SBIR/STTR Seed Funding News for Virginia's
Small Business Research Community
In This Issue
  • NSF SBIR/STTR Proposal Prep Virtual Classroom -- Feb. 4 (Low Cost)
  • Multi-Agency SBIR Overview Webinar -- March 18 (Low Cost)
  • Selling SBIR Technology to the Government -- Two Part Series March 4 & 11
  • Venture Finance Planning for Early Stage Tech Firms -- Three Part Series March 17, 24, 31
  • SBIR/STTR for University -- March 25 (FREE)
  • NEW Commonwealth Commercialization Fund (CCF) -- Exec. Summary Due Feb. 8
  • Virtual Coffee Hour with CIT's GAP Seed Fund -- Jan. 22 (FREE)
  • SBIR / STTR Schedules
NSF SBIR/STTR Proposal Prep Virtual Classroom
February 4, 2021 -- 8:30AM-2PM
The NSF SBIR/STTR program funds almost EVERY type of technology, awarding over $200M each year to high risk, high payoff technology R&D with a clear commercialization opportunity. Join our live Virtual Classroom for an Interactive, 5 hour overview of the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) grant programs. In addition to up-to-date information on the SBIR/STTR programs, we’ll take a deep dive into the NSF grant mechanisms, review how to navigate the NSF website and research projects qualities that would be considered Basic vs Translational, how to use web tools and how to avoid common pitfalls. Our virtual SBIR Classroom features activities and regular interaction with participants. Get your questions ready!

This event funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.
TIME: 8:30AM-2PM Eastern
COST: Virginia based companies $25; All Others $75
Complete Agenda on CIT Event Calendar HERE
"Multi-Agency SBIR/STTR Overview" Webinar
March 18 -- 8:30AM-2PM Eastern
This 5 hour session will present an overview of all participating SBIR Agencies, with information about funding amounts, how to approach, standard deadlines, tips for preparation, major differences from other agencies, and next steps. We'll then have more detailed discussion on some of the major agencies such as DOD, NIH and NSF. A great session to understand what agencies are a fit for your and how to begin.
This session is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.
TIME: 8:30AM-2PM Eastern
PRICE: Virginia Based Co's & University, $25, All Others $75.
Selling SBIR Technology to the Government -- Two-Part Series
March 4 & 11, 2021
Customer Capture begins In Your Phase I SBIR
March 4, 11:00AM- Noon
How will you leverage your SBIR/STTR Phase I project into future funded work and sales revenue? Identifying your markets and principals early in Phase I is a key success criteria. Join us in this webinar to learn specific steps towards long-term viability.
Cost: Virginia based co’s & University $15, All others $45

The Business of Phase III SBIR at DOD
March 11, 11:00AM-Noon
Just exactly what is a SBIR/STTR Phase III and what does it take to get there? Does the SBIR/STTR program fund Phase III? Answer: no. Join us in this webinar to understand who funds DoD Phase III and how you can access those funds.
Cost: Virginia based co’s & University $15, All others $45

These sessions are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Presented by Randy Simpson of TechOpp Consulting
Venture Finance Planning for Early Stage Tech Firms -- 3 Part Series
March 17, 24 & 31, 2021
Understanding the Differences in Angel, Seed, and Venture Capital
March 17, 2021, 12:30PM-1:00PM
Early stage companies considering a pathway to secure dilutive funding from Angel, Seed, and Venture Capital may not understand the nuances between these various forms of funding. Understanding these differences can be key to approaching each with the correct intentions and expected outcomes. 
Cost: Virginia based firms & university, FREE; All others $25

Customer Discovery & Market Opportunity -- What Investors are Looking For
March 24, 12:30PM-1:00PM
When approaching outside investors, what do they expect in terms of market size and other key aspects of the opportunity you are presenting to them?  
Cost: Virginia based firms & university, FREE; All others $25

Tips to Developing an Effective Investor Pitch Deck
March 31, 12:30PM-1:00PM
The Investor “Pitch Deck” is one of the most important documents you will create when seeking outside capital. This session will review a standard pitch deck, including the level of detail that it should include. 
Cost: Virginia based co’s & University FREE, All others $25

