New Hours of Operation:
Beginning on March 1st, Katie's Kids will be open from 6:45am until 5:30pm. All drop off and pick up procedures will remain the same.
Winter Closures:
In the event of inclement weather, Katie's Kids closure information will be located on our website, Facebook page, and the following media outlets: WJBC, WBNQ, WBWN.
Reminder - Annual Paperwork:
Each year we are required by DCFS to update the contact information from all of our families. We recently distributed a blank admission form along with your new financial agreement. If you have not already done so, please fill both of those documents out and return to the Leadership Team as soon as possible. If you need a new copy of these documents, please see the links below.
Teacher Appreciation:
It is that time of year again! Teacher Appreciation Week is May 3rd - 7th this year and we are already thinking of ways to let our staff know that they are loved and appreciated. As we begin to plan for that week there are multiple ways that you can help!
- Provide monetary donations via paypal (link at end of the newsletter) or at the front desk
- Share your COVID friendly ideas via
- Volunteer to provide items when the time comes. (More info to come on that in the future.)