In this Issue
Third Ward Update
Important Announcements
Third Ward Star
February CAPS
Black History Month takes on extra importance as we remember the struggles and achievements of black Americans across the country this past year. Here in Chicago, thousands of black residents and likeminded supporters took to the street to demand equity and fairness for all Chicagoans regardless of race, and to demand the end of police brutality against minority communities nationally. These protests have changed the national narrative, and are underpinning Chicago's historic and ongoing police reform efforts.
These nationwide protests lead to sweeping Democratic victories in the 2020 Election, as Democratic candidates vowed to uphold constituent's calls for justice and reform. This renewed focus on equity and equal rights for black residents is long overdue. Along with the release of the COVID-19 vaccine, these monumental changes give me great hope for 2021 and beyond. I am proud of the millions of Americans who followed in the footsteps of our Civil Rights leaders to peacefully, yet loudly, advocate for the rights of black people in America. I hope you will join me in honoring this effort during Black History Month.
The 3rd Ward Public Service Office staff and I are available to assist you by phone 773-373-9273 or via email at Thank you for reading this newsletter. Please share it with a neighbor or friend.
Pat Dowell
Alderman, 3rd Ward
COVID-19 Vaccine and Virus Mitigation Updates
An updated tentative timeline for COVID-19 vaccine distribution is as follows: Phase 1B began on January 25th for Chicagoans 65 and older and frontline essential workers; 1C is scheduled for March 29th for Chicagoans age 16-64 with underlying medical conditions and all other essential workers; and Phase 2 is scheduled for May 31st for all persons over the age of 16.
Please find a link below to a website that was recently updated which provides information on various ways Chicago residents can receive a COVID-19 vaccine. The website also includes a map to vaccine providers which have permitted their information to be shared with the general public. This site and map will be updated on a regular basis, as additional information becomes available:
Below are additional links to businesses offering COVID-19 vaccine appointments. As always, please consult your primary health care provider for the latest COVID-19 vaccination information.
If you or someone you know is without health insurance, please enroll in a federally qualified health care center (FQHC). They receive federal funds, so enrollees are not required to have health insurance or be a U.S. citizen to receive medical care. Click the following link to find the nearest FQHC closest to your home.
Additionally, the State of Illinois has announced that Chicago can move to Phase 4 without any mitigation measures, effective January 31, 2021. These restrictions are the most up to date and take precedence over the industry-specific guidelines if there are points of contradiction.
The following industries or activities may continue operating under the following regulations:
- Bars and Restaurants: Can reopen indoors at lesser of 25% or 25 people per space. Bars, taverns or breweries without a food license can reopen indoors as long as they partner with a food establishment. Table size is limited to no more than six people per table indoors and outdoors. Bar seating is allowed with 6ft distance between parties. Indoor events are allowed at 25% capacity with no more than 25 individuals, while following indoor dining guidelines.
- Retail stores: 40% capacity
- Grocery Stores and Pharmacies: 50% capacity
- Places of worship: Limit each indoor space to 50 individuals, while practicing social distancing, or 40% capacity (whichever is fewer). However, special events such as weddings, potlucks, and other community events are limited to 25% capacity with no more than 25 guests indoors and outdoors.
- Health and Fitness Centers: 40% capacity with no more than 50 people per space; group classes are allowed with no more than 15 individuals per group.
- Personal Services: Limit to 50 individuals or 40% capacity, whichever is fewer.
- Outdoor Activities: Outdoor museums, performance venues and other outdoor activities can continue at 40% capacity with a maximum of 100 individuals. Group sizes are limited to 50 people or less, with total capacity limited to 100 people, while social distancing.
- Out-of-School Programs: Indoor group exercise or fitness classes are capped at 15 individuals (e.g., dance, yoga).
- Libraries: Libraries may remain open at 25% indoor capacity with protective measures in place to ensure the health and safety of the public and staff.
Bars, restaurants and other establishments with a Tavern or Consumption on Premises-Incidental Activity license can sell alcohol on-site or to-go until 11:00 pm, with all patrons off premises by midnight.
Liquor stores, grocery stores and other establishments with a Package Goods license must still cease alcohol sales at 9:00 pm.
