February 1, 2024

Service Times


8am Traditional Service

In-Person, 95.3 WBEV or Online

10am Contemporary Service

In-Person or Online


1pm Worship


Welcoming, Growing, Serving

Our Mission

To experience and celebrate God's amazing grace together.

Our Vision

First Evangelical Lutheran Church will share God's amazing grace by welcoming, growing and serving in Christ's name, enriching the well-being of all.

Worship Updates

Worship Assistants


Minister Assistant:

Anita Nehmer


Sue Bentz

Communion Assistants:

Lois Bennett, Sue Bentz,

Gary Spielman, & Ellen Storzer


Lester Oestreich, and

David & Jason Strom


Bev Etscheid & Georgine Sumnicht


Minister Assistant:

Bob Schwoch


Heidi Freeby

Communion Assistants:

Heidi Freeby


Charlie McDonald


Heidi Freeby


First Reading: Isaiah 40:21-31

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:16-25

Gospel: Mark 1:29-39

Drive Thru Communion

February 11th

The Drive-Thru Communion is held every 2nd and 4th Sunday at the front circle

drive thru from 9am-9:45am.

Virtual Attendance Card

If you watch online or attend in person, please fill out the virtual attendance card so we know you're with us!

Click the link above or find it on our website worship page.

Virtual Attendance Card

Flower & Radio


The flowers this week are

in memory of Linda Grebe.

The is no radio sponsor

this week.

If you would like to be a sponsor, please contact the church office.

Remember In Prayer

As Jesus provided generously in a moment of need, provide generous gifts of healing for those in need this day especially Robert, Janna, Lydia, Paul, Ron, Sheree, Gwen, Marian, Bev, Roger, Abigail, Lee, Terry, Andy, Tammy, Sandra, Nicole, Stacey, Val, Paulette and the family of Linda Grebe. Gather us into the joy of your glory.

If you would like to be included in the prayers of the church or the prayer chain or join the prayer chain, please click the button below or contact

Lois Bennett.

Prayer Requests

Small Group News

Announcing our 2024 Church Council Members!

Leanne Gensch (President)

Lynn Seibel (Vice President)

Bev Yunto (Secretary)

Jim Feil (Treasurer)

Stacy Drews

Sam Herringa

Scott Jacquart

Marian Krueger

Phyillis Marthaler

Charlie McDonald

John Smedema


Please pray for and encourage them as they oversee the life and activities of our congregation.

Loaves & Fishes

Thank you to our hard working volunteers and everyone who supports

Loaves & Fishes.

John Smedema – 920-382-1518

Sign up to serve here: https://bit.ly/loavesfishesbd

Worship Committee

Will meet on Monday, February 5th. The time will now be at 6pm.


The quilters have been busy--We have at least 43 finished quilts ready to go next fall. Hope you can join us some time.

We meet on Wednesdays from about 9am to 11am.


Retirees meet on Thursday, February 8th at 11:30am. See you there!

Church Health Services (115 N Center St, Beaver Dam) will have an open house on

Wednesday, February 21st from 5 to 7pm.

Thrivent - Lunch Update

Thrivent lunch will be at Sixth Gear on Tuesday, February 13th. The time has changed to 12:30pm.

Rummage Sale

The next rummage sale will be April 11th -13th.

Setup will be April 7th-10th, with table set up on April 4th and merchandise will be brought up on April 6th.

Donations can be dropped off on Tuesday mornings. If a donation needs to be picked up, you can contact Dawn (920-296-8454) or Jeff (920-296-4694) to make arrangements.

Youth & Family News

Sunday School

We're entering into a new unit and this week we will be exploring how Israel needs a leader. Our Bible Point is God is patient...even when we forget about him. 

"What was I thinking?" you wonder to yourself sadly. You'd messed up, talked to God about it, and promised it wouldn't happen again. But then it does happen again. The gossip slips out of your mouth. Or the road rage kicks in. You feel horrible. 

Sin has a way of coming around again and agin in our lives. While it's true that God forgives us and remembers our sins no more (Hebrews 8:12). Sin is and will continue to be a struggle on this side of heaven. It's as sad and frustrating as the book of Judges. 

