A Message From Your Friends at Core Title

We are now a month into 2021 and it feels very much like 2020. 
While the pandemic has been tough on all of us, something surprising happened - Real Estate transactions are happening at a record pace. If you are on this email list, you most likely are in the industry and have seen this yourself. Will it continue? One thing 2020 taught us is that no one knows what to expect next. Our hope is that the industry remains healthy and we can all stay busy, keep people employed and do good work. Whatever your needs are, we will be here to help you out. That's our CORE promise.
We Are Growing!

We are very excited to let you know that we just added incredible new staff in 3 key departments. These new members of the Core team are all title insurance industry veterans. Please help us welcome to Core:
Philip Narotzky, Esq - Senior Vice President & Underwriting Counsel
Nancy Mirsky- Vice President of Client Relations & Production
Luis Rivera - Recording Clerk & Production
The addition of these 3 industry veterans will enable us to continue and enhance the service we provide and you expect and deserve from Core Title Services.

Please reach out to us for an introduction to our new team members.
The Core team is stronger than ever and we are ready to help you with all your title insurance needs!


On December 15, 2020, Governor Cuomo signed into law A.5630A /S.3923A, which reforms the NYS Power of Attorney process in New York.
General Obligations Law §5-1501, et. seq. has undergone significant changes. These changes shall be effective for any power of attorney executed on or after June 14, 2021. (Note that the amended statute does not invalidate or render any existing powers of attorney ineffective).
The most significant change occurred in §5-1504. This section is titled "Acceptance of Statutory Short Form Power of Attorney" and has been amended to provide third parties accepting a power of attorney in good faith security from liability in the event the power of attorney is not genuine or is invalid. In addition, the statute provides a process by which a third party may reject a power of attorney for "reasonable cause". The statute provides a list of what is considered "reasonable cause" and it remains virtually unchanged except for deletions of references to the statutory gift rider. The process for rejecting a power of attorney is time sensitive so please review the process carefully.
Another area that experienced significant change is GOL §5-1501 titled "Application & Definitions". Section (n) of the Power of Attorney has been modified. The Statutory Gift Rider has been eliminated. This rider allowed the principal to expand or contract the powers given to the agent especially in the area of gifting real or personal property of the principal. Instead of the rider, any modifications to the powers of the agent must be provided in the "Modifications" section of the power of attorney. By way of example, if in a real estate transfer the agent is signing a no consideration deed to transfer the real property to the principal's son who is obtaining a mortgage, the modification section of the power of attorney presented to the title company must allow for this transfer. It is "reasonable cause" to reject the power of attorney presented if this power is not provided.
Another change in the statute concerns the principal's signature in creating the power of attorney. The principal (with capacity) may now allow "a person other than the person designated as agent" to sign the appointed person's signature on behalf of the principal at the direction and presence of the principal. The signature shall read: principal (printed or signed) by appointed person (printed or signed). Additionally, pursuant to a chapter amendment made to the bill, the new power of attorney will require two witnesses.
Finally, the definition of "Statutory short form power of attorney" has been amended so that it is acceptable to present a power of attorney that "substantially conforms" to the form required pursuant to section 5-1513 notwithstanding, that the form contains (i) an insignificant mistake in wording, spelling, punctuation or formatting, or the use of bold or italic type; or (ii) uses language that is essentially the same as but not identical to the statutory form including utilizing language from a previous statute." Substantial conformity does not depend on whether the power of attorney fails to contain insignificant language or clauses.

If you have any questions on this, please contact underwriting counsel for more info.
TitleTech is Coming This Thursday!

Come join the NYSLTA for their first ever Title Tech event. Our own Andrew Zankel has been working on putting this event together as Chair of the NYSLTA Technology Committee. Check out the press release below and let us know if you have any questions.

Title Tech Expo-Virtual Edition is an Online Conference for Land Title Insurers, Real Property Attorneys and Mortgage Bankers
Event Will Take Place on February 4, 2021
New York, NY - The New York State Land Title Association (NYSLTA) will be hosting a virtual Title Tech Expo, an online conference for land title insurers, real property attorneys and mortgage bankers. The event will take place on February 4, 2021, with the virtual doors opening at 8:30 AM. Title Tech will allow title professionals to engage on key issues for the title insurance industry and related professions in New York State.
"As technology continues to change the way real estate is conducted, it is imperative that the title industry evolve and stay up to date with the latest trends," said Andrew Zankel, Chair of the NYSLTA Technology Committee. "The virtual Title Tech Expo will serve as a guide to all things technology as they relate to the real estate industry."
"NYSLTA is excited and proud to host the virtual Title Tech Expo and show that the title industry is growing and evolving," said Bob Treuber, Executive Vice President, NYSLTA. "This conference will allow those in the title insurance industry and related areas to engage on key issues and hear from some of the top individuals in title insurance, law, lending and technology."
Title Tech's discussions and panels will feature:
  • An in-depth discussion on Blockchain;
  • A multi-disciplinary panel on Remote Notarization;
  • A Continuing Learning Education (CLE) session on cyber-security; and
  • A Fireside Chat focusing on the implementation of automation into the business enterprise.
Blockchain Panel
Alexander Kanen, Esq. - Kanen Law Firm, Wall Street Blockchain Alliance
Andrea Tinianow, Esq. - Delaware Blockchain Initiative, Connector Street
John Dean Markunas - Principal Consultant - Power of Chain International Consultancy
David Thelander, Esq. - Gravel & Shea PC, Digital Ledger Governance Association
Remote Notarization Panel

Christopher Hultzman, First American Title Insurance Company

Rick Triola, NotaryCam
Richard Bramhall, Westcor Land Title Insurance Company
Fireside Chat - Implementing Automation
Charlotte Brown, Qualia
Patrick Roe, Charles Jones
Phil O'Hara, Municipal Data Services
CLE Panel on Cyber-Security
Mark Berman, Ganfer Shore Leeds & Zauderer LLP
Jason Ganfer, Ganfer Shore Leeds & Zauderer LLP
James Thanasules, AmTrust Title Insurance
Michael Denicola, Federal Bureau of Investigation
More information on the virtual Title Tech Expo is available here. Registration is available here.
*Please note that ticket sales end at 5pm on Tuesday February 2nd*
About New York State Land Title Association
The New York State Land Title Association, Inc. advances the common interests of all those engaged in the business of abstracting, examining and insuring titles, as well as otherwise facilitating real estate transactions and interest. The Association promotes business and general welfare of its Members, real estate professionals, homeowners and all who use and benefit from the services of the land title profession.

Core Title Needs Your Help!

We are in the process of developing a new website launching in late February to bring you cutting edge design and functionality. We need your help and have a request for you, our customers and friends. We are going to have a Testimonial section as part of our site and were hoping you could send a short statement, if you are a happy customer. We are proud to serve you and would love a chance to showcase why our clients feel we are the best title company in the business.
If you would like to send over a note, comment or quote, please email it to [email protected]
Thank you!

For more information about us and to place an order
visit our website
Contact us at 516-200-9626
or email us
Larry Gross - [email protected]
Andrew Zankel - [email protected]
Ira Zankel - [email protected]
CORE Title Services, LLC
One Hollow Lane, Suite 309, Lake Success, NY 11042