
In this Issue
Upcoming Events at a Glance


Click on the event name for a link to additional details, including contact and RSVP information.  Event dates subject to change.   Click here   to view the full 2017 Redwood Region calendar online.
February 2017
2/25 Saturday Crab Feed

March 2017
3/25 Saturday Autocross #1

Click here   for a single-page 2016 Redwood Region calendar in PDF format.

From the Editor

by Jamie DeRuiter, der Riesenbaum Editor

February is our national 'get your car ready for autocross and track' month.  Okay, so I made that up but it's true.  I have a ton of things to do to my 912 before it's ready for autocross season.  My March madness has nothing to do with a rubber ball more like plastic cones.  I can almost hear the cars zooming around the course as I type.

I got a chance to attend the TRG Tech Session this last weekend.  What a fun event.  Kevin, the owner, was also a great host.  Does it get any better than checking out race cars while sipping fine wine?  I apologize to Kevin for the amount of drool I must have left behind in his garage.  So much Porsche!  The wine was great too.  My favorite Adobe Creek wine was the Cabernet Franc.  Thanks for hosting this event TRG!

It seems like it's been raining and snowing for two months straight.  I jump at every sunny chance I can get to run my 912 up valley and back.  Soon the green grass, flowers and sun will be abundant again.  Spring is just around the ole bend and I'm sure everyone is ready for that.  

Our events are getting going.  The Run For The Crab is near the end of this month.  See the flyer below and sign up soon since they're almost out of seats.  Our first autocross of the season is March 25th.  We have a new autocross director, Greg Matsumoto, and a bunch of new volunteers to help him out.  Come on out and test your driving skills while enjoying the great company of our region's members.

Shift Toward Adventure,

Presidents Message
by Craig Steele, President

My first message is not about how I will be presidential or what I will do as your elected leader. I think it's important to share why I took on this responsibility.  It has been my nature to step forward and fill a vacuum when a key task needs to be done and no one is stepping forward. My whole adult life has countless examples of this behavior. Why I do it is because I always attract the right set of circumstance to solve the need. My creative nature is constantly providing endless solutions to life's challenges. Maybe being dyslexic helps with the rapid processing of these ideas, who knows. I have to try harder to insure my numbers are not reversed and my writing has no missing words and that the grammar and spelling are correct. I am a planner, so I use this skill to make my associations be organized and effective. That is why I love Porsches and the people who drive and ride in them. I tend to gravitate to the best of the best which is another aspect of why I do what I do.
So what is my vision for the Redwood Region? I want to see our membership:
  • Enjoy our planned activities both traditional and new
  • Be encouraged to give back to the region by volunteering
  • Recognize those individuals who give their all to support our Region
  • Keep our events safe and fun
  • Preserve our greatest Redwood assets
    • o   Our outstanding financial health
    • o   Our fantastic AX program
    • o   Our members especially our affiliates
    • o   Our love of the Porsche automobile
We have a lot planned this year in the region, however, I want to especially make you  aware of the Zone 7 Three Region Tour (Redwood, Shasta and Sacramento Valley) on June 1 st to the 4 th.  Also, the 2017 Porsche Parade is in Spokane WA July 9 th to 15 th.  Redwood is planning a Porsche caravan to and from that event.




Run For The Crab - February 25th, 2017crab

Register HERE 

TRG Tech Session - February 11th, 2017
by Kurt Fischer
Finally a sunny day greets 28 Redwood Region members on our way to The Racer's Group (TRG) in Petaluma for tech session on car prep for Autocross and track days!  Northern California has been awash in wet stuff for weeks!

With our new President, Craig Steele in the lead...we start on a 72 mile back roads drive from Kaffe Mocha in Santa Rosa to Petaluma...lights on and off we go...over the hill to Calistoga...down the Silverado valley and up the Oakville Grade...lots of twisties with patches of mud and waterfalls to traverse...not a problem for our fine German vehicles!
Arriving at the TRG headquarters, we are greeted outside by Danielle Crespo from the Marketing Department for a photo op with TRG President and real Porsche guy...Kevin Buckler!
Kevin leads us inside and gives us a talk on the history of TRG in the lobby filled with all the trophies and awards. This lobby is filled to the brim as TRG is the winningest GT team in IMSA history!
Open the door to the main garage area and on the rack is the #991 Daytona 24 Hours TRG entry back at home for an update before the next race.  Kevin introduces us to Dieter Buehler, TRG's main car chief and Dieter starts with questions from our group!  They talk suspensions, tires, engines, brakes and you name it...all things we Porsche owners need to know about taking our cars a step further for serious Autocrossing and track days!  Also on the floor was a race prepared Cayman GT4 that was available for us to climb in and out of!  You can't believe how difficult it is to get out of the full roll cage race car!  Lots of practice need for those quick pit stops in a real race!