Alderman Dowell Introduces Ordinance to Fine and Impound Dangerous Motorcycles
This ordinance is an initiative of Ald. Pat Dowell. O2021-363 is in response to a growing trend of unruly motorcycle and bike stunt-riding groups operating on the public way. In the 3rd, 4th and 42nd Ward specifically, these swarms of riders have ignored traffic signals, played disruptively loud music, rode on sidewalks and threatened pedestrians.
The ordinance amends Municipal Code Titles 2 and 9 by modifying various sections pertaining to the unlawful use of “non-highway vehicles." Alleged violations in this ordinance specifically reference the actions of unlawful riding, drifting, stunt riding and drag racing. Additionally, this ordinance adds stipulations that allow for apprehending officers to impose penalties, including but not limited to, fines and fees, and seizure and impoundment for vehicles found in such alleged violation of the Municipal Code.
Furthermore, this ordinance adds provisions that define infractions involving the obstruction of, chemical distortion of, complete absence of, or any further modification of registration and/or license plates. This includes additional fines and fees, with the possibility of further legal action for individuals soliciting the sale of materials advertised as having the capacity to obstruct any electronic license plate image recordings.
Pilgrim Baptist Church Receives Grant from Adopt-a-Landmark Fund
Pilgrim Baptist Church, the Chicago landmark best known as the birthplace of Gospel music, received a grant worth more than $200,000 from the Citywide Adopt-A-Landmark Fund in what is likely the first of many steps to rebuild the church.
The grant will go towards stabilizing the exterior walls of the church at 3301 S. Indiana Ave. It will be the first project of many required to restore the church, which was listed on the National Register of Historic Place in 1973 and named a Chicago landmark in 1981.
The Citywide Adopt-A-Landmark Fund gives money generated by Downtown construction projects to buildings designated as Chicago Landmarks. The city acquires the money by taking 10 percent of the Neighborhood Opportunity Bonus, a fee developers pay to be allowed to build increased density Downtown.
Designed by renowned architects Dankmar Adler and Louis Sullivan, the historic building was largely destroyed in a 2006 fire. Then in August, the storm that brought tornadoes to some parts of the are leveled a wall at the church, but the limestone facade that faces Indiana Avenue survived and is being propped up by scaffolding.
43 Green Passes Plan Commission
A new $100 million mixed-use, mixed-income development to be located on the corner of 43rd. St. and Calumet Ave. in Bronzeville took another step towards fruition, receiving approval from the Chicago Plan Commission in January. 43 Green will boast 99-units and 6,000 square feet of commercial space on the currently vacant 43rd Street corner which sits adjacent to the 43rd St. Green Line Station. Within this Transit Oriented Development, 50 of the units will be affordable, reserved for renters making up to 60 percent of the area median income or $43,680 annually for a two-person household. Keeping a large percentage of the development's units affordable will help prevent gentrification within Bronzeville, where in general housing prices continue to rise, displacing many longtime residents. In addition, the commercial space will be a catalyst for businesses on the 43rd St. corridor.
43 Green is a joint venture between Bronzeville-based P3 Markets and the Habitat Corporation, one of the leading affordable housing developers in Chicago. Tentative groundbreaking for the development is scheduled for June. Details on this development can be found here.
One Central Development Updated at Alderman Dowell Town Hall Meeting
Alderman Dowell and the Department of Planning and Development welcomed Landmark Development to update the community on the status of the One Central project. As a reminder, the One Central development plan is NOT an approved project, and is just beginning the zoning review phase. A Planned Development application has not been filed with the City, nor has a zoning change been approved by Alderman Dowell. If an application is filed, the City will perform an extensive review, and the developer must once again come back to the community, and get Alderman Dowell's and the Chicago Plan Commissions support before even going to City Council for review.
At the meeting, Landmark Development shared their updated vision for the site, including a multi-modal transit hub, up to 9,050 residential units, 1.5 million square feet of retail uses, 9.45 million square feet of office space, 1.5 million square feet of hotel uses, 350,000 square feet of event space, and 3,500 parking stalls. Landmark also shared details on the $20 million financing package, which proposes the state contribute $6.5 billion for acquisition and operation of the Civic Build over 20 years supported by the Build Illinois infrastructure financing program.
