The Place To Learn

SchiavettaGolf Academy @ Evies Golf Center

4735 Bee Ridge Rd. Sarasota, FL 34233   941.350.1653  


     SchiavettaGolf Academy Newsletter

February is EPIC!

Hi All! Looking forward to seeing those of you who have come down for the winter months. I also want to tell  everyone of the exciting happenings going on in February @ SchiavettaGolf Acacemy. Not only do we have weekly golf clinics,private lessons, group lessons and golf schools that continue throughout the winter, we now have exciting new product from Callaway Golf that has just arrived -- Epic  FLASH drivers and fairway woods.

With our Callaway Optifit fitting system and the ES14 launch monitor, we can help you find your perfect driver loft and shaft flex as well as lie angle for your irons. Call and make a fitting appointment! You can also trade in name brand clubs towards credit for your new Callaways.
We can also go through your set of clubs and make sure you have the proper "gapping" from your driver down to your sand wedge. What is "gapping"? Please read below for an understanding of why proper gapping is important and how it will help you improve your game.

Learn  & Play Golf Schools I & II

Both schools include 5 sessions, with the 5th session being on course play. 
Each session is 90 minutes. $199 pp

School I starts February 6th,is for beginners and those getting back into golf. Fun damentals of golf swing, short game and rules & etiquette are covered. 
School II  starts FEBRUARY 5th, is for those who can score. consistently below 100. Golf course management, trouble shots, and improving your ball striking are covered. This class is not for beginners.

Short Game School - Sunday Feb 24

The Short Game School focuses exclusively on shots from 70 yards and in. Improving your putting, chipping, pitching and greenside bunker play is the goal. This is a 2 hour class. $60 pp.
         Link:    SHORT GAME SCHOOL
                 (scroll down from top of page)
CLICK HER TO CONTINUE READING"Gap management": how to properly assemble your set of clubs
Do you ever find yourself "stuck" between two clubs? You are between one club that would go too far and one that doesn't go far enough?  
SchiavettaGolf Academy Callaway Hats Now Available! 
Take the SchiavettaGolf Academy   HAT CHALLENGE!

Choose between white, pink or black SPF 30 Callaway logoed front with SchiavettaGolf Academy logo on the side. 

Take the SchiavettaGolf Hat Challenge:
*Purchase a SchiavettaGolf Callaway hat ($20).
*Take this hat away with you wherever you play. *Take a pic of you with the hat next to the golf       course sign where you are playing.

Whoever sends me the most pics of this hat from different golf courses between 
Feb 1 - Feb 28th , 2019 wins 1 dozen Callaway golf balls and will be featured in an upcoming SchiavettaGolf newsletter. 

CHALLENGE: Feb 1 - Feb 28th, 2019
(Me at Shinnecock Hills ... with my SchiavettaGolf Hat!)
Rooney Update

Poor Rooney! She was playing with her friend and they both were a little too rambunctious! She is fine.. a little nick in the ear. She was not happy about going to the Vet. But she was a good patient and now she is back to her old self!

          BEFORE                                    AFTER
Next newsletter in March. Looking forward to seeing YOU at SchiavettaGolf Academy!

Call today to book a golf lesson and improve your game tomorrow!


Mary Schiavetta, PGA
Academy Director
SchiavettaGolf Academy @ Evies Golf Center
2017 GRAA U.S. Top 50 Stand Alone Range
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Color PGA logo
Mary Schiavetta,PGA


 Click HERE for private lesson info



 Click HERE for weekly clinic schedule

Our Sponsors

Jill Friedman, PA
Sarasota, FL

Our Sponsors
 Sassy Hair



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