Oh...did I mention that Kevin also owns Adobe Road Winery and surprise...the big oak doors right off garage area swing open and there are the smiling faces of Lauren and Sara...ready for us to sample 5 of Adobe Roads award winning wines!  We have cheese and fruits trays to complement the wines...hey this is the Redwine Region...we know how to enjoy Porsches and fine wines!
More photo ops with all of us in the garage area...Kevin is a great speaker and keeps us enthralled with more Adobe Road history and plans for the future for both TRG and Adobe Road.  We look forward the rest of the IMSA season and TRG!

Thanks to Jerry Gladstone for setting up this tour, Craig Steele for leading us and of course Kevin Buckler and the entire TRG staff for their wonderful hospitality!  We will be back!
(Photos courtesy of Jerry Gladstone)
Mobile Works West


New online Goodie Store

Visit our NEW Goodie Store!

 To see our NEW online store click HERE.
Zone 7 Autocross Instructor School - February 25th

Register HERE
Email Larry Sharp



Autocross #1 - March 25th, 2017 ax1

Register HERE
by Grady Carter

  This is going to be a year of notable change in our Autocross events.  There is a changing of the cast in many positions.  Greg Matsumoto will be assuming the role of Director.  With him comes a number of new members of the supporting cast.  Greg is at the top of the program, directly below him you will find the billing of Stacy O'Connell and Doug Brekke as the Registration Team.  Next we have Drew Powers moving up from the supporting driving instructor part to the Head Instructor's role.  I also need to mention the previously uncredited part of Course Setup Assistant that is being filled by our 2016 Most Enthusiastic New AXer Fred Utter.

  I want to thank the above people for embracing the Club Spirit and stepping into these crucial roles.  I also want to thank the people who have filled these roles for several years: the outgoing Registration Team of Anita Benzing and Vern Thomas, also a guy that many of you know well, our outgoing Head Instructor, Bob Schoenherr.  Many thanks are due to all.

  There are also a "ton" of people who have stepped in and helped out when the need arose.  Vern Rogers when a fill-in AX Director was needed, Jim Winston for Tow, Brenda Hinton for Reg, Larry Powers, Mark and Joan Campagnia and Brian Cooley and many others that I can't remember them all (damn these gray cells).

  It has been a challenging but very enjoyable four year journey.  What made it enjoyable?  1)  It gave me a chance to give back to the sport I love, 2) the people that supported me at the events, 3) the Club's Board that has supported me in all my endeavors to improve the events.

  There were a few downside things to the Director's job:  not having time to talk to everyone at the events, "hanging" for the lunch break, and being the last one to Applebee's after the course pickup and trailer packing.  All-in-all though that's not a bad list of "I wish I could haves".

  I want to thank everyone for their participation in our events over these years and the help you have provided.  Please continue to participate and support our efforts and jump in where you see a need.  The old team will be supporting Greg and his crew in the transition and the coming season.   Bob will continue with final course design approval and  as course setup guru.  As for me, just point and  I will.