The new proposal moves the taller One Central buildings to the eastern edge of the site, as well as preserves Mark Twain Park, instead of using it for part of the site's development. Landmark Development also offered further details on the proposed transit hub, the CHILINE (a local tram and bus route), and reworked pedestrian and vehicular access to the site. A full recap of Landmark's presentation can be found here.
911 Call Prioritization
When someone calls Chicago's 911 emergency number, the call is routed to the 311/911 call center within the Office of Emergency Management and Communications (OEMC). Once OEMC receives the call and has a description of the call for service, the call-taker will categorize it with an event type. The event types have priorities already assigned to them per CPD’s General Order. The 3 priorities are defined as:
Priority 1 – Events that pose imminent threat to life, bodily injury or major property damage/loss
Priority 2 – Events where timely police action has the potential to affect the outcome of an incident
Priority 3 – Events that do not pose imminent threat to life, bodily injury, major property damage/loss
Sample incidents in each priority:
Priority 1 - Battery in progress, domestic disturbance, person w/a gun, shots fired, criminal damage to property in progress
Priority 2 - Alarms, burglary just occurred, suspicious autos w/occupants
Priority 3 - Burglary reports, auto theft report, disturbances w/crowds, loud music/barking dogs
Taking into account the call's priority number and available resources, the call is then dispatched for response. For more information on the 311/911 process, please visit
Bronzeville Salon Suites Opening in the 3rd Ward
Join Alderman Dowell in welcoming another African American owned business to the ward. Thanks to the leadership and cutting-edge vision of Eric Dantzler and Sheila Rugege Dantzler, Bronzeville Salon Suites is opening at 80 E. Pershing Rd. Invoking the spirit of Madam C.J. Walker, Bronzeville Salon Suites will bring independent salon professionals to their own suites to provide hair and aesthetician services to the public. Check it out and opening soon!
The building's developers, Eric and Sheila Dantzler, are residents of the community and are committed to its growth and development. They were awarded $720,000 from the Neighborhood Opportunity Fund for this project, which was passed by City Council with the support of Alderman Dowell.
Motor Row Streetscape Schedule Update
Construction on Michigan Ave. for the Motor Row Streetscape is anticipated to be substantially complete by June 2021. Fabrication of the unique identifying items (light poles, light pole identifiers, and gateway identifier) is ongoing.
The streetscape transforms Michigan Avenue (from Cermak Rd to 24th St.) and 23rd St. (from State St. to Indiana Ave.) in Motor Row into a more resident and business friendly corridor. Work includes widening the sidewalks, installing placemaking features like decorative signs, trees, and benches, and transforming the roadway from a 4- lane road to a 2-lane road with a center turn lane. Renderings for the streetscape can be found on Alderman Dowell's website at by typing "streetscape" into the search bar.
New Staircase for Phillips HS
Alderman Dowell is proud to share information related to repairs to the interior entrance staircase at Phillips HS. The project will provide stair replacement and associated interior upgrades to the main entrance stairway at Phillips HS. The contract was awarded to KRM. Minority hiring for the project is at 34% through an African American sub-contractor, Bridgeport Steels Sales.
Permanent Bus Stop Change - State at Archer
Due to the completion of building construction, the following bus stop changes have taken place, effective on Monday, February 1, 2021 at 9:00 am. The stop at State St. at Archer Ave. going southbound will be eliminated. This affects bus routes #29 - State and #62 - Archer. To compensate for the loss of the stop, a new stop will be created at State St. at 18th St. southbound on the far side of the intersection. This new stop will also service the #29 and #62 bus routes.
Sewer Construction - Pershing Road from Lake Park Ave. to Racine Ave.
The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) of Greater Chicago is planning to
rehabilitate an existing 20-foot diameter intercepting sewer below Pershing Road (39th Street)
from Lake Park Avenue to Racine Avenue under Phase 2 of the 39th Street Conduit Rehabilitation
project, as shown on the attached exhibit. The 39th Street Conduit collects and carries flow from
City of Chicago sewers to the Racine Avenue Pump Station and ultimately the Stickney Water
Reclamation Plant for treatment. The intercepting sewer and appurtenant structures are over 100
years old and serve a population of approximately 145,000 within a 9.1-square mile area. The
sewer is critical for the long-term drainage needs of southeast Chicago. The construction of the
project is anticipated to commence in 2022 and be completed in 2024.
