Victorian Tea
February 3rd
11:30 am - 2:00 pm
Waveny House
Deadline to Return Appeal Envelopes
February 23rd
Leapin' Leap Year - All About Lee Garden
February 29th
9:30 am coffee
10:00 presentation
Place: to be determined
Tip Toe Through the Tulips on a Sunday Afternoon
tentative date:
April 24th
1:00 - 4:00 pm
Carol Seldin's home
Hanging Basket Workshop
May 11th
9:00 am
Libby Butterworth's house: 453 Carter Street
Open Garden Day at Lee Memorial

May 15th
1:00 - 4:00 pm
Lee Memorial Garden on Chichester Road
Planting Elm
& Pine Street Planters

May 19th
9:00 am
Flower Power 
May 22nd
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Pop Up Park
more info coming
A Letter From Our Presidents

Bouquets of red roses and pink hearts....to our entire board and the many volunteers of NCBL!

NCBL Board 2015-6

A dozen red roses to our Program Chairs, Amy and Carol, for a great January program when Chris Schipper presented a very informative talk about the New Canaan Land Trust.  The Land Trust gives our natural world a chance to carry on their life cycles.  Many of us wanted to join the Land Trust immediately!  They are doing good things.

On February 3rd we look forward to a favorite event, The Victorian Tea.  Reserve if you haven't, and bring a friend!  Please let Gloria Simon know how many are attending.  Laura Case will present 'Sun House: Then and Now', and talk about her unique New Canaan garden.  The Victorian Tea continues a long tradition at NCBL (and The Garden Center before that).  I imagine ladies of decades past attending, and also carrying on the important work of keeping New Canaan beautiful.

It may be cold outside now, but many warm hands are working to hand address our Annual Appeal letters, masterfully guided by Angie Brenninkmeyer and Karen Hanson.  They are wonderfully organized.

Our hanging baskets are growing, as we speak! Plans are well underway for our annual hanging baskets and planters in town.  Our Hanging Baskets Day, when we put them together, will be May 11th - save that date.  A dozen roses each for Eileen, Libby, and Sara.

Two ladies in town, Diane Roth (L'Armoire), and Rachel Lampen (New Canaan's HamletHub), came to Tucker Murphy from the Chamber of Commerce with an idea - to have a Flower and Garden event "Flower Power" at the Pop Up Park on Sunday, May 22nd. They asked if NCBL would like to be a recipient of donations from the event. They will ask nurseries to host plant tables and we would get 10% of all sales. It is still in the planning stage and we'll know more next month. This will be good exposure for us in town.

"Leapin' Leap Year - All About Lee Garden" will take place on Leap Day, Monday, February 29th.  We will have coffee at 9:30 am and program at 10:00 am. Location will be announced.  Save the date!   What is Lee Garden?  What can I learn from it?  See examples of plants that grow there.  Learn some simple things one can do to nurture the garden on a walk there.  See what the first early blooms are.  See peak bloom photos.  Meet others who volunteer in the garden. 

"Tiptoe through the Tulips on a Sunday Afternoon" is being planned for Sunday, April 24, (tentative date) from 1:00 - 4:00 pm at Carol Seldin's home, where she planted thousands of tulips.  She has graciously invited us to have this event in her garden.   Suggested admission charge/donations will be asked for those who attend.  It is open to New Canaan residents and fellow gardeners.  As with any event, we need some people to help out with scheduling volunteers, logistics, refreshments and publicity.   Can you help out? 
And finally, photos!  Nature photos - taken in New Canaan. The successful first run of our Lee Garden cards was a sellout. We wish to print new cards.  They would require 10 new photos. (see article below for details).  Look around, take pictures or sift through your photos of 2015 to see if you have a photo to submit.

Happy February!  Enjoy the beauty of this season, the extra day, and recharge for spring!  NCBL needs your energy!
President signature  
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victoriantea Victorian Tea Header
Laura Case vertical
Featuring a presentation from New Canaan Garden Club's
Laura Case

"Sun House:  
Then and Now."

Laura will speak about the documentation of her own historic garden once owned by the prolific garden writer and longtime editor of House and Garden magazine.
Friends are invited.
RSVP by phone to Gloria Simon
or by email to thesimons143@sbcglobal.net .

Please inform Gloria of your food contribution:
2 dozen finger sandwiches or
2 dozen bite-size dessert items or
a fruit salad.

