Megan Ripley (right). (WTHR photo/Sarah Jones)
Soldiers with 10th Mountain Division at Ft. Drum surveys an obstacle during a human factor evaluation on the Modular Scalable Vest Gen II with PEO Soldier October 29, 2019. (U.S. Army photo/David Jordan)
You are Invited!
As the nation gears up to celebrate Women’s History month, join the U.S. Army Women’s Foundation as we induct the 2020 class of Army Women in to the U.S. Army Women’s Foundation Hall of Fame and award this year’s Legacy Scholarship recipients.

The Hall of Fame will be held
2:00 pm, March 11th, 2020,
at Women In Military Service For America Memorial.

Register by Wednesday,
March 4th, 2020.
The Washington DC Veterans Affairs Medical Center’s Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Summit will gather together Veterans, providers, and community partners to learn about and address the unique needs of Veterans impacted by military sexual trauma. The day-long event will include presentations by subject-matter experts, panel discussions and specialized break-out sessions and workshops. CEU credits are available.

The Military Sexual Trauma Summit will be held
7:30 AM-4:30 PM, Thursday, April 2nd 2020
at the Washington DC VA Medical Center

A new decade and a new schedule! MilSpouseFest will be celebrating its fifth year of bringing the love to military spouses around the country.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a “seasoned” spouse, a newbie, or somewhere in between…#MilSpouseFest is for you! 

Veterans are twice as likely as non-Veterans to be targets of online scams.
Unfortunately, former service members are more likely than civilians to be targeted by online scammers while doing these things. Veterans are twice as likely to lose money to fraud because of  identity theft phishing impostor scams , and investment, loan, or donation deceptions.
Support AWF When You Shop on Amazon
Wondering what Amazon Smile is? Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service. Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at .
Army Women's Foundation | (804) 734-3078 | |