SchiavettaGolf Academy Callaway Hats Now Available!
Take the SchiavettaGolf Academy HAT CHALLENGE!
Choose between white, pink or black SPF 30 Callaway logoed front with SchiavettaGolf Academy logo on the side.
Take the SchiavettaGolf Hat Challenge:
*Purchase a SchiavettaGolf Callaway hat ($20).
*Take this hat away with you wherever you play. *Take a pic of you with the hat next to the golf
course sign where you are playing.
Whoever sends me the most pics of this hat from different golf courses between
Feb 1 - Feb 28th , 2019 wins 1 dozen Callaway golf balls and will be featured in an upcoming SchiavettaGolf newsletter.
CHALLENGE: Feb 1 - Feb 28th, 2019
(Me at Shinnecock Hills ... with my SchiavettaGolf Hat!)