Please join me in giving the Autocross Team your full support,

Grady Carter



Bertolli's Auto Body


ESCA 53rd Annual April Fools Rallye

2016 Annual Treasurer's Report to the Members
by Jerry Gladstone, Treasurer

Redwood Region's 2016 fiscal year concluded with a net gain (income) of $4,280.77 - an excellent result. The major reason for the good result was once again the generous total subsidy from PCA National ($12,851.00); that sum being $367.50 more than in 2015. We ended the year with $54,116.32 in liquid assets distributed as $32,816.38 in unrestricted checking, $3,037.39 in the autocross reserve, $7,578.93 in a money market account and $10,683.62 in a certificate of deposit. Total liabilities are the current $3,840.27 in charges on the Redwood credit card for the remainder of the Holiday Party bill.
We donated $5,500.00 to CASA; the subsidy for the Holiday Party was $2,783.29. Our socially-oriented events approximately broke even as per design; any excess funds collected were earmarked for CASA (included in the donation noted above). Total fees for the use of were $846.40 in total (general events and autocross combined).  Goodie Store inventory exited 2016 at $1,266.92; there was a $269.98 loss on $347.69 in sales.  
There was a $3,165.56 net profit on the 2016 autocross series. This includes other autocross expenses of $3,689.50:  additional trailer outfitting, supplies, sanitation rental fees, Zone 7 autocross assessments, awards, airport badge fees and parking fees for the trailer.
Redwood Region exited the year in a favorable cash position with $4,280.77 more (which was our net income for the year) than in 2015.
submitted by:
Jerry Gladstone, Treasurer
January 27, 2017


Board Meeting Minutes

by Alan Geddes, Redwood Region Secretary

Redwood Region Board Meeting Minutes - The minutes from the January 31st, 2017 Board meeting will be available after approval at the February 28th, 2017 meeting.  Read previous board meeting minutes here.  
Our next Board Meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on February 28th, 2017 at Novato Mary's Pizza Shack, 121 San Marin Drive, Novato, CA 94945. All members are welcome to attend.  

Membership Information

Please contact Tom Short, Membership Director for general information about Club membership, including changes of address and/or contact information, dual-membership inquiries, inter-region transfers, membership referrals, and name badges.

Redwood Region Members are welcome and encouraged to attend monthly Board Meetings, held on the last Tuesday of each month (except December) at 7:00 p.m. Month Day Year meeting will be at Novato Mary's Pizza Shack, 121 San Marin Drive, Novato, CA 94945.
CASA Flyer


Redwood Region Contacts
2016 Redwood Region Board of Directors

Executive Council                                                                        Appointed Directors


Jamie De Ruiter

Chip Witt, Vice President



bob schoenherr headshot 2011


Alan Geddes, Secretary

Mac Cranford




   Ad-Hoc Committee

kurt fischer headshot


Tom Short

Tom Short, Membership Director
david bunch headshot 2011

Zone 7 Representative

david bunch headshot 2011



der Marktplatz

PORSCHE Panorama Collection 

 - Pick them up and they're yours!

1972 (Apr-Dec) through 1979
1981 through 1982 (Jan.-Aug.)
2003 through 2015

Cell: 415-867-7667


2004 Boxster Project Car

WP0CA29834S620883 engine failed with IMS problem at 89,000 miles. Never crashed, never tracked. 2nd owner. 5 speed manual. Exterior (black), full leather interior (black), top (black) all in good shape. New rear brakes. 4 Michelin pilot sport tires at 84,500 miles. Full service record. More pictures available.

Asking $7,500. Offers accepted. 


1969 Porsche 911 GT Race Car with 3.4L Race Engine: !

Fully developed and sorted 1969 911 GT race car with fresh 3.4L racing engine. Currently set up for PCA and Porsche Racing Club GT3 class. Current engine, suspension design and set up by Mat Lowrance of Reno Rennsport.

 PCA and NASA logbooks. Dry weight of 19xx pounds (with oil). Fresh and unpainted 993 widebody fiberglass bodywork. Phone or email for details and additional photos. !

Dual axle open trailer with large front mounted tire rack, fuel jug storage and lockable tool box. ! Spares and supplies include fuel transport bottles, funnel, et cetera. ! A turnkey racing package. $125K + to duplicate, asking $39,000 OBO !

Contact: Neil Jackson: 925.785.0247 or Located in Orinda CA.