During the project, access to the sewer and structures will be through existing manholes
within the right-of-way of Pershing Road and several intersecting streets. Traffic control is
required during construction work at specific locations to provide safe access to the sites of
construction and allow for continued traffic along Pershing Road.
There are four (4) locations within the Third Ward where detours are planned as follows:
- Intersection of Pershing Rd. and Princeton Ave., for an approximate two-week duration,
- Intersection of Pershing Rd. and State St., for an approximate four-week duration,
- Intersection of Pershing Rd. and Calumet Ave. for an approximate one-week duration, and
- Intersection of Pershing Rd. and Rhodes Ave. for an approximate six-week duration.
Business Violation - Jones Auto Center
The Business of Consumer Affairs and Consumer Protection performed an inspection of Jones Auto Center at 5100 South Wabash Avenue. As a result of the inspection a hearing was held at the Department of Administrative Hearings on January 8, 2021, resulting in a judgment being entered against the Respondent, Jones Auto Center, in the amount of $3,040.00.
South Loop Event Parking Restrictions
Parking restrictions are in place for the South Loop from Roosevelt Road to Cermak Rd. from Lake Shore Drive to Clark St. during all Chicago Bears football games and many other Soldier Field events. Wintrust Arena events have been removed from the parking restrictions. Vehicles parked in the South Loop without a valid South Loop Event Parking Pass, South Loop Event Guest Pass or Residential Permit Parking pass (for Residential Permit Parking Streets ONLY) are subject to ticketing or towing.
For a complete list of Soldier Field events, please visit The 3rd Ward is providing the list below as a courtesy to residents and visitors and does not assume liability for the accuracy of the monthly list of South Loop events. All Soldier Field events are subject to change, including cancellation or the scheduling of additional events. It is your responsibility to adhere to the parking restrictions in place.
Events Postponed Until Further Notice
(As of April 1, 2020)
Sidewalk Snow Removal Regulations
Sidewalk snow regulations affect all home, business, and property owners in Chicago. Business owners that rent space adjacent to sidewalks are responsible for shoveling snow under the ordinance. Renters who aren't certain of their shoveling responsibilities should check their rental agreements or ask their landlords for clarification.
You must shovel snow as soon as possible after it falls. Snow that falls between the hours of 7:00 am and 7:00 pm must be removed no later than 10:00 pm. Snow that falls between the hours of 7:00 pm and 7:00 am must be removed by 10:00 am.
You must clear a path at least 5 feet wide on all of the sidewalks adjacent to your property, including any crosswalk ramps. Do not shovel the snow into the right-of-way, which includes: transit stops and bus pads, parking spaces, bike lanes, bike racks, Divvy stations, and any other space where snow impedes traffic of any kind.
Report property owners who DO NOT clear their sidewalks by making a "Snow - Uncleared Sidewalk or Bike Lane" request with the City of Chicago 311 Service Request line
DUI Saturation Patrol – Central (1st) District
The Chicago Police Department will be conducting a DUI Saturation Patrol in the Central (1st) District this weekend. The DUI Saturation Patrol will take place Friday, February 5, 2021 from 7 p.m. to Saturday, February 6, 2021 at 3 a.m.
The purpose of this program is to saturate a pre-designated area with roving police officers that continually monitor vehicular traffic for signs of impaired driving. Patrols also place emphasis on speed, alcohol-related and safety belt violations. Police vehicles equipped for speed detection are deployed to apprehend speeding violators.
In addition, the Breath Alcohol Testing (BAT) Mobile Unit may also be deployed to allow officers to expedite the process of charging a person with Driving under the Influence (DUI) prior to transporting an alleged into the nearest lockup for bonding. The mobile unit also allows for Individual Recognizance Bonds (I-Bonds) to be issued at the site of the DUI Saturation Patrol.
2021 Blue Cart Recycling Schedule
The City's Blue Cart program provides bi-weekly recycling services to single family homes and multi-unit buildings with four or fewer units. By recycling regularly, you can help reduce the need for landfills, lower disposal costs, reduce pollution and conserve natural resources, such as timber, water and minerals. The map and schedule for 2021 can be found here.