But there's good news: God is patient. He won't give up on you, even when you forget about him. Perfection isn't a requirement for teaching children God's Word. As we navigate this lesson, it will help kids remember God's presence in their lives. 


Dear God, time and again, we forget about you and your work in our world and in our lives. Thank you for your unfailing love and forgiveness. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

Youth Gathering Meeting

We will be having a Youth Gathering meeting on Sunday, February, 11th at 11am. We will be talking through fundraisers and where we will be stopping along the way to New Orleans.

If you have not signed up yet, it is not too late! Current 8th-12th graders are welcome to join, as well as 18-35 year olds for the Young Adult Gathering opportunity. If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Jim.

Youth Lock-In - UPDATE!

We are switching things up a bit! We will be gathering on Friday, February 16th, but it will look a little different. Come join in some fun, food, and fellowship from 5-9pm for a shortened Lock-In experience.

In order to provide this opportunity, we need to have at least 10 youth participate. Please register by Monday, February 12th. We will be carpooling over there and back. Friends are always welcome!

Register by clicking here.

Parents Supporting Parents

Our next group gathering will be on Saturday, February 10th at 8:30am in the Upper Room. We hope you're join us for connection and fellowship! 

Office Updates

Focus & E-Announcements

Please send your E-Announcements and articles for the Focus to Breanna at breanna@firstluthbd.org

E-Announcement articles due Tuesdays by Noon.

March Focus Articles are due February 16th.

March Focus Calendar items are due to Dawn by February 16th.

Click here to view the February Focus

Upcoming Events

The Week Ahead

Date and times are subject to change

Thursday, February 1st

9am Yoga

10am Archives

1pm Worship

7pm Glory Ringers

Friday, February 2nd

3pm Facility Rental

Saturday, February 3rd

9am Scrapbooking/Crafting

Sunday, February 4th

8am Worship - In-person, Online, & Radio

9am Scrip Sales

9am Sunday School

9:10am Joyful Praise

10am Worship - In-person & Online

Monday, February 5th

9am Bible Study

10am L&F Meal Prep

6pm Worship Meeting

Tuesday, February 6th

9am Calico Cut-Ups

9am Yoga

4pm L&F Meal

7pm Altar Guild Meeting

Wednesday, February 7th

9am Quilting

6pm Christian Mindfulness

Thursday, February 8th

9am Yoga

10am Archives

11:30am New Beginnings

11:30am Retirees

1pm Worship

7pm Glory Ringers

Saturday, February 10th

8:30am Parents Supporting Parents

12:00pm Facility Rental

Sunday, February 11th

8am Worship w/Joyful Praise - In-person, Online, & Radio

9am Drive-Thru Communion

9am Parish Nurse

9am Scrip Sales

9am Sunday School

9:10am Adult Forum

10am Worship - In-person & Online

1pm Facility Rental

Click here to view the Focus Calendar


We apologize if there are errors or we missed anyone.

February 2

Myram Hein

Kaylee Robinson

Derrick Rohde

February 3

Nicole Heinritz

Colson Hemling

Norman Nelson

Avery Priewe

Sheree Voigt

February 4

Thomas Olsen

Everly Scholz

Todd Smith

Stacey Uherka

February 5

Bev Anderson

Mildred Janisch

Pearl Limberg

Haydan Nerby

February 6

Ava Brossard

Sonja Cramer

Logan Heim

Payton Johnson

Dustin McCarroll

Brandi Strahota

Torrey Wilkins

February 7

Barbara Link

Autumn Nelson

Isabelle Rodriguez

Nathan Seibel

February 8

Laurie Ginzl

Barbara Heuer

Carrie Profitt

Ceneida Rechek

February 9

Alexa Brooks

Sarah Budde

Camden Carter

Ameila Freeman


We apologize if there are errors or we missed anyone.

February 3

Janet & Derek Orr

February 9

Phyllis & Thomas Ellbes

Pamela & Kenneth Neuman

Cheryl & Richard Poetter

Get In Touch With Us


First Lutheran Church

311 West Mackie Street

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916-1637

Phone: (920) 885-4497

Fax: (920) 885-5886
