February 2021 Newsletter
Community Murals Sacramento
A Sacramento District-Wide Community Mural Pilot Program

"Community Murals Sacramento" is a Council District (“District”) focused temporary public art program where visual artists residing in Sacramento region have the opportunity to apply for temporary community mural projects in a District of their choice.

During this pilot year, artists will apply to complete their project in a specific District or apply “At Large” if they are interested in working in any District. The focus will be on hiring local artists. No funds will be made available for travel or lodging expenses. Through a selection panel process, each District will receive one or two community murals (depending on size and location). Projects are to be completed within one year of the artist receiving their city contract, with a minimum of 3 community engagement events included and at least one planned community paint day.

Applications must be submitted through OAC's Submittable site: https://sacmetroarts.submittable.com/submit/185198/community-murals-sacramento

For questions or concerns, please contact Donald Gensler, APP Project Manager, dgensler@cityofsacramento.org, 916-808-8493, 916-955-4564.
Race and Cultural Equity Highlights & Resources

"Gaslighting is an experience so common to Black and Brown folx in the workplace. We are taught to offer grace to people when they say or do racist things or when they commit micro- or even macroaggressions against us. We are told: They’re a nice person, they didn’t mean it that way. I think you’re being sensitive. It isn’t as serious as you’re making it to be. They had good intentions. Gaslighting extends beyond racist behavior though. Gaslighting teaches us — and the people who exact this emotional violence against us — that since we can’t be trusted with our experiences about racism, we also can’t be trusted about our own experiences in general."

Design Sacramento is partnering with Creative Reaction Lab from St. Louis, MO to host a Community Action and Equity Workshop! Facilitators from Creative Reaction Lab guide participants through highly interactive activities, dialogue, planning, and reflection that aim to integrate an Equity-Centered Community Design mindset. Participants will learn about Equity-Centered Community Design and learn to examine the ways that their daily design choices can promote inclusive and equitable outcomes.

This is an invitation to individuals and/or groups in all mediums to submit proposals for inclusion in the Un/Equal Freedoms: Expressions for Social Justice inaugural exhibition. Artworks should reckon with the unequal freedoms embedded within our social structures and/or offer a vision of an improved society with greater equality and freedom for all.

Historic and systemic racism, settler-colonialism, capitalism, and other forms of oppression have resulted in inequitable and unjust enforcement of laws and in unjust laws, policies and practices themselves. For the 2021 program, we are seeking artists that will support the ACLU NorCal’s efforts to advance racial justice and equity within existing programmatic work.

Based on the ArtChangeUS Cultural Community Benefits Toolkit, this virtual training offers individuals and organizations creative, practical and meaningful strategies for building commitments to greater diversity, equitable stakeholder relationships, and structural change within their work. Facilitated by ArtChangeUS team members and independent creatives in the field, this training will guide participants through creative exercises aimed at unpacking complex equity issues, highlighting best practices, that evolve beyond representation, to create participatory equity and community benefit.
Financial Support Resources

Please note, the links below are provided as a resource; these programs are not managed by OAC.

In light of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the artist community, Foundation for Contemporary Arts has operated the FCA Emergency Grants COVID-19 Fund since March 2020. The COVID-19 Fund will disburse one-time $2,000 grants to eligible artists who have lost income from canceled performances or exhibitions because of the pandemic. The program will remain open through March 2021. Applications will be reviewed by a panel of artists.

The California Arts Council has six streamlined funding opportunities for 2021, prioritizing relief and recovery for California's creative artists and businesses impacted by COVID-19, including general operating relief for organizations and direct fellowship funding for individual artists.
Opportunities & Resources

The City of Sacramento, Sacramento Office of Arts + Culture (OAC), a division of the City of Sacramento Convention and Cultural Services Department, invites Artists and Artist teams to submit their qualifications for a new Gateway sculpture project at or near the intersection of Richards Blvd and North 12th Street. The project will welcome visitors to the River District and become an important threshold for vehicular traffic coming from Hwy 160 and traveling toward downtown Sacramento. 

YoloArts is seeking artwork by emerging artists 18+ who have not previously exhibited at Gallery 625. A variety of media is welcome. All artwork must be solely the result of the artistic effort of the artist.

The Department of Art and Art History at the University of California Davis is pleased to invite applications for the inaugural Teaching Artists-in-Residence in The California Studio. We are looking for artists in all disciplines, traditional and non-traditional, who are passionate about their research and eager to incorporate the vast resources of the university and the Northern California region into the classroom. Visiting artists will teach an upper division art studio class and a graduate seminar, deliver a public lecture and further their creative work and/or research while on campus.

California Lawyers for the Arts's annual Music Business Seminar is a series of webinar-style panel discussions that brings together a unique blend of music industry insiders, scholars, distinguished legal experts, and marketing professionals to offer legislative updates, music business insights and practical advice on navigating an artistic career in the 21st century.

For more listings on other resources, artist calls, and other opportunities, check our website.