Thanks to careful planning and countless community partnerships with groups that include Allegheny County Health Department, Allegheny Health Network, Allied Security, Community Human Services, and Community Kitchen, DHS's Safe Haven Hotel has now provided isolation and quarantine space for more than 700 high-risk individuals.
Child safety game is an engaging way to deliver important information
Parents and caregivers now have a new, fun way to refresh their knowledge around how to keep children safe.
OEI unveils new resources
The Office of Equity and Inclusion (OEI) – with support from the Collaborative for Applied Learning, Trauma and Technical Support (CATTS) team – has created and recently released two video series designed to educate staff.
We welcome your story ideas, employee news and comments. If you’ve got news you’d like to see in DHS News, please contact Mark Bertolet at mark.bertolet@alleghenycounty.usor 412-350-3439.