SEED to Sale: Cannabis Application Writing Course
Join us a for a 10-week, instructor-led virtual course that provides learners a deep dive into the cannabis licensing application process. Each session will be presented in a 90-minute weekly webinar format. Registrants must qualify as a social equity applicant to apply. Courses are on Monday's beginning February 1st @ 6:00 PM-7:30 PM. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE AND APPLY!
ComEd Annual Competitive Grants Programs
With revenues down for both municipal agencies and communities organizations in northern Illinois, due to the pandemic and other economic challenges, ComEd is stepping up to support efforts to protect the environment, enhance public safety and increase equity in access to the arts. The energy company is again accepting applications for grants, up to $10,000 per grantee, from municipal and public safety agencies, as well as arts and culture organizations in the areas ComEd serves. Grant applications for each of the following programs are being accepted through 5 p.m. CST March 26, 2021.
Green Region grants support open-space projects that focus on the planning, acquisition and improvement of local parks, natural areas and recreation resources. This year, in addition to pollinator projects, grants will focus on climate resiliency, which includes projects that help a system maintain its natural functions from stressors of climate change.
Powering Safe Communities grants will again include a focus on electrification projects that reduce carbon emissions, improve public health outcomes and advance community resiliency.
Powering the Arts these grants support organizations in their efforts to reach new and diverse audiences, with an expanded focus on those looking at creative ways to connect with audiences during the pandemic, such as offering innovative performances on digital platforms.
For more information on each grant program, including eligibility guidelines and how to apply, visit
SMASH Academy STEM Application Now Open
SMASH Academy is a FREE STEM-intensive & college prep program empowering underrepresented
students to thrive in STEM careers and impact change in their communities. SMASH Scholars attend our signature SMASH Academy for three summers, beginning the summer after 9th grade. There are currently seven SMASH sites that are accepting applications: SMASH Berkeley, SMASH Davis, SMASH Illinois, SMASH Michigan, SMASH Morehouse, SMASH Northeastern, and SMASH Wayne State.
While SMASH has traditionally been a residential program, we will be hosting 2021 SMASH Academy virtually for the safety of all staff and scholars. Start your application at
Applications must be completed and submitted by March 15th, 2021 at 11:59PM PST. Visit to learn more. Pease direct questions to
Domestic Violence: There is Help
The Domestic Violence Ministries from Old St. Mary's, Old St. Pat's and Assumption parishes will present a webinar on this topic moderated by Geraldine Piorkowski, retired Clinical Psychologist and member of Old St. Pat's Domestic Violence Ministry. Question and answer session will follow the presentation.
When: Tuesday, February 2nd from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
1st District Vehicular Hijacking Virtual Town Hall
Elected officials including Alderman Dowell, CPD executive leaders and the 1st District CAPS office is hosting a virtual town hall meeting to discuss the increase in vehicular hijackings in the City of Chicago. Please email questions in advance to
When: Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 6:00 pm
Where: Zoom Meeting ID 824 4528 1282 Passcode: OCP001
NHS Financial Fresh Start Webinar
Whether you are planning to purchase a home or simply need to improve your finances, this webinar will prepare you for financial security. Learn How To: develop a spending plan, reduce your debt, and increase your credit score.
NHS Home Buyer Education Webinar
Learn about the home buying process such as the basics of budgeting, improving credit, understanding the closing process and down payment assistance programs. This is an eight-hour course delivered in four 2-hour sessions.
Anita Harris
This month, please join Alderman Dowell and the 3rd Ward Public Service Office team in congratulating Ms. Anita Harris, who made 102 years old on January 25, 2021. In honor of her birthday, Ms. Anita was interview by Channel 7 and WCIU (The Jam TV Show). The interview was aired on January 25th at 6:00 pm on WCIU and can be found at
Attending and participating in the Chicago Police's Community Policing Program (CAPS) is one of the best ways to address crime and quality of life issues in your neighborhood. By attending CAPS meetings, you can share important information with the police that will assist them in making arrests and preventing crime as well as receive valuable information about resources that promote homeowner and community safety. Visit to find out what district you live in and click on each district title to learn more about what is happening in your neighborhood.
2nd District CAPS Meetings
When: February 8, 2021 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Beat Meeting: 211
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
When: February 16, 2021 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Beat Meeting 221/223
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
When: February 23, 2021 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Beat Meeting 213/215/224
Please click the link below to join the webinar: