Moving Forward:
The dust has settled on 1/1. Everything is issued and we are gearing up for a new way of doing business in 2021.

Normally, this is the time of year we get out and have lunch and learns, and update you on any changes or enhancements in our product portfolio. It’s always great to have that personal interaction, and see everyone’s smiling faces. I have been doing this for so long, in this market, that those meetings are more like visiting with friends. I miss that.

I am still up for doing those meetings, but given the remote nature of our work, they are generally by Zoom. Not quite the same, but I will take it! Let me know if you want to set something up. 

If you would like to meet one on one, happy to accommodate that as well. Not sure if the nice clothes still fit, but I will make it work! 

Let me know how I can best communicate with you to keep those lines open, and the information flowing. 
The SaveOnSp program assists members who are on high-cost, specialty medications, to reduce their monthly copay cost to $0, by targeting high cost, high volume drugs.
This program was only allowed on traditional copay plans, but effective 1/1/2021, All EMI Health medical plans (including high deductible plans) will have the SaveOnSp program included as an option to help employees save money on specialty drugs.
Enrollment is easy, and it doesn't cost a thing! Members enroll by simply calling 1-800-683-1074. A SaveOnSp representative will enroll them in the appropriate manufacturer coupon program, walk them through the process, and answer any questions.
Keep in mind, that members who do participate in an HSA program, and make contributions, participation in the SaveOnSp plan could render your HSA non-qualified, and make your contributions taxable. Members should refer to their HSA Administrator before deciding on whether or not to participate in the SaveOnSp program.
The savings to members on high cost specialty medications by participating in the SaveOnSp program is significant. If you take Humira, as an example, the Non SaveOnSp copay for that medication is $1,330 monthly, or $15,960 annually. By participating in the SaveOnSp plan, that copay is now $0 for the same Humira prescription.
Attached is a member letter that is sent to all members who qualify for the SaveOnSp program, a flyer on the program, and a specialty drug list.
EMI 2021 RX Formulary
While we are on the subject of the pharmacy benefit, I have attached EMI’s 2021 formulary.

The only real significant change in the benefit, is that you can now get a 90 day supply at any pharmacy. No real cost advantage to the member, but it does save in having to go to the pharmacy every month.
EMI Pool Meetings Coming Up
EMI will hold virtual Pool Meetings the week of March 15th. Look for an invitation in your email inbox soon. If you don’t get an invitation or would like to attend one of the Pool meetings, get in touch with us and we will make sure you get you an invite.
If you have an Employer Group that is interested in EMI, or has shown interest in EMI in the past, they are also welcomed to attend one of EMI’s virtual Pool meetings. Just let us know the contact person’s name, email, name of the company, and the Pool meeting they are interested in attending, and we will send them out an invite. This is a great way to familiarize potential EMI clients to the benefits of the level funded pooling concept.
EMI Products Available to Public Sector Space
The EMI product portfolio can be a great fit for your Public School District or Municipality client. Whether it’s the EMI Professional Pool product (under 100 lives enrolled), the non pooled Stand Alone product (over 100 lives), or the TPA product (unbundled self funded), EMI has a solution for your Public Sector clients.
Insurers Must Report and Pay Out Additional MLR Rebates:

A fun little article that may have us all do a little extra work here soon. Stay tuned, we will keep you updated as this unfolds and becomes more clear.
IRS Issues 2020 Version of Publication 502 on Medical and Dental Expenses:

Just a quick guide on medical and dental expenses that are deductible by taxpayers.