These sessions are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Presented by Marco Rubin, Senior Investment Director, CIT GAP Funds
"University Participation in SBIR/STTR -- Eligibility Rules, PI Requirements, Compliance, and More"
March 25, 2021
This session is designed for university officials at Virginia based institutions, tech transfer offices, university researchers, university based entrepreneurship programs, and other university related programs interested in supporting entrepreneurship and collaborative research via the SBIR and STTR programs. University researchers participating in an SBIR or STTR project - either as a sub-contractor or as the small business owner - must be aware of the specific rules for SBIR/STTR that may differ from other projects. Understanding these rules are critical to successful participation and compliance. This webinar covers eligibility rules for SBIR/STTR, Primary Investigator Requirements, sub-contracting rules/limitations, University lab vs. Small business facilities, "Waste, Fraud and Abuse" efforts by the Federal Agencies, and more. 
This event is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Presented by: BBC ETC.
TIME: 3PM-4:30PM
COST: Virginia based companies/Va. University/ Va. University related programs: FREE; All Others $25
New Commonwealth Commercialization Fund Grant Program Announced!
$100K Grants for Eligible Small Businesses in Virginia
FINAL Program Overview Webinar on Feb. 3
The Center for Innovative Technology (CIT) announced today its Request for Proposals (RFP) for the first solicitation under the newly formed Commonwealth Commercialization Fund (CCF). 

The CCF was launched on July 1, 2020 to foster innovative and collaborative commercialization efforts in Virginia, consolidating two legacy programs: the Commonwealth Research Commercialization Fund (CRCF) and the Virginia Research Investment Fund (VRIF). In FY2021, CIT is conducting a single CCF solicitation for young Virginia companies that have strong potential to drive economic growth in Virginia, including through revenue and job creation. Up to $7 million is available to award; a one-to-one match is required.
This competitive round will provide grants up to $100,000 to support companies' commercialization and market entry goals through product or service development, market research, intellectual property protection, marketing, pilots, and more. High-potential projects are sought in seven strategically important sectors: agricultural and environmental technologies, autonomous systems, clean energy, cybersecurity, data science and analytics, life and health sciences, and space and satellites. All Virginia companies that meet the eligibility criteria are invited to seek funding.
Complete information on the FY2021 round is available from

FINAL Virtual Briefing set to take place on Feb. 3. For times and to register, please visit HERE

Virtual Coffee Hour with CIT's Investment Team
February 5, 9AM-10AM
Join us on Friday for Coffee with CIT GAP Funds. We will be breaking into small groups to help each other build our businesses. FREE -- To register click here: RSVP.

SBIR/STTR Schedules

  • Opened for submission Jan. 14, Closes Feb. 18, 2021.
Closing Dates: Jan. 5 (2021), April 5, Sept. 5 

Opened Oct. 15, 202, Closed January 13, 2021

Updated Deadlines Pending. Submit online Project Pitch to receive approval to submit full proposal.

Closed Jan. 8, 2021

OPENED Release 2 Phase I Topics Opened Nov. 9, 2020, LOI Jan. 4, 2021, Closes Feb. 22, 2021

Closed Jan. 21, 2021 at 11AM Eastern.

CLOSED 1/15/2021

Pre-Solicitation Open Jan. 5 through Feb. 2, 2021 at 5PM.
Informational Webinar tentatively set for Feb. 11 at 1PM Eastern

Opened Jan. 15, 2021, Closes April 5, 2021

Next Release Date Approx. June, 2021.

Closed Oct. 26, 2020
Closed August 28, 2020  
CIT Supports Virginia's SBIR/STTR Community
CIT's Federal Funding Assistance Programs supports the outreach, mentoring and training of the SBIR and STTR programs for the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Support includes:
  • Low Cost SBIR/STTR Training at locations across the Commonwealth of Virginia;
  • Special Webinar training (live and recorded);
  • Mentoring services;
  • Consultant referrals;
  • Small grants to support hiring of expert consultants;
  • Introductions to CIT's GAP and CCF programs;
  • Matching Grants (Via the CCF program)

Robert Brooke
Director, Federal Funding Assistance Program
Center for Innovative Technology
Center for Innovative Technology | | 703-689-3000 | Website