Dear Pastoral Assistants of Faith Formation,
Pope Francis, referring to catechists, offers several phrases that describe this ministry. Below are the most outstanding ones:
"The catechist is aware of having received a gift, the gift of faith, and gives it as a gift to others. And this is beautiful. And he doesn't keep his so much percent to himself/herself! Everything he/she receives he gives. It's not a business. It is a pure gift: gift received and gift transmitted. "
"Catechist is who guards and nourishes the memory of God; he/she custody it in himself/herself and knows how to awaken it in others."
"To be a catechist means to lead to the encounter with Jesus with words and with life, becoming a witness."
"To be catechists. Do not work as catechists. You work as a catechist because you like teaching... But if you are not a catechist, it is not worth it! You will not be fruitful. Being a catechist is a vocation."
"Although sometimes it can be difficult, you work hard, with a lot of effort, and you do not see the desired results, educating in the faith is beautiful. It is, perhaps, the best inheritance we can leave: faith. To educate in the faith, to make it grow."
Let us meditate on these phrases and apply them to our work. Thank you very much for your dedication to promoting the faith in your community.
Carlos Carrillo
Director of Faith Formation