Read more about Laura Case in this article from
The Bulletin, Spring 2015, a Garden Club of America publication.
Download a copy of your invitation here.  

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Annual Appeal with gloves
"Many hands make light work!"

Thanks to those who have returned their bags with addressed and stuffed envelopes! To make the March 1st mailing, I need the bags returned to me by February 23rd, the latest. You may drop them at my house anytime if it is not snowing or raining.
Call or email first if you wish. Here are the directions for drop off:
81 Marvin Ridge Road - - Turn left off of Main Street onto Old Norwalk Road. Follow Old Norwalk Road past Kiwanis Park. Take the first right after Kiwanis Park (triangle!) onto Marvin Ridge Road. We are the 4th
house on the right with a circular gravel driveway. Leave bag on porch between garage and door to house under a small basket hanging on house.
Thank you!      
Karen Hanson       karenh81@optonline.net     203-966-5140
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welcome flag

Welcome to our new members:
Daniel Lagattuta
Liz Mallozzi
Susan McCaughey
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Lee Garden Photo Cards
New Canaan Beautification League CARDS!
Calling all photographers and nature lovers with cameras!  Submit your favorite plant and nature photos taken in New Canaan, for our next batch of note cards!

Submit photos via email to Betsy Sammarco at
They will be placed in a Flickr gallery for all to view.

Submit by Wednesday, March 30th, 2016.
Ten different photos will be selected
by Betsy, Yvonne Hunkeler, and Kathy Lapolla.
Open to members and non-members.
Photographer's name will be printed on the back of the card.

Our cards will be sold at the Open Garden at Lee Memorial Garden on Sunday, May 15th, and at the Flower Power event in town on Sunday, May 22nd.
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A successful January Program:
New Canaan Land Trust Header
We were all so very impressed with the information Chris Schipper presented on the NC Land Trust at our January program.
If you missed it, or would like to see it again, click HERE!

New Canaan Land Trust logo

Interested in joining the Land Trust?
See their membership page HERE! 
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From The Rowayton Gardeners

  Rowayton Gardeners will host Olympian Dick Button on Thursday, February 4th from 10:30 -11:30 am at the Rowayton Community Center.

 Mr. Button will inspire and delight his audience with tales and photos of Ice Pond Farm, his 50 acre property in North Salem, NY.

Attendance fee is $10 per person for non-members/guests of the Rowayton Gardeners. Registration and payment must be received by February 1st.  
For further information and to register for a seat (capacity is limited) use this link: http://rowaytongardeners.org/register-now-celebrity-guest-speaker-dick-button-on-2416/.

Please note that the Rowayton Gardeners' General Meeting, for members only, will be held from 9:30 AM to 10:15 AM.

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Did You Know That image
David Hunt Train Show
The front of the New York Public Library is flanked on either side by variegated croton. 
Photo by Dave Hunt
David Hunt Train Show
The neo-Gothic arches of the Brooklyn Bridge are lined with sugar-pine-cone scales.The torch on the Statue of Liberty is a dried monarch flower set in half a pomegranate.   Photo by Dave Hunt
Did you know that the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx is a National Historic Landmark on 250 acres, 50 acres of which are old growth-forest?  It is the region's leading educational resource for horticulture and gardening and an international center for plant research and conservation.  From mid-November to mid-January, its beautiful Enid A. Haupt Conservatory is home to the Holiday Train Show that showcases 150 miniature replicas of present and past iconic New York landmark buildings, all made of natural materials.

About 14 large scale model trains and trolleys wind their way over 1200 feet of track through tunnels, over bridges, and past detailed copies of these treasured New York landmarks.  The buildings are made from natural materials like acorns, leaves, bark, twigs, moss, and seeds; all are surrounded by a landscape of lush plants and flowers.  There are too many of these wonderful structural gems to display in one year so the Botanical Garden rotates their display so visitors see a new show every year.  The Botanical Garden began their collaboration with Paul Busse, the creator behind this wonderland, in 1992.  "The Holiday Train Show combines a designer's love of trains with a landscape architect's eye for detail and an artisan's imaginative use of plants" (from All Aboard! A tour of the Holiday Train Show).   This is "a must-visit for architecture buffs, as well as kids.  Most of New York City's architectural landmarks have been reproduced, constructed from plant parts by artist Paul Busse, who builds ... a universe all its own" (from Untapped Cities, 2013).

To see a video of the Holiday Train Show from on PBS:
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