Our aim is to help businesses grow, to increase their profitability, improve their cash flow and reduce their tax liabilities so that they have more disposable income. Please feel free to call us on 021 4310266 or email us at pm@parfreymurphy.ie if you wish to do business with us
By Seamus Parfrey
Revenue have recently begun writing to self-assessed taxpayers to make sure they are aware of how to correct any errors that have been made in, or any omissions from, any tax return they have filed.
You will be aware that Revenue carries out a range of checks to ensure that returns are filed and are correct.
Tells her friends about your service. Gives you her undivided attention. Would never consider switching. Always listens when you talk. Doesn't question the facts. Has an abundance of time. Believes your story. Shares your values. Never complains. Is rational. Responds.
Thanks to Bernadette Iwa
By Una Beecher
Deadline - 14 March 2017
P30 monthly return and payment for February 2017
Deadline - 14 March 2017
Return and payment for February 2017
Deadline - 23 March 2017
Return and payment for February 2017
Deadline - 1 - 21 March 2017
Corporation Tax
Preliminary Tax for accounting periods ending between 1-30 April 2017
First installment of preliminary tax for "Large Companies" with a financial year ending between 1 - 30 September 2017
Returns for accounting periods ending between 1 - 30 June 2016
Pay balance of tax due on accounting periods ending between 1 - 30 June 2016
Returns of third party information for accounting periods ending between 1 - 30 June 2016
Deadline - 31 March 2017
Income Tax
Deadline for claiming Separate Assessment for 2017
Deadline for nominating Assessable Spouse or Nominated Civil Partner for 2017
Return of Share Options and other Rights for 2016
Where returns and payments for RCT, VAT, PAYE/PRSI and Corporation Tax are made electronically, the return and payment deadlines are the 23rd day of the month