Genuine Porsche OEM 18" Wheels
*Price Reduction*
Front: 8"x18" ET57 (997.362.137.01)
Rear: 10.5"x18" ET60 (997.362.141.65)
Carrera IV wheel style introduced for the 997.2 in 2009 but should fit any 997. Near-perfect condition; no curb rash, scratches or dings. Great for mounting AX tires, winter tires, or to upgrade your scuffed original street wheels.
Hi-res pictures of each wheel available on request. 
$400 for all 4.
Contact Mike Beavers 707-546-4698

2005 Boxster S: 63,875 mi.
Triple black, Rare factory hardback sport seats, HRE 567R wheels & stainless welded exhaust. I'm not sure the brand of exhaust it was on the car when we bought it.. Neillo Porsche in Rockland has done all the service work since we have owned it. Runs and looks great!  Additional pictures upon request.
Cell: 415-328-4718

1992/2008 964 race car: PCA GT3 Zone 7 Champion 2012, 2 nd nationally and 3 time NASA/PRC GTL class champion. Currently racing with PCA & NASA log books. Jerry Woods 3.6L & G-50 6 speed, Guards GT3 LSD, coil over suspension, 'big red' brakes, two sets 10.5 & 13 by 16 Jongbloed wheels, approx. 2,100 lbs., Getty GT 2 Evo fiberglass body with 55 in. GT 3 Cup wing. All safety equipment, radio, cool shirt, etc.
The car is in excellent condition with low hours on all major components. The car has been professionally maintained by Jerry Woods Enterprises and has always had repairs/replacement as needed, for example the wheels and shock are currently being rebuilt. It was painted in June and looks great. No issues, needs or stories. The car is fast, dependable and fun to drive. It is especially easy to drive at the limit.  Easily does 1:42's at Sonoma (1:41.8 in June), 1:54's at T-Hill and 1:35's at Laguna Seca.  For more details, see  pdf here.

 $59,500. Contact Gary Willard 650-477-7039 or         

1997 993 TT has 46,700 miles on it. 

Artic silver/rubicon interior. Hardback sport seats, roof liner in leather, 6 CD changer. All stock except PSS 10 suspension. Original parts come with the car.

Only repaint was front bumper. Car is fantastic, I measured the paint to verify. Looks like new! Won numerous awards in SoCal. Engine top end and turbos redone at 38,000 miles. Also clutch. Runs perfect, absolutely no problems, everything works.  More photos here

VIN: WP0AC2999VS375292
Price: $189K

Contact Info: Jochen Rohr:

1970  Porsche 911 T Targa
Meticuously maintained and upgraded by the same owner for 24 years
California car, no rust
Rare 15" Mahle magnisium wheels w/hand-painted centers
OEM Recaro Sport seats
OEM "S" front spoiler
Euro H-1 headlights
Weber conversion
rare rebuilt 4-speed transmission w/short-shift kit
4k miles on split case engine complete rebuild with "E" pistons and distributor
Dino steering wheel
26206 indicated mileage
Tornado Red/Black (change of color)
Nakamichi cd player w/5 speaker 1100 watts amplifiers
Receipts & Logbook    $75,000 
Contact Fred Miramontes
209-451-9794   or



Classified ads for Porsches and Porsche-related parts or accessories are available at no charge to PCA members and may be submitted to the editor via  email by the 5th of the month to be included in that month's issue of der Riesenbaum. Ads will run for three months, space permitting, unless canceled by the seller. Classified ads are also included in the  der Marktplatz section on our Club website. Editor may modify ad copy as needed based on space constraints, and is not responsible for content, errors or omissions. Commercial ads are not accepted. Please contact  Sponsorship Director Simone Kopitzki at 415.299.7563 for sponsorship information and rates. 


Der Riesenbaum is the official newsletter of the Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region, encompassing Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, and Sonoma Counties. This publication is intended to inform Club members about Club activities and other related matters of interest. The opinions expressed in der Riesenbaum are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region, its officers, or its members.


Letters to the editor, feedback, questions, and suggestions about der Riesenbaum and the Redwood Region in general are welcome. We also encourage members to submit photos and/or write-ups about Club events or related activities. Written contributions and photos are welcome and should be emailed to the editor. The submission deadline for publication in der Riesenbaum is the 5th day of the month for that month's publication. Material received after the deadline will be considered for publication the following month. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication.


All written content and images in this publication are protected by copyright. Permission is granted to reprint any original content herein provided credit is given to the author, to der Riesenbaum, and to the Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region. 


Click here to visit us on the web or here to visit our Facebook page.


Thank you all for supporting your Club!


Jamie DeRuiter, der Riesenbaum Editor

Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region


2012 PCA RR Logo Gray Bkd