Other State Updates and NSPM References
Oregon (Docket UM-2141): In the Oregon Public Utilities Commission Staff Report on Portland General Electric’s (PGE) Flexible Load Multi-Year Plan, Staff comment (pg. 15) that they are encouraged by PGE’s work on developing a cost-effectiveness tool based on NSPM guidance to analyze non-wires solutions in distribution system planning (see PGE’s Plan, Chapter 7). Staff invites PGE to share their findings and recommendations as soon as practicable. The Commission adopted Staff’s recommendation in Order 22-023. Meanwhile, E4TheFuture and Synapse Energy Economics will be presenting on the NSPM process to the DSP Stakeholder Meeting on February 17, 2022.
Kentucky (Docket 2021-00393): In January, the Kentucky Public Service Commission adopted principles for establishing new net metering rates that align with the NSPM (see Order in Kentucky Power Rate Case 2020-00174, pgs. 21-24). More recently, in data requests by the Kentucky Resources Council (on behalf of Joint Intervenors) regarding the Joint IRP of Louisville Gas and Electric and Kentucky Utilities, the Council points to the NSPM as a framework for BCA for DERs and as guidance on addressing multiple DERs and rate impacts (pg. 5).
Colorado (Decision C21-0549): Last fall, the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies set forth rules regulating electric utilities in distribution system planning, stating that the NSPM framework should be considered in non-wire alternatives (NWA) cost-benefit analysis (see Rule 3535, pg. 30). See how Colorado is likely to increase investments in DERs through DSP.